Chapter 1

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Yeonjun sat there on the couch. He felt as if his lungs were shrinking, he has never felt like this before. It was like the room was closing in on him.

"Would you like for me to return her body to you?" Dumah asked no one in particular.

Soobin looked from Yeonjun to Dumah. He didn't know if it was a good idea. Just as he was about to deny it, Yeonjun spoke.


Soobin knew right away Yeonjun was going to snap, but how? He wasn't sure. He just knew it wasn't going to be good.

Dumah slide her golden eyes over to Soobin, she also was starting to think it was a mistake to even ask. Either way, she waves her hand.

A golden light appears on the couch, growing so bright everyone, but Huening Kai and Dumah had to turn away from it.

Then it faded and there she was.

Yeonjun got to his feet in a blink of an eye and was by her side in the same amount of time.

Yeonjun dropped to his knees by her face. His hand was shaking as he brought it up to move some of her hair away from her face.

Yeonjun felt sick as he took her in. Her hair was now a dull brown, were's it used to be a bright brown, her skin was pale and waxy looking, no longer having the slight pink tint of blood running under it. Her eyes were closed, but he knew under those heavy lids were eyes that used to shine so bright with life and the will to make it through anything.

He has seen so many emotions run through her dark blue eyes. Confusion, fear, sadness, glee, annoyance, laughter. He even thought he saw love in her eyes before, but he didn't want to be delusional.

Her face held no emotion what so ever. Her face always held some type of emotion, she had always been easy to read. At least to him, she was.

He stroked her cheek once more before he felt something in him snap.

Soobin took a step back as he felt the shift in the air. Not a second after the change in the air, Yeonjun's natural form came out.

"Yeonjun, you made a promise," Dumah warned as she watched him.

Yeonjun turned to face them. The silver and blue in his eyes swirled into a storm of emotions.

Beomgyu bowed his head, knowing his friend was going through a lot at the moment. He knew Yeonjun's pain was far deeper than any of theirs. There was no reasoning with him, he knew it.

"You're lucky I'm bound to my work when it comes to you," Yeonjun said before he was gone.

No one tried to go after him, they knew that he could not go after Andromalius. He had made a promise to their boss. When one of them made a promise to a boss of theirs, they were bound by their blood and soul. They could not go against it no matter how badly they wanted to.

"I'm sorry," Dumah said with a sigh.

Soobin offered her a broken smile. What could any of them say? Nothing. There were no words for a moment like this. They lost someone dear to them and now their teammate that has fought beside them for many years was in pain. A pain none of them could fathom.

They were bound  by their souls. They were meant to be, yet they were torn apart by a power-hungry demon. A demon they used to trust their lives with.

That same demon was now locked away in Judecca.

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