Chapter 14

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Old friend~

Yeonjun watched as Dumah tied the piece of Evelyn's soul down to her body. She wasn't placing the piece in her body just yet, but she was just using her body as an anchor for now.

Once she was done, Dumah turned to them with a faint smile. "I'm glad you found a piece of her soul already."

Soobin gave her a warm smile and nodded his head.

"We were wondering, do you know how many pieces are still out there?" Yeonjun asked, he was hoping she would know, so they knew when they would have them all.

"Sadly all I can do is guess about it as of right now. Once we find more pieces, we may be able to fill how whole her soul is. Huening Kai will be able to anchor the other pieces for you now that he has seen me do it."

That was a good thing then, if Taehyun was gone when they got a piece, Huening Kai could secure it for them.

"Do you happen to know where any other pieces are?" Yeonjun questioned again. All he needed was one piece of information to help them along with finding other pieces of her soul.

"Not yet, I search all of heaven and earth every day... but since her soul is broken, it's harder to locate any of it. As soon as I get even the faintest indication of a piece of it, I will let you all know."

"I will be going now... I'm gathering a new team to take over your work for now while you guys go through this."

"Thank you," Soobin said with a grateful smile, he was wondering how they would keep up with all the work and find the rest of Evelyn's soul.

"For now, I still need a few of you out there. We all know demons never rest." Dumah said with a thin smile.

"Of course, ma'am. We will get ready and head out right after."

Yeonjun watched as everyone left with Dumah, discussing where their first case would be at today.

He stepped closer to her bed, his eyes locked on the faint ball of blue light that was now stuck hovering over her. Yeonjun pulled his eyes away from the piece of Evelyn's soul and rested his eyes on her still face.

"Soon, your eyes will be open, you'll hopefully smile when seeing us all again for the first time... and I'll be able to hold you again." He said with a bitter smile. He reached a hand down and ran the back of his fingers over her cold cheek. "I can't wait to feel the warmth in your face again."




Wake up...

Taehyun felt something cold brush over his cheek.

He swatted at it and rolled over away from the feeling.


Taehyun jumped awake, his hands ablaze with blue light showing his magic was fired up and ready to use.

His wide hazy eyes scanned around him. Once he turned around he had to still himself before he let out a scream of shock.

The faint blue light shocked him, but what shocked him even more was what was holding the blue light still.

Taehyun let his magic fizzle out as he scrambled to his feet.

"Alse...?" He rubbed at his eyes, expecting her to be gone as soon as the dark spots faded away, but she was still there. Well, kind of there. "You're a ghost?"

Taehyun felt his throat closing up with emotions as he took in the slightly transparent form of his old childhood friend.


Taehyun had to swallow thickly before he could speak. "This whole time?"

"Yes." She repeated again a faint smile on her face.

Taehyun's eyes go down to the blue light she was holding. It looked like a soul, but smaller. "Is that..."

"A part of your friend's soul, yes. She has been watching over you every night you have been out here searching... I've been keeping an eye on you, so when I saw her, I knew what was going on." Alse took a step closer and raised her hands up so Taehyun could reach out and feel that it really was a part of Evelyn's soul.

"How?" He could no longer keep his tears in, they escaped his eyes without him fighting them any longer. He had been here for four more days since he last spoke to his members. Four days ago they found the first piece of her soul, now here was another piece of it... and his childhood friend had brought it to him. "Why are you still on earth...? Can you not pass over?"

Alse shook her head, her smile growing. "I stayed to watch over you... I knew one day you would come back here and I would be able to see you in person. You've grown so much Taehyun. Your magic has grown so much as well."

Taehyun wanted so badly to reach out and hold her tight to him, just once more. "You stayed here as a ghost for me..?"

Alse nodded her head.

"Why? You gave your life up for me, why your peace as well?"

"Because I love you Taehyun. You deserve to be happy and watched over, you do it for everyone else. You need someone to do it for you... When I saw your friend watching over you... it made me so happy to see I'm not the only one that cares for you. Even though her soul is broken, she found a way to you and was watching over you as you slept. I knew I had to get her to you."

"Alse..." Taehyun wiped at his cheeks as more tears fell. "Will you pass on once she's back?" He wanted his friend to finally find peace, she was the one that deserved it.

"I might... I'll have to stick around a little longer to make sure you're okay."

"You have always been the best person I've ever met."

"I feel that way about you too Taehyun, you know that."

Alse held her hands out a little further for Taehyun to take the piece of Evelyn's soul.

"You need to get her tied down."

Taehyun nodded and dried his tears up, he needed to focus on this.

He reached out as he was mumbling a spell. He would have to tie her soul fragment to him until he could get back to her body.

His hands were glowing blue as he reached out and grabbed the piece of her soul, bringing it to his chest as he closed his eyes. He felt a slight click in his chest as her soul was connected to his by magic.

He opened his eyes and watched as the blue light floated right by his shoulder. It looked content just bobbing up and down a little, if soul fragments could even be content.

"I can feel that she's happy now."

Of course, Alse would be able to feel a shift in a soul's energy. 

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