Chapter 42: Dinner at Zeke's

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The next day you and Eren pack up his car with your belongings that had been with you at Zeke's for the past five days. Sasha and Mikasa had dropped off a suitcase heavy with your clothes and essentials and you struggle to pick it up with your sprained wrists as Eren walks inside to grab more. He sees you and his eyes widen.

"Don't be dumb Rose, drop the bag. I'll take it," he says.

You groan from the discomfort. "No, the doctor said I need to strengthen my wrist."

"Strengthen it, not strain it," Eren says as he grabs the suitcase from you.

"So, you two are really taking off then?" Zeke asks as he lounges on the couch in his boxers and open kimono, taking out a cigarette to light up. "You sure it's safe to go back there?"

Eren comes back in and puts his hands on his hips as he observes his older brother. "Well, that private dick seems to have gotten the message, he wasn't outside the house yesterday morning. And I'm getting sick of seeing you smoke in that coat."

"Hey, don't trash the kimono," Zeke says as he inhales deeply and lets out a giant puff of smoke. "What about you Rose? You ready to go home?"

You grin and give Eren a hug from behind. "Yeah, I think we've invaded your space long enough. I'm ready for us to have the house to ourselves again."

"Oh, I'm sure you've got a whole lot of uhh 'christening' to do around that house," Zeke smirks as he flashes his eyebrows suggestively.

"Don't be gross, idiot," Eren scoffs as he bends down to grab his amp and huff it out to the car. You watch him go outside and shake your head as you turn and stare at Zeke. 

"Do you really have to be so crass?" you scold him and raise an eyebrow.

"Ahh you're right, I'm sorry. Sorry, I'm really taking this sister thing to heart, it's nice to riff on you two," Zeke chuckles.

"Mmm fine," you say and grin, not able to keep up your act. "Honestly it's hard to stay angry with you for long."

"Ahh that's cause I'm so kawaii," Zeke grins as he takes another drag of his cigarette. Eren walks back into the house and shrugs as he puts one hands in his pant pocket and runs the other through his long hair. 

"Ok I guess we'll take off then..."

Zeke makes his protests as he gets off the couch. "Aww come on, it's practically dinner time. At least stay for a meal before you go?"

Eren raises his eyebrow. "Of what? A meal we'll have to make with the groceries we bought cause your pantry sucks? Pass."

Zeke laughs as he claps his hand on his brother's shoulder. "Ok don't ride my ass too hard; I'll make the meal. Come on, don't be such a sour puss, stay for me."

"No," Eren says flatly.

"Eren, don't be rude," you say and smile at Zeke. "Zeke, we would love to stay for dinner as a show of our thanks for your hospitality. Right Eren?" You look at Eren, your eyebrows raised, and your arms crossed. 

Eren huffs and rolls his eyes, "Fine, but no tricks, we're leaving right after."

"Ahooo" Zeke exclaims and takes off for the kitchen, grabbing pots, pans, baking trays, really everything.

You smile, intrigued as you go and sit at the kitchen island to watch him. "I thought you couldn't cook."

"Oh, is that what Eren said?"

"I didn't say you couldn't cook," Eren says as he plops onto the couch to watch tv. "I said you didn't."

"Riiight," Zeke says and winks at you. "Eren talks a lot of shit, considering I'm the one who taught him to cook."

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