Chapter 61

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I wipe the demon blood off my cheek as I get back to my feet. "That one was huge." I say out loud as my eyes scan the area. As soon as I had left the cave where Andromalius was burning, I was met by a pack  of hell hounds.

My eyes land on the only one that was left. It stayed a few feet back, growling with its head low to the ground.

"Can we not do this? I really hate killing you guys." I sigh as I bring my sword up a bit, ready for it to come running at me. "Go! Go away!"

I take the chance in yelling at it. My hope was that it would just go on since it had witnessed me killing the rest of its pack.

I let my powers flare up, wanting to see if that would make it leave.

It slowly brought its head up as it sniffed the air, picking up on something that made its ears perk up. In the next second, it took off running away from me, its tail tucked between its legs as it sent a fearful look at me over its back. It was seeing if I was chasing it?

Standing here, looking wondering what had made the hell hound scared of me wasn't going to get me any where. I take a breath in and just head off in a random direction.

I try to recall anything familiar from the few times I had been here before, but everything looked the same. Same ash colored dirt, same jutting rocks that were scattered randomly. The same stench that stung my nose.

I whip my head to the left, my eyes landing on one of those random rocks that pointed to the crimson sky. There was something that had moved in the corner of my eye, I could also almost swear there was a familiar sweet scent that brushed my senses.

I ready the sword in my hand as I head towards that rock. Something was here and it was familiar. I didn't want to hope just yet that I would find Yeonjun so soon, but at the same time, my body was telling me that it had to be him.

I push my back against the jagged edge of the rock, hiding myself in the shadows as I strain my noes and hearing.

There was no sound other then my heart beating against my rip cage, and no smell other then hell fire and death.

I let smoke cover my hands and the sword that I gripped tightly in my right hand as I peeked my head around the sharp bend of the rock.

I let my shoulders sag as my eyes met nothing but open air.

I pull myself away from the rock and start to scan the area again. I may have just placed myself in a wild goose chase. Yeonjun wasn't in his right mind right now, there was no telling where he was. He could even be playing games with me right now.

I spin around as I hear something heavy hit the ground right behind me.

My eyes widen as I take in the dark version of Yeonjun.

His eyes were pitch black. There wasn't even a shine from light hitting them, as if they were sucking the light up as soon as it touched them. His handsome mouth was twisted into a wicked grin showing off those perfectly white teeth. His wings which were once white with red tips were now just as black as his eyes and horns. The red that tipped his wings was a right crimson like they had been dipped into freshly spilled blood.

"Yeonjun..." I breath out as I lower the sword a little.

"Evelyn, fancy seeing you here." He said as he took a few smooth steps closer.

I took the same amount of steps back, something in my gut was telling me to be careful with this side of Yeonjun. "We need to get back home," I say as I square my shoulders, I didn't want him to pick up on how wary I was feeling at the sight of him. The smile on those soft lips that I had kissed many times was just so unsettling for some reason.

"I'm not ready to go back, not just yet." As he took another step closer, I gripped my sword tighter. His dark eyes flicked down to my right hand. "Why are you so on edge?"

"We're in hell... I just had to kill half a dozen hellhounds." I excuse my restlessness.

"I saw," I spin as he appears right behind me, so close that my shoulder brushed against him as I turned. "It was very sexy... watching you fight them off so easily. The demon side of you showing as you blood on your hands."

I gulp as we both start taking steps again. I went back as he came towards me. Every smooth wide step he took, I took to small slightly panicked ones.

"Killing anything isn't 'sexy'." I reply as we kept going until my back hit the rock behind me.

Yeonjun's twisted smile grew wider as he placed a hand on the rock by my head as the other reached for the sword in my hand.

I look down at my hand as I tighten my hold on the sword, then I tilt my head back to meet his black eyes. "What are you doing?"

"I don't want to scare you into stabbing me with that, you know you'll regret it if you did. You know right now I'm not the same Yeonjun you love. So, my actions can't justify you killing me."

"I wouldn't kill you, no matter what side is acting right now." That was the truth, I wouldn't risk losing him over his dark side lashing out at me.

"So blindly in love." He clicked his tongue as he gripped the sword harder and yanked it from my hand. "Both of us are."

I pushed myself into the wall harder as something stirred in me as his eyes trailed slowly up from my hand to my eyes.

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