Chapter 11

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Soobin had wandered back off to his room after airing his concerns out to the shell of his friend.

He really didn't know if he felt better or not, all he knew was that he was tired mentally.

He checked his phone twice to make sure he hadn't missed a message from Taehyun.


He let out a sigh as he tried to brush off the worry for his member. Taehyun was able to handle himself, but that would never lessen Soobin's worry.

He sat down heavily on the edge of his bed. Leaning down to rest his elbows on his knees and placing his face in his hands.

He worried he wasn't checking on his members enough, making sure they were still holding on well mentally. He knew he wasn't doing the best mentally.

He sat up straight and stretched his back a little as he stared at the wall before he let himself fall back with his legs still hanging off the edge of his bed, tossing an arm over his eyes. Soobin ends up passing out with his bedside lamp still on.


Soobin knew right away he wasn't in a dream, he had slipped into the spirit realm. Somewhere he hasn't been in a good minute.

He turns around, eyes searching his room.

He glanced over his still-breathing body. He had done this enough to not be freaked out by seeing his own body.

He had seen his body the day he died. That time it really freaked him out.

If ghosts were able to have panic attacks, he definitely had one that day.

Not seeing anything sticking out, he heads for the door. He needed to find what had brought him here.

Going straight through his door he glanced both ways down the hallway.

Everything in the spirit realm was always so black, white, and gray... He hated it still.

He had almost cried when he was brought back and was able to see color again.

He snapped his head around toward where the living room was.

He could have sworn he saw something in the corner of his eye. Heading that way, since he really didn't know why he was here. He followed whatever he had seen just in case there really was something there.

Again he was stopped looking around when something once again caught his attention in his peripheral vision.

This continued until he was out the door and in the main hall.

Nothing caught his eye, but he felt the need to head for the floor that held the training rooms.

Knowing in this line of job, it was always a good idea to listen to your gut. he did just that.

Not needing to take the elevator, he was on the next floor in just a second.

Like before, he was snapping his head down the hall toward the training room they used for Evelyn's training.

Soobin paused outside the door, feeling a small spark of hope when he thought about her.

What if she was calling out to him? Would she be able to do that when her soul was torn?

Soobin pushed that hope down, it was very unlikely. Her soul was torn.

He let out a sigh as he opened the door. His eyes scanned the room that hasn't been touched in months. There wasn't really a need for them to use this room, they mainly used the room that held all the gym equipment.

There was nothing, just a layer of dust on all the things they used to use when training Evelyn.


Soobin let out a yelp as he turned around, the sound had come from behind him.

There was nothing, just an open door.

He felt something stir in the air, something he had never felt before.

With another scream, he stumbled back and tripped over his own feet.

He could have sworn he saw Evelyn's face for just a second.

"Evelyn?" He called out as he slowly got to his feet.

He stared at the same place for a while as he took a few deep breaths, even though ghost didn't need to breathe.

This time he slapped his hand over his mouth and only flinched a little when he saw part of her face.

It really was her. Well, part of her.

He could only see one of her eyes and part of her right cheekbone.

"Hi." When she spoke her mouth would flicker into view, then leave right away.

Even though they were in the spirit realm, he could always see other ghosts as a solid person, like in the human realm. Evelyn though, she was see through almost. Like the part of her face that he could see, was almost like mist. There, but he could easily see the hall through her as well.

He felt his heart squeeze as it really hit him how bad it really was.

She wasn't even whole in the spirit realm.

"Evelyn," Soobin repeated as he stepped forward. "How can we help you."

Her mouth would show up and go away as fast as it came, leaving Soobin trying to piece together what she was trying to say.

"I can't understand," Soobin said gently.

He stepped even closer and reached a hand out to try and see if he could touch her.

His hand, to his surprise, didn't go through her face.

He was able to rest his hand on her cheek.


He stayed quiet, waiting for any more words to come from her.

She said nothing else, though.

"Take?" He asked, wanting to know what was taken. Was she referring to what Andromalius did to her? "Andromalius took the fragments?"


Soobin shook his head, still not understanding what she was trying to say to him.

"Evelyn, I-Is this real?" It felt real to him, he had been in the spirit world plenty of times, but there was still some doubt in his mind.

"Pull!" Her voice came out as a slightly broken stream.

"Pull you?" He asked as he tried to focus on her one eye.

It took a few minutes, but she finally replied. "Ye-"

Soobin bit his lip and thought it over. Was this part of her soul? It had to be...

He pushed down any doubt. "I don't know if this will hurt." He said as he reached out with his other hand and rested it where the other side of her face should be.

As soon as both of his hands were 'touching' her. Her face was gone and replaced by a dim gray glowing ball of light.

It was part of her soul.

Soobin's eyes widened as he realized what was really going on. He had found a piece of her soul.

"Holy shit." He whispered as he brought it close to his chest, keeping it tight against him as he heads for his room. 

Fractured • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now