Chapter 45: The Tree and the Pomegranate

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The following week goes by without much incident. You arrived on Monday to discover an notification sent to your work email, telling you Tengen would be away from the office all week. You sighed a tremendous breath of relief at that, just thankful for a week to yourself. You couldn't help but smirk though, you were sure that the crack you heard when Eren's fist connected with Tengen's nose has nothing to do with his sudden vacation.

The rest of the week came and went with nothing more than Eren's friends showing up occasionally to check in on you. Reiner even brought lunch on Wednesday for you to eat together, which you couldn't have been more grateful for. You were truly touched by how much they cared, even while knowing Tengen was away, they still came by to see if you were okay.

On Thursday morning, you wake up early beside Eren and decide to call in a vacation day, you've more than earned it. Today is your Aunt Grace's birthday and you've decided to drive out to Stohess to visit her. You had called days ahead to notify her care home's staff and they warned you her dementia was stronger than ever nowadays.

You lie in bed and watch Eren as he sleeps soundly, snoring lightly as hair falls over his face. You pull your phone out from under your pillow and flash a text to Rochelle and Frida.


Hey girls, I know its been a long time since we hung out and that we haven't been talking all that much to begin with but I'd love to meet you two for a quick lunch today. 12 at the Black Rock?

You soon receive messages from both women, telling you they can do lunch as long as it's a quick one and you smile, so ready to get back in with the friends you've gradually drifted away from over the past year, save for hangouts here and there.

You grin at the day you have planned, you'll be busy with lunch and the hours long trip to Stohess to visit Grace. You look over at Eren and plant a kiss on his cheek before you drift back to sleep.

You stir a few hours later as the sun fully rises, and your room is bathed in bright daylight. You raise your head and rub your eyes, feeling like you just slept for several days and you notice Eren's started to stir too as he's woken up by your sudden movements. You yawn and stretch off the bed and begin peeling off your pajamas and putting them in your hamper.

Eren opens his eyes languidly and watches you quietly as you walk over to your mirror-panelled wall to examine yourself in your nakedness. The cuts on your ass from Tengen have all disappeared and been replaced with some ugly red scars that run down and across the length of your ass.  You sigh sadly as you hold your arms and look at them as Eren watches you.

"Come on my love, you know they don't look that bad," he soothes as he climbs out of bed to come and stand behind you.

"They do and I hate that I'll always have them..." you say miserably.

Eren runs his hand softly down the curvature of your ass and turns you to face the mirror fully.

"You're so beautiful..." he murmurs. "I wish you could see it as much as I do..."

"Hmm," you say as all you can see is a body that's been battered one too many times lately. Your eyes fall to the ground sadly and Eren holds you as he tries to cheer you up.

He wraps his arms around your waist and breasts and pulls you back a little till you're pressed right into him. He nestles into your hair and stares at the two of you through the mirror as you move your head over to give him more room.

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