Chapter 50

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I had no idea how long we had been down here fighting these demons, but I was starting to feel like I was getting slower.

I pull in a sharp breath through my teeth as another demon was able to get its claws into my thigh.

I ignore Yeonjun's eyes that were on me the instant I had let out that small sound of pain.

Bringing my sword up from where it had been pointing down. I tilt it so that as I pull it up with both my hands, it cuts deep into the demons neck.

I bring my eyes up and freeze just as I watched a naked female demon stick her long black claws deep into Beomgyu's chest.

My mouth fell open in a silent scream as he stumbled back.

The sound of his body hitting the ground was enough to snap me back into reality. My ears started ringing as my vision started to go red. I knew this red haze wasn't Andromalius, this my own rage at seeing one my close friends getting hurt so badly.

I was infront of the female demon an instant, and just as fast my sword was sticking all the way through her throat. I yank it to the left, halfway decapitating her.

Before the demon even burst into ashes I was already on my knees next to Beomgyu.

I drop my sword and place my hands on his chest. "I- What do I do?" I ask as my whole body started to shake from the sight of his blood pooling on his torso.

"I need water." He replied through clenched teeth.

Right, water helped him heal. "Don't you need ocean water though?"

"The river will do for now."

I look up and scan the room, the demons seemed to be dropping in numbers.

"Okay, this is going hurt." I warn him as I grab his arm and pull him up into a sitting position. I then put his arm around my shoulder and focus on making my legs strong enough to pull his heavy ass up onto his feet.

"I'm sorry." I breath out as he kept making sounds of pain.

"I'm okay." He replied, lying straight through his teeth. There was no way he was okay with the amount of blood he was leaving on the floor.

Before we even make it close to the door, our path was blocked by a small worm looking demon, the same kind that had tried to wrap its long tongue around my ankle.

"Fuck." I say as I realize I had left my sword back there on the ground.

The thing let's out a low growl as it seems to lock in on us.

I turn the both of us and try and make it where if it tried to attack, it would get only me. Beomgyu was hardly able to stay standing, there was no way he could take another hit.

One thing went right tonight, though. Soobin came up on the demon and killed it easily since it was only focused on us.

"Get him out of here and into the river, now!"

"I'm trying!" I yell back at him. I wasn't just taking a bleeding man on a lovely stroll through a demon nest.

I move us slowly behind Soobin as he clears the way for us and soon enough we were making our way onto the empty deck.

It was so strange how quite and cool it was out here. Taking a breath of the river air made me realize how bad it actually had smelt down there with all those demons.

"Just toss me into the river."

I snap my head around and give Beomgyu an odd look. "Do what now?"

"I'll be fine, just toss me over."

I take a deep breath as we make it to the railing of the boat. "Okay..."

I close my eyes as I let him go, only opening them when I hear him hit the water.

After the water calmed down from Beomgyu falling in, it was almost deathly silent. I could not hear anything from the others that were still fighting the demons.

My eyes scan the water as I wait for Beomgyu to pop back up. The longer his dark hair didn't resurface, the more I started to panic. I knew water was his natural place, but I couldn't help but worry. His injury was no small one, he had definitely lost a lot of blood.

"Beomgyu?" I call down to the water as I lean my upper body over the railing. "Beomgyu, are you okay?"

I felt my heart jump a little with joy when he finally popped his head out of the water.

"I'm okay." He said with his eyes closed tightly. "I just need a moment longer."

I nod even though I know he couldn't see me do so. I lean back a little and try and focus on my hearing so I could try and check in on the others, but it was like all sounds of the fight were blocked. I couldn't pick anything up but the sound of Beomgyu in the water.

I snap my head down as I hear the water swish around a little harshly.

"Beomgyu?" He was once again nowhere in sight. I scan the water franticly as a feeling of dread settles in my stomach. Something wasn't right.

Without thinking things over, I throw myself over the edge of the boat. Once I hit the water, I quickly come right back up and scan the surface before taking a deep breath and dropping back down.

I open my eyes and curse mentally as I realized my eye sight was not the best down here, but my hearing was still decent at least.

I spin around under the water and almost scream out Beomgyu's name as I see him fighting another succubus demon.

Why are they here?

I swim their way, knowing Beomgyu was still hurt from the way he was moving. He was in water, where he would easily be stronger then a demon, yet he was moving slow and stiffly.

I grab the demon by its hair and snatch it back.

It turned and bared it's teeth at me.

Knowing my moves would be slowed by the water, I didn't know exactly what I planned to do here. I was just glad I had at least got its focus off of Beomgyu.

The demon though, it did not seem to be slowed by the water at all. It's hands were around my throat in a second.

I reach up and try and dig my thumbs into its eyes, all that did was cause it to dig its claws into my throat.

I open my mouth without thinking, bubbles leaving my mouth and rushing to the surface.

I snap my mouth shut and this time try and pry its hands off my neck, but the thing would not budge at all.

I close my eyes as I try and add more strength to my arms. I had to get this demon off of me before it cut my head off with its bare hands.

Fractured • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now