Chapter 83: If I Lose It All (Eren's POV)

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If I lose it all

Lose it all

Lose it all

'The Rumbling' by SiM


Eren speeds down the Marley highway, his face only lit by the dim lighting of the console. He rips his coat hood off and pulls his hair tie out as he opens the windows, letting the wind whip through his long dark brown hair, his green eyes blazing in rage.

He needed to get the fuck out of that miserable cramped cottage, smelling of old mildew and the stink of the sea. He needs some time to process what's going on, where his life goes from here.

Zeke was right, Eren hates to admit it, but Zeke spoke into existence what Eren had been outrunning these last few days, he might lose you both forever. He has to face the fact that he may never see his wife and baby again and he has no fucking idea what he'll do with his life if that happens. His sorrow eats at his heart, but he's tired of being glued to all this fucking sorrow. He needs to feel something, anything else. Rage, power, he'll take anything right now if it means he can be separated from this grief for five fucking minutes.

He speeds past a divey rock bar attached to a motel on the highway and brakes to a stop before reversing back several yards to swing the car into the parking lot.

He gets out and slams the car door before storming into the place, his hands in his coat pockets as he passes bikers and college frat boys hanging out in the lot with open liquor. He tries to walk into the bar, but a bouncer stops him.

"Uh uh, Pretty Boy. Lemme see some ID." Eren grumbles and hands over his license and the bouncer smirks. "24 in a few weeks huh? You sure you're in the right place kid?"

"Yeah I'm sure," Eren mutters as he snatches his ID back and goes in.

There's heavy rock and metal music playing as young people and some old bikers warily co-mingle, always spoiling for a fight. Eren feels at home here, these were his people long before he met and fell in love, became a domesticated pretty boy. He had his dreams in his grasp before they were so cruelly snatched away and now he's back to where he was before. Maybe he wouldn't hurt as much if he just stayed like this from the beginning.

Eren goes up to the bar counter and orders a pint of the cheapest, strongest beer they have. He drinks it as quickly as he can, letting the beer pass through his mouth and drop straight down his throat with few gulps. He orders another beer and does the same, feeling barely anything as the beer goes to his head. He orders another and then another and slows down now that he feels the tiniest brain fog. He broods over the pint, barely looking over it as his thoughts return to you as Vitamin R by Chevelle plays.

You would've hated this boozy dirty place, he thinks to himself sadly as he hears people yell and fight each other at another side of the bar.

It's typical, create a world

A special place of my design

To never cope, or never care

Just use the key, cause he's alone

Eren's eyes widen as he hears the lyrics to Vitamin R and he hazily pulls the necklace containing his father's key, his key to his cabin. The cabin you were supposed to run away to together and spend your life with one another. He should've just taken you there long ago, he should've taken you there when he first suggested it, that day on the beach when he told you how much he really loved you.

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