Chapter 44

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"Can immortals lose their breath?" I ask as I was hunched over, hands on my knees. My breathing was shallow and fast.

"Depends, your body was still once mortal. You can actually push through it though. There would be no consequences if you did. You were just used to stopping when you felt drained."

I nod as I listen to him. I forced myself to stand even though part of my brain was telling me to stay there and rest a moment.

"Old human habits can die hard." Huening Kai added as he offered me a soft smile.

As I thought it over, even though I was panting. I actually didn't feel as I use to when I would push myself hard. I focused on slowing my breathing, knowing I really didn't need to breath that fast.

I was not the same weak human I used to be, I was now immortal and had demon powers. I needed to start acting that way. "Let's keep going," I say as I raise my wooden sword.

Huening Kai smirked and then came at me.

I was able to block the first blow, but not the second that he sent at my thigh.

I stubble back and shake my head. I had gotten nowhere at all in training even though we had been here for hours now. I really need to step my game up.

"Focus on sharpening your eyesight."

I pause for a second as I hear Rerek speak in my head.

I don't reply and focus my eyes on Huening Kai's wooden sword, willing myself to see every grain of the wood.

"What are you doing?" Huening Kai asked as he lowered his sword.

"Rerek told me to focus on my eyesight... that's what I'm doing...?" It came off as a question at the end seeing as his expression confused me.

"Your eyes changed. They look as they did when you tried to kill me after we met." He said with a teasing grin.

"Oh," Is all I replied. I had felt a shift in my eyes, but I figured it was just because I was focusing on seeing better. Almost like making a camera go into focus.

"It's good though, shows you're gaining more control without really trying."

"Thank you..." I say to Rerek, I felt a little bubble of happiness knowing he was helping me out here and there.

"Don't go getting emotional on me."

"Of course not." I reply this time out loud as I step back into place so we could get back to work with the sword training. "I was replying to Rerek." I say to Huening Kai who was giving me an odd look.

This time as we went at one another, Huening Kai was only able to get a few hits on me. About half as many as before. I still wasn't able to land a single hit on him, but I was satisfied I was able to block him more then before.

"Okay, time out." I call out after we had went at it for a good while.

"You are already improving. That's great!"

I smile at Huening Kai as I set the wooden sword down and grab my water bottle up.

"I want to see something." Huening Kai said as he set his own fake sword down and walked over to where the real swords hung on the wall.

I follow after him as I close my water up.

"I know you have held one of these swords before, but you were human then. I just want to see how it reacts to your touch now."

Fractured • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now