Chapter 55

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"What made you think that was okay to take on your own?" Yeonjun asked me as I sat between him and Beomgyu.

"Nothing, I just knew I had to do it."

"We could have helped you." Yeonjun replied a little harshly.

I make eye contact with Soobin through the rear view mirror. "Would you have allowed us to go after those succubus?"

He let out a sigh as his eyes went back to the road. "I can't say for sure, it was a big risk."

"None of us knew you could do that, until now though." Beomgyu added.

"I didn't even know I could do all of that."

Yeonjun snapped his head around to look at me with wide eyes. "So you want to tell me, you went in there without knowing you would be able to handle that?"

"Nope. I just took that chance to save my families souls." I shrug because I would do it over and over again if I had too.

"How did you even know you could save them? And how did you find them?" Huening Kai asked from the passenger seat.

"Rerek told me about how succubus don't absorb souls right away unless they comment an act of sex. I dug into Andromalius' mind to find where the succubus were hiding."

"God, you're growing stronger then we even thought you could." Yeonjun sighed and leaned back in his seat, running a hand down his face.

"Is that a problem?" I lean forward a little so I could meet his tired looking gaze.

"Yes, if you think you can take on any demon, or a nest of them! All on your damn own! What happens when you aren't strong enough to take on what you just ran head first into?"

"I'll find out if that happens."


"Yeonjun! I have the power to help now, I will use it when needed." I lean back harshly in my seat and cross my arms. "If you plan on scolding me for this for the next few days, keep it to yourselves. I just lost the last of my family I had. I don't want to hear it."

Yeonjun grabs my hands and pulls them apart, keeping one in his hold. "You're right, I'm sorry."

"You did way worse when you got your memories of me back." I bite out weakly at Yeonjun.

"I did... You did what you needed to for them." He leans his head down and places a light kiss on the back of my hand.

I crack a teary smile as Beomgyu starts to fake gag beside us. I turn and tap his arm lightly. "Stop that."

"You two stop tainting my pure innocent eyes!" He yells in response.

"Please, who believes your eyes are innocent?" Soobin commented from the drover seat.


As soon a I kick my shoes off, I was attacked by someone.

"You better be glad I knew you were coming or I would have threw you across the room." I laugh sheepishly into Taehyun's chest.

"She can really do that too, you should have seen what she did to that nest of succubus!" Beomgyu said as he stepped through the door.

Taehyun pulls back a little to stare at me wide eyed. "How many did you kill?"

"I'm not sure." I shrug, I wasn't keep track of how many I killed. I didn't care as long as they were all dead but that one I let go.

"I full nest of them." Huening Kai replied.

Fractured • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now