Chapter 74

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I jolt awake, this time not from the same nightmares that have been haunting me every night, no. I was woken by screaming.

My eyes were wide as I take a few quick panicked breaths in. When my eyes land on the boys that were all gathered around my open door, I narrow my eyes.

"What the actual fuck do you all think you're doing? You gave me a heart attack."

I see Yeonjun smirk before I heard his voice in my head. "Am I just that good looking?"

"Yeonjun," I say as I reach behind me and grab one of my pillows. "shut the hell up!" I toss the pillow and hit him square in the face.

"Do you not remember what today is?" Huening Kai asked with a soft smile.

I raise a brow as I try and smooth my hair, I knew it had to be all over the place. "No? What day is it? We have a mission I forgot about?"

All of them exchange looks of sadness.

"You just turned immortal, how can already forget your birthday?"

My eyes widen as my hands freeze in my hair. My eyes go to Yeonjun's where I was met with understanding. For two weeks I have hardly been sleeping, ending most sleepless nights waking Yeonjun at ungodly hours.

We both had matching dark circles under our eyes. It made guilt ping in my gut, but he never seemed to mind when I came to him seeking comfort.

"I... I don't really feel up to celebrating..." I admit as sadness sinks in my gut. This would be my first birthday since the rest of my family had passed. I look down and pick at my blanket.

I hear Yeonjun whisper to the others and then the sound of feet shuffling. I look up and watch as Yeonjun shuts my door softly. He turns to me with a gentle smile.

"They haven't celebrated a real birthday in so many years... I know you may not feel up to it, but I think you need this distraction." He said as he made his way over to my bed, taking a seat next to me.

I turn and tilt my head back to meet his eyes. "I just don't know Yeonjun."

"See this was a way to show Andromalius he can't take even the smallest thing from you anymore."

I nod as I look away from him. The corner of my lips tug up as I feel his hand brush my hair away from my face.

"Let me see that smile." He whispered softly.

I turn and meet his bright gaze.

He takes a breath in and shakes his head. "To think at one time, I couldn't stand the sight of you."

My mouth falls open in disbelief as my hands come up and shove him off my bed. "Yeonjun!"

"But, now I don't think I could go a day without seeing you." He added as he got up from the floor, brushing non-existent dust off his pants. "You're what keeps me going anymore. After so many years of being alive, I never would have thought one person, let alone a stubborn ass hot headed, once mortal girl would be the one to change my whole being."

I felt my cheeks grow hot as I shook my head at him. "You have such a way with words, Yeonjun."

He runs a hand through his hair as his lips tug into a goofy grin. "I know. Now, get dressed. We have places to be."

I sigh and close my eyes as he leans down and plants a feather soft kiss on my forehead.

"Make sure you brush your teeth." He added with a laugh as I yell in protest.

Before my smoke could touch him, he was gone. I could still hear his laughter down the hall from my room.

"Fucker!" I yell out as I toss my blanket off of me.


"Soul collectors like bowling?" I ask as I follow the guy's into a bowling alley.

"There are arcade games, food, and ice cream in here as well." Beomgyu said over his shoulder, his smile big as he practically bounced as he walked.

I lean my head to the left and speak from the corner of my mouth, even though I knew they could all hear me. "Are you all just using my birthday as an excuse to use team money on a day out?" I ask Taehyun and Yeonjun.

Taehyun let out a laugh as he shook his head.

"Maybe Beomgyu, but the rest of us, no. We want you to have a fun day and this is a place we use to come to often, so less likely for demons to come around here."

I hum as I nod my head.

I couldn't help but smile as we walked in and waited to pay for bowling and tickets for the games. I could feel how the mood was slowly shifting to one that was light and happy.

As soon as Beomgyu and Huening Kai got their shoes, they took off ready to test their luck with some games.

"What would you like to do?" Yeonjun asked me as his eyes scanned the almost empty place.

It was the middle of the week, so it was no surprise the place wasn't busy.

"We can play a few games until everyone else is ready to bowl and have food...?"

Yeonjun turned to face me, looking down at me with the corner of his lips turned up. "Don't think about anyone else today but you, this is your day."

"Let's play some games, maybe you can win me a toy." We turn and start scanning the games.

After a few rounds playing a racing game and a zombie shooting game, I couldn't hold my laugh in any longer.

"I think I'll be the one winning you a toy." I say to a pouting Yeonjun.

He grabs me and ruffles my hair. "Don't get cocky, I was letting you win. It's your birthday after all."

"Yeah, sure." I say with laughter in my voice.

"Let's see how big of a talker you are once we start bowling."

"Loser has to clean the bathrooms for a week, alone?" I dare him with a bet.

He held his hand out and shook mine. "Deal."

I smirk as we turn and hunt down the others that were getting food before finding an alley for us to use.

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