Chapter 63: The Morning After

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The next morning, you open your eyes slowly to discover Eren's cradled in your arms and sleeping peacefully, his chest rising so perfectly with every breath. You look around the room and feel a heavy happy sigh leave your body. The cabin looks so serene as the sun rises over it, veiling it in a golden glow that catches the small particles of dust and illuminates them in the air.

You turn and look down at Eren, nestled into your breast so contently, his arms wrapped around your stomach as he sleeps soundly on you. You smile and reach out to caress his hair and tuck it behind his ear and kiss his head lovingly. You can hardly believe it but you're holding your fiancée in your arms, and it feels like the most natural thing in the world to you. You look up at the ceiling and a small gasp of delight escapes your lips. You're engaged. And this time you're marrying someone who you know treats you with the love, care, and respect you deserve.

Eren lets out a heavy sigh, his long hair laying across his face and your chest as he keeps sleeping so peacefully on you. You caress his cheek as you think about what life here in this cabin will entail for both of you. A life that will be secluded yes but filled with love. You realize just how easily you now see yourself living a quaint and quiet life with Eren. Months ago, this thought would've been met with skepticism but now it feels like the easiest decision you've ever made, just like deciding to say yes. You imagine what life up here will entail; you two will live off the land, occasionally going into the nearby town of Jinae for food and supplies. Once the heat dies down with Tengen, you can start going back to Shiganshina to visit Zeke and your friends. You may even move back into your house, or maybe you'll sell it and leave Shiganshina altogether. You'll make your life up here making music, taking photographs of every moment, every memory, living just for yourselves and each other, with no one but you to call the shots. Perhaps in a year or so, you'll have your first child.

The thought of having a baby with Eren fills you with such optimism and joy, a natural progression of the love you have for each other. You've come to realize just how much your reaction to children with Eren contrasts with how you reacted to actually almost having one with Porco and you smile to yourself. In the end, you had made the right decision to say no all those years ago. Now you're with a man who you want to be the father of your children. You smile to yourself as you think of Eren with your child in his arms, it's an image you so anxiously await seeing one day in the not-too distant future.

Eren stirs and stretches as he sits up and yawns loudly. You smile up at him, your fingers still wrapped in his hair. 

"Mmm morning baby," Eren murmurs as he pecks you on the lips. 

"Morning," you smile. Eren removes himself from the bed to go to the bathroom downstairs and you wolf whistle jokingly as you watch his cute firm ass walk over to the staircase.

"Be sure to bring that ass back in here when you're done," you yawn and wink at Eren. 

He grins and nods before briskly heading down the stairs. You sigh as you cuddle back into your pillows and turn onto your side. Eren walks back upstairs a few minutes later to see you dozing once more.

"Baby," he says softly, "wake up babe." 

He throws back the blanket and slides into bed, scooching over so he can cuddle into you from behind and he lays a soft kiss into your neck as he wraps both arms around your breasts. '

"Mmmm baby, wake up," he murmurs into your ear.

"Mmm," you hum as your eyelids flutter in half sleep. 

"Babe, I wanna go grab food. We don't have anything to eat here." 

You hum again as you nestle more into your pillows. Eren sighs as he runs his hand down the curvature of your body and kisses your exposed neck again. He presses his stirring cock against your ass and moves his hand down to pump it till it's fully engorged, a moan escaping his lips as he does. He sighs as he holds and rubs it against you.

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