Chapter 75: Thin Blue Lines

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We could live

For 1000 years

But if I hurt you,

I'd make wine from your tears

'Never Tear Us Apart' by INXS


With the departure of your good friend, you commit yourself fully to your work, knowing you want to make the most out of your time with Eren and the others. You accompany the band as they perform, do press junkets, film commercials, video, and photoshoots, all while providing them with advice, talking to officials on their behalf, and keeping the always guarded eyes of the label reps as happy as possible. You just need the band and label to thrive for as long as this tour goes on. Whatever happens after that is between them.

As for you and Eren, like you vowed you would, you spend every minute of free time with each other that you can, somehow falling deeper in love with each other as you do. Despite the constant moving from city to city, you two have managed to carve out your own small slice of domesticity by committing to use hotel rental suites with kitchenettes where you can prepare small meals. You also pack lunches for each other, already so sick of hotel and road food by the end of the first month. Once the gang sees what you're doing, they all decide to partake in making lunches for each other, swapping paper bags whenever they can as a small act of friendship during these trying times. The seven of you even gather in your suite for a shared cooked meal every now and then.

In mid-February, your tour bus pulls into the stadium parking lot of Marley City, the biggest city on the Marleyan continent. You and Eren are asleep together in one of the few cabin beds, both of you completely exhausted. Bob, one of the roadies who's actually begun to warm to you and the band, comes over to open the curtain and punch Eren in the arm to wake him up and he groans and flips him off.

"Marley City, Jägermeister; and you thought you were tired before."

You and Eren try and stretch out despite how cramped the small cabin is and he sits up to jump down to the floor before holding his arms out to help you jump. You groan and wince as you do, your muscles tensing from the landing.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, just wished I used the ladder instead," you laugh and wince again. You both stretch and Eren stretches more and yawns loudly, his shirt lifting enough to show his pubic trail under his belly button.

"I know I said I hated hotels but fuck, I'm so glad to go to one tonight. I need to stretch myself, I'm too tall for these tiny ass cabins."

"Well just be thankful we have them when we do, sleeping in those chairs is horrible." You shuffle back down the aisle as people file out to head into the stadium. Eren waits for you as you get out your briefcase. You look over your shoulder and see him and laugh. "Eren, get going. You've got an interview to go prep for." Eren just smiles as  he looks at you dreamily and you stand up laughing. "What? What is it?"

"Mmm nothing baby, there's just something different about you..." Eren murmurs happily.


"Yeah baby, you're glowing in this sunset, you look really sexy," Eren sighs as he moves closer to give you a kiss on the head as you sigh.

"I don't feel sexy, I feel all sore and tired," you moan under his touch as you massage your neck.

"I know baby, I know this tour's taking a toll on you. At least it'll be over in just a month and a half right? At least we're halfway through?"

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