Chapter 27

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Huening Kai~

"I was able to locate a few pieces of Evelyn's soul," Dumah said from her spot on the other side of the coffee table.

Everyone sat up straighter or stood to their feet.

"A few?" Soobin asked to confirm what they had all heard.

Dumah nodded her head. "But, there's bad news with it... Those pieces are in Judecca, locked inside Andromalius."

All eyes went to Yeonjun, he was the only one of them that had ever been there.

Yeonjun clenched his jaw. "And now, I can't go after them because you made me promise to not go after him..."

"Yeonjun, I had no way to know for sure at the time if the pieces were still in him, or if they fled when the rest of her soul shattered."

"Wait, so there was a chance before you made him promise to not go after Andromalius that there were pieces of her soul locked away in him... You knew this?" Huening Kai asked as he too stood up and looked at his boss with disbelief. "Why would you do that if you knew there was even a small chance that we would need to go after him to get the pieces?"

Dumah sighed as her wings fluttered a little. "I did it to protect Yeonjun, we all know he would have gone after him to try and kill him. Losing his own life in the process."

They couldn't blame her for that, but now what were they to do? Yeonjun could go to Judecca, but he would not be able to go after Andromalius.

"I'll go after him." Huening Kai said, his expression set and determined.

"Kai, I don't think-"

"Who else can really go up against him?" Huening Kai cut Soobin off as he turned to face him. "Will you go after him?" He then turned and asked Dumah.

"Huening Kai, watch your tone," Dumah warned as she brought her chin up. "I may have made this a little harder on you all, but I am still your boss."

Huening Kai took a deep breath and calmed down a bit. "I'm just saying, you can't go to Judecca, being a high-ranking angel. Satan will come for you. He probably won't even notice me going there. The lesser demons will more than likely stay away from me, and I can pull souls out of demons. I'll be able to take the pieces of her soul out of him and get them back here."

"There are still risks for you going there... Andromalius can still cause you harm. He may be weaker, but he still holds part of Apep's powers as well as Evelyn's soul fragments."

"I'll take those risks. Without those pieces, everything we have done so far would have been pointless. Evelyn will be stuck as a shell if we don't get those pieces."

Dumah let out a sigh, she knew there was no way she could stop them. As Huening Kai said, without those pieces, Evelyn would never come back.

"You need to be careful... If you die down there... your soul will not return to heaven."

"I know." Huening Kai knew what would happen to him if he died in hell. It would end with his soul belonging to Satan.

"I'll set out for Judecca as soon as the sunrises." Huening Kai said as he walked out of the living room, not bothering to bid any of them a good night.

"Yeonjun, you can go to Judecca, you just may not touch Andromalius because of the promise, but you can watch out for Huening Kai and help him get to Andromalius."

"Got it," Yeonjun replied before he too left and went to his room.

Their trip to hell could be easy, or hard. No one knew. Yeonjun was the only one to go there that they knew other than when Evelyn had been taken by Valefar.

Huening Kai had never been to hell. He was nervous about it, but he was the best one to go. Soobin was a ghost, he only had to basic powers of a soul collector, and a few special ones to do with once being a ghost. Taehyun had magic, but his powers relied on nature, there was no nature in hell. Beomgyu relied on water, something that did not exist in hell either.

Huening Kai sat on the edge of his bed and placed his face in his hands.

Yeonjun and Taehyun have been the ones to carry on with getting Evelyn back, the others have done nothimg more than be there for support. Huening Kai felt it was time for the rest of them to step in as well. All of them claimed to be Evelyn's friends, so why were only two of them doing all the work?

Yeonjun paced his room as he thought over the fact that Huening Kai was the one who would have to pull the parts out of Andromalius. Yeonjun was pissed at their boss for making him promise to not go after Andromalius those months ago, if she had never done that, he could go alone and face the piece of shit demon. But no, she had to try and save him, and now there is a risk of Huening Kai getting hurt while in hell.

Yeonjun blew a breath out as he ran his hands over his face. He had to be on high alert when they went to Judecca. Even then, what would he really be able to do if Andromalius was doing something to Huening? Yeonjun had no idea how he would be able to help him then.

"Everything has to be so complicated." He groaned as he let himself flop down on his bed.

After Dumah had left Taehyun wandered off to Evelyn's room, letting Soobin know he wasn't really up for cooking tonight.

The past few months they had consumed so much fast food, it was getting a little ridiculous, but none of them really cared. They didn't really need to eat a healthy diet, their bodies would not suffer from it.

Taehyun opened the door as quietly as possible and stepped into her room, shutting the door behind him.

He took up the stool that was placed by the head of her bed.

"Evelyn... things are getting a little risky for us now, mainly Huening Kai. He has to go to hell to retrieve the parts of your soul that Andromalius has been holding onto... I just hope he hasn't caused any harm to those pieces. I'm so worried for Huening Kai and you after dealing with Andromalius, nothing good comes from facing him."

Taehyun sighed as he leaned forward and grabbed her cold hand, running his thumb over the back of her hand.

"I wish I was the one going, not Kai. He's a great fighter, but hell is not safe for angels... If he dies there, that's it. He can't go back to heaven... Satan will take his soul. The same would happen for any of us other than Yeonjun, but I'd rather it be me..." 

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