Chapter 18

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Yeonjun sat by Evelyn's bed that evening, feeling depressed...?

He wasn't sure, he just knew his heart felt heavy with self-hate and sadness about how he used to treat Evelyn.

He thought over how he pushed her every time he turned around, and treated her as if she didn't even have feelings.

She lost her normal life, her soul was filled with fragments of a demon's powers, her father died, she had to face death so many times, and she was forced to watch her family forget about her. Yet, he still pushed her.

"How did you not break? How did you not hate me with your whole being?"

Was that real love? Real unconditional love?

There was no way that was natural love... How could she fall for him after all of that? It had to be the bond.

"Will you hate me once you're back and the bond is no longer there?"

How would he handle that if she did hate him?

His heart sunk more as he thought about that.

"Even if you hate me, I will still do whatever I can for you. I at least owe you that... after everything." He reached up and grabbed her hand, bringing it to his lips and planting a soft kiss on the back of it. "As long as you're alive and happy, I will deal with you hating me."

He looked up at the blue ball of light that was now three pieces of her soul. He brought his free hand up to touch it.

He jerked away as he felt a shock run through his hand.

He looked from his hand to the blue light, wondering what had just happened. He had touched of her soul already, the first part they found, and it never 'shocked' him.

"Is that your soul rejected me?" He meant for it to be a joke, but after he said it, he thought about what if his words were true.

He reached up again, this time not pulling away when he felt the jolt go down his arm.


"Evelyn?" Yeonjun snatched away in shock when he thought he heard her saying his name.

His eyes went down to her face, but it was still the same. Frozen and dull looking.

Quickly he placed his hand back on the parts of her soul and closed his eyes.


"Evelyn? Can you hear me?" Yeonjun asked out loud.

"Yes, what's going on?"

"I'm not sure, I just touched the parts of your soul that we have for no reason really... and I heard you say my name..."

"I have been trying to call out to you since I passed... Open your eyes..."

Yeonjun did as she asked and was so shocked by what he saw he almost jerked back, but he was able to keep his body still, not wanting to break away and lose the connection he had.

"How?" She was transparent like a ghost, but she was visible to him.

He felt his throat close up as tears filled his eyes. "How can I see you?"

"I think because you have found so many pieces of my soul already and I have been trying my best to talk to you... I'm not fully sure myself though... I almost don't want to believe I'm seeing you right now..."

Yeonjun didn't want to believe it either.

"It's been hell, Yeonjun... "

Yeonjun felt his chest tighten as if he was feeling her pain himself.

"What happened while you were gone?"

"So much... I can't explain right now though, I feel my energy draining."

"How long until you're strong enough to come back?" Yeonjun asked franticly.

"I'm not sure... Just know, I can hear you all when you talk to me. I miss you all so much. I lo-"

Yeonjun jerked his head up looking around.

Was that all just a dream?

He wasn't sure, it felt real. He doesn't recall falling asleep either.

"It had to be real, right?" He asked Evelyn's soul that was staying still in front of his face. "Right?"

He almost sounded like he was begging. He was actually begging though, he needed that to be real.

"Were you going to say you love me?" That's what it had sounded like to him, that's what he hoped with all his heart.

He didn't hold back the few tears that made their way down his cheeks. He wasn't sure if they were sad tears or happy ones. Maybe both.

He rested his head on the edge of her bed and closed his eyes tight as he squeezed her hand.

"I love you Evelyn... with my whole being. Please, just come back to us... I don't know how much longer I can handle this sadness. I've never felt this alone in my many lives... I have the members, but I have such a big hole in my soul from you being taken from me. Please, whatever you're going through wherever the rest of your soul is, hold on for me, for all of us."

Yeonjun turned his head so that his nose was squished into the mattress, his tears staining her light blue sheets with black dots.


Sorry if the past few parts weren't the best... i feel like maybe they could have been a bit better... not sure lol. 

Anyways, thank you all so much for continuing to read and love the book so far. We're finally getting a few places with Evelyn. 

Ik this part is shorter then usual, but I felt it was best to end here. 

I really hope you're all doing well and sorry if I don't reply to all comments, somehow I keep missing a lot of them and wattpad is acting funny when I try to reply sometimes. Just know I appreciate all the comments and love you all give me!! It means so much to me. 

I can't wait to see if the part mainly focused on Huening Kai is as good as I think it is... I'm starting to doubt it already lol.

Until next time, I hope you all have a good day/night!!!

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