Chapter 65

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"You're really doing this?"

"I have too," I reply to Rerek.

"Well... if you mentally die, can I take over your body? It's not exactly what I'd want, but it'll do."

I cut my eyes over to the dark skinned demon. His green eyes glowing with humor.

"No." I snap out. I let my eyes slide over him again, this was the second time I have seen his human form. He was tall and lean. His arms and stomach toned just enough. His long legs were covered by dark trousers that were hanging loosely around his waist. His dark green hair was long enough to reach his ears on the sides and just brushed his brow at the front.

"You having second thoughts about who you find hotter?" Rerek asked as he took a step closer to me.

I laughed loudly as I held my stomach. "Definitely not," After I had calmed down I added. "I just figured I'd take a good look at you, seeing as I'm the only one to see your human form in so long." I shrug.

"Whatever you say." He rolled his eyes and shook out his hair a bit. "How do you plan on getting Andromalius out of your mind?"

"Go in swinging?" I reply with a big grin.

"Now you're using my advice? You sure you're not falling for me?" He raised his brows as he smirked at me.

I take the few steps that separated us. Tilting my head back so I could meet his gaze. "I am in no way attracted to you, Rerek. Stop being a horny demon. I understand you haven't had any in thousands of years, but you definitely won't get it from me."

I push him back away from me as he lets out a low laugh.

"I guess my sexiness can only affect so many."

"You give me a headache." I comment with a laugh.

"Well, let's see how far you've come." He said as we started walking off from the center of my mind.

I take a deep breath physically. I then throw myself fully into my mind, filling all the gaps with my new favorite power.

The red smoke swirled around our feet as we strolled around, waiting until I got a location of where Andromalius was hiding.

"You know I can't help you much... you already have my powers as your own. "

I nod my head. "I know, I have to do this. You will offer your usual commentary though, right?"

"Of course." He replied with a deep laugh.

I freeze as I feel it. The darkness in my mind that was not my own. "There," I breathed out before we were both there in that random dark corner of my mind.

I block out any memory's that were locked away in this corner. Leaving them nothing but blurry muted things.

"Hunting me down now? You finally think you're strong enough to get me out of your mind?" Andromalius asked as went from being nothing but a dark shape to his physical form.

I don't say anything as all the smoke that had been searching my mind all came racing to where he was.

I don't move as it all hits him at once. Rerek doesn't even shift, but I could feel the change in him. The need for blood was practically oozing from him.

Andromalius sends a blast of his own smoke causing mine to break apart a little.

I grit my teeth as I reinforce my smoke and send it right back at him.

"What? Can't even get close to me? Scared I'd over power you?" Andromalius asked from behind the wall of red and black smoke.

I look over to Rerek and give him a nod. Then I was right in front of Andromalius, sending a solid kick to his stomach.

Before he could hit any mental walls, I was right behind him. Sending him back to where we just were with another kick.

I did the same thing I'd been doing with the dummy. Keeping it in the air, hitting it around like a ball. Not giving Andromlius a chance to get his bearings.

"I have to say. I love your method." Rerek called out to me as I had just slammed Andromalius into the solid floor of my mind.

I take a few breaths in as I gather my red smoke once more. As soon as Andromalius lifted his head, it hit him right in the center of his back.

I let it hit him again and again.

This needed to be the end of him hiding in my mind. This was the first step to make things safe for us again.

"He's growing weak." Rerek whispered next to me.

I knew as well, I could feel it. The grip he had on me was loosening.

"This little trick won't work in hell. In my domain!" Andromalius' scream echoed through my mind.

"No, it won't. But I have more then one trick up my sleeve." I reply calmly as I bring my hand up, halting the steady stream of smoke that was pounding into the demon. "Next time we meet, will be the last."

I squeeze my hand shut slowly. I could feel it all through my mind as Andromalius grip grew weaker and weaker as I crushed the human form of him that was in my mind.

Once he was gone from my mind, I would have to dig that piece of him out of my soul. That would be the part that tested me. That was the part I have been mentally preparing for. If I wasn't sound in my mind and soul, it could permanently damage me.

I close my eyes as I squeeze my hand into a fist. Andromalius scream caused something dark to stir in my gut. That part of me loved the sound of his pained scream as my smoke crushed his mental form into nothing.

"I'll see you in a bit." Rerek said just before I left my mind.

Now, it was time for me to pry that part of Andromalius out of my soul.


Sorry for the long wait guys. Just had a lot going on. Hopefully I'll be able to stay on top of updating now that things are kinda okay lol

And sorry if this chapter sucked. I have a badass headache today😭

How have you all been?

Btw anyone know of any good Azriel from acotar? I'm kinda obsessed with him lately. Nothing that has spoilers of the last 2 books tho. I still have to read them. I kinda want a book that is during Acowaf if yk any good ones😅

Until next time! Love you guys!

Fractured • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now