*Chapter 56: His Breaking Point

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Eren and you retreat back home a few hours later, him settled but still somewhat shaken. Despite your best efforts to cheer him up, he remains sullen for several days, retreating into his hoodies and depression. Sleeping, or attempting to sleep in your bed while you're at work. The only time he finds he can get a peaceful rest is when he's wrapped in your arms, nestled into your chest.

On Friday, he wakes up in slightly better spirits, kissing you awake and in a good mood. He's even able to make you breakfast as you get ready for work. You two kiss at the door, knowing you'll see him in a few hours for his recording session.

You find yourself at Player Beats' head office, and in the usual recording studio with Colt as you have Reiner in the isolation booth, singing back-up vocals for the song It's Done For, a song Eren had scribbled out in a notebook as he played the piano several weeks before. Now the song had been approved by the band and Levi, rehearsed, and recorded for the most part. After Reiner finishes his back-up vocals, Eren's scheduled to come in later to record his lead vocals.

Reiner moans into the mic during one section and you turn on the speak through to be heard in the booth.

"Great job so far, Reiner," you speak into your mic. "But for this section, you need to really lower your octave, you know, to blend in with the tempo and bass. You're feeling Eren's pain and responding, do you get that?"

Reiner listens intently and smiles at you, through the two-way glass. "Yeah, got it, thanks hun."

"Okay, take it from the start of the chorus," you say as you smile back at him.

After a few more takes, his vocal work on the song is finished and you get a message asking you to see Onyankapon upstairs. You head up through the elevator and get off one of the floors that's home to the artists and repertoire department and make your way over to Onyankapon's desk, making sure that your eyes don't instinctually wander over to Porco's.

Onyankapon's desk is by far the biggest and most impressive in this open floor and he looks up from his work and grins as you approach him.

"Ahh well if it isn't the talented Rose Woods-san come to grace me with her presence. How are you doing hun?"

You grin as you pull a nearby chair up to his desk. "I'm doing really well, thank you. Happy to finally be working with a band full-time, it's eye opening to be producing all day every day."

Onyankapon grins and sits back in his chair, crossing his arms. "Yes, I heard that once recordings done, you'll be working as their creative director, how do you feel about that? I never thought that would be something you'd like to do, not that I can't see the potential in you..."

"Well," you smile, "I really like the idea of being their CD, I think I have a real feel for this band, and I can just so easily visualize in my head the way I want to create their image and what kind of messages I want to send about them to the target audience."

Onyankapon smiles as he looks at you with kind eyes, "I don't suppose it's a bad thing you're the girlfriend to the lead singer."

You laugh at that and dip your head in acknowledgement, "I suppose that gives me quite the incentive to try my best of course."

"Well... I'm not much of a great knowledge source on the creative director side of things but please feel free to come to me if you need help with anything. I know the past few months have been pretty difficult on you so if there's any way I can help you out, I'll do whatever I can."

"Oh well... thank you so much," you smile at him, and he mirrors your smile. "I really appreciate you saying that."

Onyankapon looks up and his eyes widen in amusement. "Ahh...speaking of the lead singer of Paradis Devils."

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