Chapter 23

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Soobin pulled at his hair, feeling the follicles breaking away from the force he was gripping them with.

Beomgyu sat on Soobin's bed, not knowing what to do. No one had ever seen Soobin this out of it.

"He's so stupid! Risking his life like that!" Soobin burst out, causing Beomgyu to flinch from the sudden volume in the leader's voice.

"How are we going to save him? Dumah acted as if he wouldn't have a chance against the demon, that can't be good."

"I'm sure Yeonjun can handle it... Didn't he tell you he had killed a few of her kind before?" Beomgyu said, trying to ease a little of his leader's tension.

"Yeah, her slaves!" Soobin yelled as he whirled around and glared at Beomgyu. "Not the master of them all. She's a very old demon!"

Beomgyu brought his hands up. "Freaking out won't help Yeonjun at all." He said as he stood up, not wanting to be attacked verbally by Soobin any longer.

Soobin watched as Beomgyu left without another word.

He sighed as he flopped down on his bed, staring holes into the ceiling.

For once, he really was utterly lost on what to do. He had no idea what part of hell Astaroth resided in. Even if he did know, how would he get there and fight off demons that were bound to be there.


Yeonjun rolled off the demon, getting to his feet right away as he let his natural form take over. His eyes scanned the new area as his mind raced with ways to get away.

They were in what seemed to be Astaroth's den, where she must bring all her victims. There were no openings anywhere to indicate a way out. The part of the walls he could see were a dull gray color, leading him to believe they must be in some kind of cave. The rest of the walls were covered with various animal skins, and what he guessed were 'toys' she used with her victims.

His eyes went back to Astaroth as she stood to her feet, moving a little slower than needed.

Her bright orange eyes met his. Just like Yeonjun, she was in her natural form.

Her bare skin was coal black, her hair a fiery red that swept the ground by her feet, her lips still blood red, her nails the same color as her lips. On top of her head were horns the same color as her slaves. Astaroth's were much bigger though, showing her age and power as they went towards the back of her head where they curled over two times.

"I see you were eager to come with me." She said as her long tongue flicked out and licked her bottom lip. "Just couldn't wait for a good time?"

She walked slowly towards him, her sharp teeth showing as her smile grew.

Yeonjun stood tall as she walked over, waiting until she was right in front of him before he sent a blow to her gut. She let out a yell as she was sent skidding across the floor, dragging more animal skin with her.

She got to her feet quickly this time, throwing the animal skin off her head.

"You little brat." She snapped as she bared her teeth in a more threatening way.

Yeonjun moved his wings around, bracing for whatever she was about to throw at him.

What she did was not what he was expecting though.


Yeonjun clenched his jaw as the demon took the form of Evelyn.

"Stop playing around." He snapped as he dug his nails into the palms of his hands.

"Yeonjun... you're scaring me." The demon called out quietly in Evelyn's voice.

Yeonjun closed his eyes for a second, reminding himself this was what these demons do, they look into your mind and find what you cared the most about, and used it to their advantage.

"Astaroth, stop playing around." He growled out as he took a few steps closer. His blood was boiling at the fact such a nasty demon was wearing Evelyn's face.

"Don't you miss me?" she asked as she took small steps towards him. "Just let go and enjoy this moment with me, Yeonjun."

Yeonjun charged at the demon, his hand raised, ready to meet her face.

The demon brought its arms up to block their face and screamed loudly.

Even though his brain knew it wasn't really Evelyn, he still hesitated a moment, a moment the demon took to make a move of their own.

She grabbed him by the neck, picked him up a little, and threw him down on his back.

She straddled him and smirked, showing sharp teeth.

"Even though you know better, you still hesitated." She said mockingly as her face changed back into her own. "My Yeonjun." She said still using Evelyn's voice. "So deeply in love with her, all self-preservation is gone...

She switched back to Evelyn's face, a sweet smile on her lips.

"I'm so lucky..." Once again her face changed back and so did her voice. "That I get to ruin it."

She dug her nails into Yeonjun's neck, laughing as she drew his blood.

"I've never had the chance to take a fallen angel's soul. I bet it tastes so good." She drawled out as she brought her face down to Yeonjun's. She bent down and whispered into his ear. "You want me to wear her face as I do this? Hmm...?" She hummed out as she flicked her tongue against the shell of his ear before pulling away just enough to meet his gaze once more. Her eyes locked on his lips. 

Yeonjun smirked right before he brought his head up fast, knocking their foreheads together.

The sound echoed off the walls, closely followed by the demon's screech of pain.

Yeonjun grabbed her shoulders and rolled them both over, so he was on top now. Holding her down by her neck. He grinned as he sunk his own nails into her neck.

"You better let everyone know, to stay away from me and the people I care about." He said as he cut the demon's air supply off. He brought one hand away and reached into his right boot, pulling a knife free.

The demon's eyes widened as she saw the knife he brought over her chest. She changed her face once more, trying her best to make Yeonjun hesitate again.

She was sorely let down when he still brought the knife down where her heart should lay. He let go of her neck and dug it in with both hands, making sure he cut her deep enough to kill her. He knew it wasn't Evelyn, but still seeing her face contract in pain, made his heart skip a beat.

He bit the inside of his cheek and twisted the knife, making the demon drop its mask. 

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