Chapter 73: Never Tear Us Apart

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I was standing,

You were there,

Two worlds collided

'Never Tear Us Apart' by INXS


In your dreams, you and Eren sit together under the tree laughing and kissing as he plays his guitar. He gives you a pomegranate seed, smiling widely as he does and you smile and slip it between your lips. He gives you a longing passionate kiss when you're finished before singing as he plucks his strings. You grin and laugh as you get up, dusting off your long flowing blood-red dress and begin to dance softly to Eren's music. He laughs as he watches you and you lean down for one last passionate kiss before your eye catches a wild bunch of white lilies down the hill.

You run down to pluck them when a drop of blood splatters on of them and as you lean down to get a better look, large arms reach up from the ground to grab you. Your eyes widen in terror as the arms wrap around your body and you try to get away from them but the harder you struggle, the tighter they get. You start kicking and thrashing as they pull you down to the underworld and Eren stops playing, his eyes widening as he realizes whats happening. He gets up and reaches out and calls your name and you reach out to call his desperately.

You finally manage to struggle enough to get out of the hands grasp and they slide back down into the depths of the Earth. You and Eren share a look of complete relief and both begin to run to each other but as you do, you step on a snake that whips up and bites into your ankle. Your heart and soul and body sink and you feel yourself fall through the earth as Eren looks on in shock and horror. You fall into a void and see Eren try to reach down and grab you but your hands only barely touch before he disappears from your sight forever. You keep falling, falling, falling, you fall for what feels like years before you fall past a scene of a young girl. She's blonde, dressed in dirty old shawl dress, her feet in worn-down sandals. She's facing a bright tree as is Eren, and when they both turn to face you, you see her eyes are veiled in darkness. The dream goes black and you are nothing.

"No matter what happens, you will fall," you hear a nondescript voice speak into your ear.

Your eyes open slowly from the dream to find yourself staring at that same dark twinkling sky. Eren's sleeping next to you, his head resting against yours as you both lay on your backs to face the stars. You breathe calmly, not remembering a thing except those final words;

No matter what happens, you will fall

The next day, LaMarcus walks you both to the island's small airplane runway for a chartered flight out to Odiha where you'll link back up with the band. He walks you right up to the steps as you and Eren walk hand-in-hand, strong together once more. LaMarcus turns to Eren and gives him a big tight hug, the tightest one yet and this time Eren reciprocates. 

"Thank you," LaMarcus says as he lets tears flow down his cheeks. "Thank you for being here with her, please I'm begging you, keep her safe. Enough has happened to her for one lifetime." 

He pulls away and Eren nods solemnly, "I promise I'll always fight to keep her safe."

"God bless you man," LaMarcus sniffs and pumps a fist on his chest as a sign of respect. He then turns to you and you two share a hug, quiet in grief. "Take care of yourself... I don't wanna lose you too," he says. 

"I will, you tell Reina I love her, I hope to see her and the baby when I can." LaMarcus pulls back and sniffs as he grabs a picture out of his hoodie pocket and gives it to you. 

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