Chapter 32

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Dumah stood over Evelyn with her eyes closed and her palms open in the air over her torso.

Everyone held their breath as they watched their angel boss check over Evelyn.

She had only opened her eyes just for those few short seconds and not again since that.

Yeonjun felt his throat tighten with worry as he watched Dumah's eyebrows pull down in what seemed like confusion.

"Something isn't quite right..."

Her words did nothing to ease Yeonjun's worry at all.

"What do you mean?" Taehyun asked as he stepped forward a little. His thoughts were drawn to what he had felt every time he had messed with Evelyn's soul. Had he messed something up while doing that?

"I feel Andromalius' presence in her... I think it is just from when parts of her soul were in him for so long..." She trailed off, not really sounding too sure of herself.

"What do we do if it's not that?" Yeonjun asked, anger rising in him at the thought of Andromalius tainting her soul.

"Evelyn will have to fight against him if he is really in there," Dumah replied as she pulled away and opened her eyes. "She is immortal now, she has better control over all of that. If he really did plant a part of him in her soul, you will all need to keep a close eye on her. She also  has parts of Apep in her soul as well... I'm not sure if that is good or bad for her."

Yeonjun ran a hand down his face as he thought over the information they just received. It was always something... why couldn't the world just leave Evelyn alone?

"Do you know when she will wake up?" Soobin asked as he thought over the trouble that may be coming their way if Andromalius really had tampered with Evelyn's soul.

Dumah shook her head. "I'm not sure. Her soul is adjusting to being back in her body. It could be anytime, or days."

Soobin nodded his head as he looked over at the girl.

Yeonjun blocked them out as he took up the stool next to her bed. He felt his heart warm at the thought of her being back, but he also felt it sink at the fact she still had trouble waiting on her.

Yeonjun looked up after he broke out of his thoughts. The room was empty.

Taehyun had gone to his room, his thoughts filled with what could go wrong once Evelyn woke up. If Andromalius had really messed with her soul, how well she would be in fighting him off? And the fact that Rerek was still present as well.

"Taehyun?" Soobin called out as he knocked and entered Taehyun's room.

"Yeah?" Taehyun asked as he stood up from his bed.

"Dumah wanted to speak with you alone."

Taehyun felt nerves bubble up wondering what their angel boss wanted to talk to him about. "Alright." He said as he followed their leader.

They entered the living room where Dumah stood waiting by the door.

"Let's step out into the hall." She said as Taehyun came to a stop a few feet away from her.

Taehyun nodded, slipping his shoes on, and stepping out the door with her.

"I think you know what I want to talk about?"

Taehyun's eyes widened for a second before he let a sigh out. "I messed something up by tying the pieces of her soul to mine, didn't I?"

"I wouldn't say you messed something up... but this may cause some confusion once she wakes up."

"What do you mean?" He felt his chest squeeze at the thought of causing more trouble than what was already coming.

"Give me your hand." She said as she held her hands out.

Taehyun did as she asked.

"Close your eyes and just let me lead the way."

He nodded his head and closed his eyes tight, relaxing his mind as he felt her powers wash over him.

"Open your eyes and look at your hand now."

"What is that?" He asked as he saw a purple string around his right wrist.

"Your soul is linked to Evelyn's..."

Taehyun's heart stops for a second as he brings his eyes up to meet Dumah's golden ones.

"Linked as in...?"

She shook her head with a gentle smile. "No. nothing like when Yeonjun's soul was linked with hers... This is more of a... soulmate link, but not in a 'romantic' sense. It's hard for me to explain in a way you may understand, I'm sorry. Just know this will not cause you to feel any more love for her than you already have in your heart."

"So, I won't fall madly in love with her like Yeonjun did?"

Dumah let out a light laugh. "No, not unless it happens on its own."

Taehyun felt a bit better, he knew he wouldn't love Evelyn in a romantic sense. She had already felt like more than a friend or family member to him, but his love for her was not in the same sense as Yeonjun's love for her.

"I want to add, I don't think this is just from you tying the pieces of her soul to you... I felt something linking you two together before that... this only made it stronger."

"Are there drawbacks to this type of soul link?" Taehyun questioned as he thought over what had happened to Evelyn when she felt the link between her and Yeonjun.

"Not that I know of... If you two are close enough, you may be able to feel each other's emotions. You can learn to block that out though, both of you can make it where the other can't feel what you're feeling." Dumah paused as if she was thinking over something. "Ah, I remember now. Your soulmate bond is platonic. You two just feel a deeper connection than mere friendship, but you two don't feel anything romantic towards one another. Did you ever feel a strong pull towards her?"

Taehyun nodded his head. From the day she met them all, he felt like he was meant to meet her. He never really thought about it too much until their friendship really grew, but there was always something drawing him to check on her and make sure she was safe.

"I want to talk to the rest of your members about this now that I have covered it with you... just so there is hopefully not too much confusion between you all."

Taehyun was grateful she was going to speak with them all about it, he really didn't want Yeonjun to think he was trying to step in his way of getting Evelyn back.


So, Taehyun and Evelyn have a platonic soulmate connection😭

I hope this doesn't throw anyone off, this is just part of the plot it will not end badly for anyone with this new link (technically it's not really new, just stronger)

I just like the idea of a platonic link for them since they have always been very close from the start of Broken.

Now, the next part... may cause some anger. Idk yet lol. It's all for the plot! And no Evelyn will not have amnesia, not gonna do that and drag that out lol. 

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