Chapter 57

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Soft Smile~

I sit in the middle of the training room floor, legs crossed, eyes shut tightly.

"How will I know that I'm ready?" I ask Rerek.

"You won't know... You will have to wait until you think you're ready. Even then, you may fail."

I take a deep breath in. "I feel like I'll never be ready. I don't even think I could face Yeonjun in his natural form. I still struggle when Taehyun uses his magic."

"Then, you still have a ways to go."

"I know. I have to train harder... we don't have forever to wait on me to get ready."

"No we don't. Things could blow up at any minute."

"I know!" I snap a little harshly. "I feel as if I may blow up any time now as well. Like something is just ticking inside me... I just don't know what."

"I couldn't tell you. I don't feel anything off about Andromalius, so it's not him planning something to my knowledge."

"That just sets me more on edge. What is in me that is becoming unstable?" I rub at my eyes as feel my frustration grow.

"You ever think it's just your power growing? You're not use to feeling this amount of power."

"May be... I hope that's all it is."

I jump and scream as I feel a tap on my head.

"What are you doing?" Yeonjun asked as he walked in front of me.

"I was meditating." I say as I push a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"You were chatting with Rerek? What were you two talking about for so long?"

My eyes widen a little. How did he know I was speaking with Rerek?

"Don't act shocked, I just know you were speaking with him by the way your energy shifted. You forget that I can feel things like that?" He questioned with a smirk.

"Yeah, I did." I reply with a sigh. I offer him a small smile.

"Now, what were you two talking about?"

I quickly rack my brain for a good excuse. "Just checking in on how Andromalius is acting." I figured that was the best thing to say.

"How is he acting? Causing you any trouble?"

"No, not right now anyways. If he tries, I think I can easily shut it down."

Yeonjun smiled softly as he sat down in front of me. "You're becoming so strong... soon enough you may suppress all of us. Taehyun told me about how even he is struggling to keep up with you."

"I just want to make sure I can hold my own no matter the situation..." I look down and pick at my nails a little. I hated not telling them the full reason behind why I was training so hard. If they knew, they would surely stop me. They may even go as far as locking me up in my room.

"I think you need to slow down just a little. You hardly even eat more then one meal a day... Did even take notice that you've lost some weight?"

My eyes trail down to my stomach. "Not enough to be concerned..."

"I'm concerned though. Even Taehyun and Beomgyu have spoke to me about it. Why do you think you two weren't scolded for sneaking out? Because even Soobin is getting worried."

"Stop worrying so much. I have to train, I have to get as strong as I can possibly get so I can get rid of Andromalius."

"Rerek can help you hold him off in your mind until you get there. So stop training so hard for a little bit."

I take a subtly breath in, I almost messed up.

"So, how about we go out today? We haven't been able to get away from here alone in a while." Yeonjun asked as he reached out and grabbed my hand. "I think some coffee and sweets sound great today!"

"Did Beomgyu eat all your snacks again?" I question with a laugh.

Yeonjun huffed as he stood and pulled me up with him. "Yes, that asshole did. One day I'll catch him and teach him a lesson."

"Gosh you two." I shake my head, a smile on my lips as I let Yeonjun pull me out into the hall.


"I'm serious though, Evelyn. You have to stop working so hard. You need to get back to eating three times a day. Stop spending all day in the training rooms alone."

I look up from my banana bread and meet his warm gaze. "I'm fine Yeonjun... I have to keep my mind busy." I look back down. There really was more then one reason for staying locked away training all the time. It was only two months ago since my family passed away.

"Do you want to talk about it? About them...?" He reached across the table and grabbed my hand.

"No," I bit my lip as I feel my throat tighten up. My eyes stung as I tried to blink the tears away. I haven't let myself cry since I had killed all those succubus. I threw myself into training more and more everyday, until that's all I did anymore.

I ate less. I spoke less. I slept less. I felt less emotions as well.

I felt numb for the most part. It was hard to get better after my father died... Now all of my family was gone.

What does one do?

"Evelyn, you can't keep running from the grief. You have to let yourself feel the pain."

"I'm not running." I reply lowly. I wasn't running from what had happened. By training all the time, I was making sure the ones I had left would not be taken away from me as well.

"Yes, yes you are." Yeonjun replied as he squeezed my hand. "I have yet to see you cry since it all happened. You don't have to pretend you're okay... I can't imagine how hard it must be for you."

"Yeonjun, can you please stop talking about it." I pull my hand away and lean back. "Maybe I am running away from the pain, but what else can I do? I feel as if I think to much about it... I'll slip down this dark hole and I'll never get out of it."

"Look at me." His voice was so soft I had to blink a few times before I could meet his gaze. "If you fall down, I'll be there to help you back up when you're ready."

These stupid tears.

I wipe at my eyes before the tears could fall to far down my cheeks.

I open my eyes as I feel my hands being pulled away from my face.

"You will always have me here for you." Yeonjun said with a gentle smile as he leaned down and kissed a tear on my cheek that had slipped past my hands. "The others as well, but they can't compete with me."

I couldn't help but laugh a little at the end. "You're so cocky." I say as I push his shoulder gently.

He shrugs as his smile grows. "I know."

Sorry for the wait my peeps😅 life is just ugh

Sorry for any mistakes as well! I'm hoping to get some good wifi this week so that way writing will be easier on my laptop. And so I can play some Fortnite with my sister 😂

I hope you're all doing well! Stay warm, I'm cold as heck rn and it's only 41 out 😭

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