Chapter 68

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"Now, this mission will have to be a lot cleaner and quicker then our usual ones. We will have humans around that could easily be caught in the cross fire, or see us use our powers. We have a plan and we will stick to it." Soobin said as he paced the living room floor.

They had finally cleared me to start helping with missions a few weeks ago and today was a big one for us. We had caught word of a mid grade demon that has been running an underground drug house, fight club, and a few other random things. To the humans this demon was just a gang leader. To us, he was a big problem that has been able to stay under the radar for far to long.

"Am I clear?" Soobin asked as he eyes us all, staring me down a little harder then the rest.

I nod my head and hold back an eye roll at how I always had to confirm I remember the rules. He grilled me on them every time we went on a mission no matter how small. "I know the rules, mom." I offer him a smile.

"As of right now, our best bet is to try and get into the fight club. Taehyun has been working his way through a few street fights to try and catch the right persons eye."

I turn to Taehyun and wince a little on the inside at the bruise that was still very visible on his jaw. He could heal it, but then people would become suspicious.

"I got an invitation to a fight club in the area we believe this demon has his in. The fight is tomorrow night. I plan on getting a lay out of the place as well as trying to pick up on any hint of demons being around."

Taehyun and Yeonjun had both put their hands up when the job was given to us. I had raised my hand as well, but they all had shot me down before I could even get a word out of my mouth. 

Yeonjun had been kicked down not long after everyone was thinking over pros and cons about who should do it. Demons would be able to pick up on what Yeonjun was if he had a slip up on his cloaking. Yeonjun had insisted that he would never slip up, but we couldn't take that chance.

"Hopefully if this is the place we will be able to come to the next fight and track this Argreth demon down before more people fall into it's trap." Huening Kai commented as he kept staring at the table in deep thought.

"We will be posted a few blocks down, you know how to reach us if anything goes wrong." Soobin said to Taehyun.

Taehyun would be able to use his powers to contact us if things go sideways. If it does go sideways without a trace of demons, we will just call the human cops and give them a great bust. If there are demons, we may just have to break in and blow our cover.

I squeeze the excess water out of the rag in my hands. "Would it be that bad if you just used a little magic to at least get it to stop bleeding?" I ask Taehyun as I lightly dap at the gas above his right eyebrow.

"I have to leave any injuries as they are. We have a powerful demon running these fights, we can't risk anything."

"I know." I sigh as I press the rag fully over the wound. "Hold this as hard as you can. I need to go find a first aid kit."

I head for my bathroom knowing I used to have one under the sink.

I shake my head as I squat and pull the little white box out. I really hated this whole mission so much. Taehyun came back with new wounds every week after a fight night. Yeah, he would be the winner everytime, but the wounds he was getting were getting worse as he climbed up the ranks.

"I'll never understand why people like fighting like this." I say to Taehyun as I return to his room.

"It's mainly for money. Some do it because they always wanted to box, but they never got a good break in the field." Taehyun replied as he watched me dig through the med kit.

"So, you're telling me you've been getting paid everytime you win?" Beomgyu asked as he strolled into the room.

Taehyun sighed and rolled his eyes. "Yes, I have been getting paid. I've been donating the money to food banks and clothe drives for kids."

"Oh." Beomgyu seemed to deflate at Taehyun's words.

"That's actually really sweet and smart." I wish I had known that Taehyun had been doing that. I would have went with him to donate what I could as well.

"I figured I had no need for the money, so I might as well give it to a good cause."

I nod my head and hum. "This will sting." I warn him before removing the rag and pressing a alcohol pad to his forehead. "I think you may need a few stiches."

"What would he tell the doctor when they ask how it happened?" Beomgyu asked as he looked over my shoulder at Taehyun's wound.

"I'm not sure, just make up a lie. It's not like they will look into it."

"I'll go get Soobin."

I thank Beomgyu and then turn back to Taehyun. "I'm going to put this band aid over it just to help keep it clean and from getting blood anywhere while you're on the way. Tell them you got it while skating." I say with a shrug. "Want me to come with you?"

"I'll be okay, mom." I laugh lightly and shake my head.

"If you say so."


Sorry for any mistakes and sorry it took so long! I'm trying to plan this mission out. And it's a new type for me bc it's around street fighting. Even though it won't be drug out (it'll be like 2-3 parts) I want it to be good lol

Next chapter will be real hard bc I have a twist that I want to add and idk if this is the place for it or not yet😮‍💨

I hope you're all doing great! And as always thank you for sticking around and waiting on me so patiently. I love all of y'all so much💛🩵

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