*Chapter 35: Back to Work

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You two wake up earlier than usual, the golden light only just starting to creep across the sky. Sometime during the night, Eren had rolled off you and brought you sleepily towards him and rolled you over to one side so you two could spoon. Now as you both stir, Eren kisses your neck deeply and rubs your breast before his hand slides down to your throbbing clit and starts rubbing it tightly between his thumb and forefinger. You moan hungrily as your head nestles into your pillow and he responds by kissing your neck even more.

You can feel his cock stirring and hardening as he rubs it into your back and your ass instinctually grinds into it, as soft moans escape his lips. He happily sighs as he leans down to kiss you deeply while he raises your thigh to wrap his arm around it and in one expert motion, he slides his cock inside you. You feel your pussy twitch as it happily wraps around him. He lets out a slow moan as he pumps into you and his arm, rested under the pillow, reaches up to hold your head in place as your breaths catch in your throat. 

His hand turns your face up to him and he gazes down at you as he breathes loudly and moans in pleasure. His lips crash into yours again, and his tongue slides in and out of your mouth as his piercing scrapes against the roof. His thrusts get harder as he pushes into you deeper and your back arches instinctually. You turn your face to the mirror panels, and your head leans back into his chest, your arm reaching back to hold his head.

"Fuck, I love seeing you stretched out like this baby," Eren groans as he lets go of your lifted leg so he can wrap both hands around your breasts. "Tell me you love being fucked by me," he breathes into your ear as he keeps pounding you from behind. 

"Ohhh I love it so much, don't stop Eren," you moan breathlessly as you feel yourself being fucked into a coma as his cock keeps greedily pumping into you.

Eren breathes heavily as he moves both hands down to squeeze into your hips, holding them tightly as he starts pounding hard into them. His forehead moves to look down and rests against your back as he watches his cocks pound you from behind, your ass bouncing from his thrusts. You twist your hips to reach for him again and he moves to lean his mouth over yours, his lips hungrily enveloping yours as you both groan in pleasure. As his thrusts get faster, his hand resting under your hip reaches back up to grope at your bouncing breasts, squeezing them roughly. His other hand shoots down to grab your leg again, stretching it fully upward

You both cry out in pleasure as you cum closely together, your wetness crashing into his pounding dick and throbbing balls before he lets out a guttural groan and shoots his cum up inside of you. His cock twitches erratically as it feels your pussy contract around it. You both breathe heavily as you try to catch your breath and he drops your leg to rub and massages his hand into your hip, nuzzling his face into your hair and sighing contently. His arm gives your breasts one last playful squeeze and moves up to rest under your neck, his hand idly laying against your sweat-drenched forehead.

Your eyes flutter as you catch your breath and feel Eren slide out of you, hesitant as if he'd stay in you forever if he could. Eren moans contently and closes his eyes to go back to sleep but you're fully awake, staring up at your side table's digital clock, dreading that it's already 6:30am. In a few hours you'll have to stand face to face in front of Tengen, tell him what your plans are with him and your job going forward.

You sniff as you feel an overwhelming sense of uncertainty grip you, you're even less sure now of what you'll do with Tengen then you were last night before Eren and you made love. Your breath catches as you realize what you've just thought. Eren and you hadn't just fucked, you had made love, held each other tenderly, kissed each other passionately as if your lives depended on it. You couldn't remember the last time a tryst had felt this...real. Not since the happy days with Porco before his possessiveness and your desire to be free took over.

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