Chapter 43: The Log Cabin (That Home)

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This is a place where I don't feel alone

This is a place that I call my home

- 'That Home' by The Cinematic Orchestra


You feel the light of the sun glowing on you and turning the dark world behind your closed eyes from black to a vibrant red. You stir slightly as your eyes struggle to open, wanting to stay shut and doze off again. When you finally open them, you realize you're still in Eren's car and sleeping on top of him as he's spread across the back seat. Zeke is still asleep where he laid his head down on the flattened passenger seat.

You groggily lift your head and look around outside. The foliage surrounding the house and driveway is a stunning hue of green as it's still glistening and shiny from last night's rain. You turn your head to look at Eren, sleeping soundly, his head laying on one arm as his other lies across your back. He looks so peaceful, as his chest rises and falls, and his long dark hair covers his face. You move up slowly and lay soft kisses on his closed eyelids and his long dark lashes flutter slightly as you lay your head back down on his chest. His heart beats steadily and you sigh and close your eyes as you listen to it along with the sounds of the outside world.

Eren murmurs in his sleep and pulls his arm out from under his head to lazily wrap around you. After a few minutes, he stirs awake and leans his head forward to kiss the top of your head and gently squeeze your ass.

"Mmm morning," he yawns and stretches.

"Good morning," you murmur back as you're jostled by his stretching.

"What time is it? Did we really spend the night out here?"

"It's gotta be around 9, and we did. And shockingly Zeke did too."

"Oh," Eren says as he turns his head to see his brother snoring and scratching himself. 

"He looks so peaceful," you whisper. "Let's not wake him just yet."

"Mmm no, let's. I'm starving, I want to go grab some breakfast, so he needs to go."

"Oh, let's bring him with us Eren," you reply. "The poor guy's lonely, he misses you a lot." You look at him and pout. Eren groans and rolls his eyes. 

"Fine, but he needs to get up now." 

He turns to face Zeke. "Oi, oi, idiot, wake up. If you want breakfast, you need to wake up." He lightly kicks the underside of the seat and Zeke swats his foot away and groans. He rolls over and yawns. 

"Ugh can't believe I slept in this car with you two," he yawns again and stretches. "Please tell me you didn't do anything back there."

"Of course not," you scoff as you pull up the blanket. "What do you take us for?"

"Lovesick teenagers," Zeke mumbles and Eren kicks the back of his seat much harder. 

"Don't insult us, not if you want to come with us for breakfast."

"Mmm okay sorry," Zeke yawns as he pulls the seat lever to bring it back up. "Give me a minute guys..." he says jumps out of the car to run inside.

"What the fuck is he doing?" Eren asks as you keep cuddling in the back.

"I don't know...." You murmur just as Zeke comes back out, adjusting a jacket over his shirt, stuffing something in the pocket. He climbs back into the passenger seat and grins at you both.

"Since neither of you have moved, can I make a suggestion on a place?"

You both sit up and you let out a big yawn as Eren stretches and sighs. "Ugh where is it?"

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