*Chapter 77: Yamanaiame (Endless Rain)

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Chasing the light, it's blowing right through the air

We're gonna keep on fighting for our dreams

'Yamanaiame' by Hiroyuki Sawano

You lie sequestered in your motel room for the next three days as Eren and Levi argue with the label representatives about his right to cancel his media appearances and concerts to stay back and take care of you. John and Ben come knocking on the second day of your confinement as you lay on your side severely nauseous in bed from morning sickness and the lingering head pains as Eren spoons you and rubs your back supportively, whispering sweet nothings in your ear. He sighs as he gets out of bed and goes to open the door, groaning openly when he sees the reps.

"Give me a minute, I'll be right back," he says to you before he motions to walk out.

"No, bring them in here," you sigh as you move to sit up in bed. Eren nods and lets them in, and they both bow and eye you in bed and scoff.

"She looks fine, I'm not sure why you need to miss another show because she's a little sick."

"She's not a little sick John," Eren seethes, "she was in the hospital and in a coma for fuck's sake."

"Well, she looks fine now," Ben shrugs.

"She is sitting right here and would like to be included in this conversation," you say angrily. "I was in a coma for five hours and you want to stand there and tell me I look fine?" You cross your arms, scowling at the reps. "Even I didn't think you could be this callous Ben, John."

They both look at each other and shuffle awkwardly. "We're sorry Rose, we really are. But this tour is a huge investment for Player Beat Records, we've compensated you well and we expect a return on our investment. We've already spoken to Kirstein-kun today, he was complaining about being sick with the flu. We have the same message for you as we did for him; recover quickly, the show must go on."

"Even if Jean ends up collapsing on stage?" you scoff in disbelief. The reps remain still, neither confirming or denying that statement.

"We're sorry, we are, but we're here to do our job. Eren, legally speaking, cancelling a show because your girlfriend is sick would be very bad for you if you plan to keep making music..."

"Fine, message received. Now get out," you say as Eren seethes angrily and crosses his arms in a huff. The two reps bow in obligation and leave. Eren slams the door behind them and walks over to sit on the bed next to you.

"I'm not leaving Rose..."

"You have to Eren, you don't have a choice. They're assholes but they're right, we could get in deep shit if you walk out on a concert. We have money but trust me, we're no match for a team of highly-paid lawyers."

Eren nods quietly as he looks away, "I don't care, I don't want to leave you. You shouldn't be alone right now." You reach out to grab at Eren's back, pulling him back. Eren smiles sadly as he shuffles to lay his head on your lap.You lovingly caress his long hair as he sighs heavily and nestles his head into your body.

"I love how much you care about me; you truly are the most loving, caring person I've ever met." You sigh as you look away sadly. "But we need to be realistic, we can't keep giving Tengen a reason to come after us." Eren nods quietly and places a hand on your belly, pressing down on it gently.

"I hope they can't hear any of this."

You nod quietly and sigh. "They might have to one day..."

Eren shakes his head adamantly, "Not if I have anything to do with it." You smile and lean down to kiss him as he lifts himself on his elbows.

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