Chapter 40

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I knew right away I wasn't in a simple dream, this was something more than that. Someone was orchestrating this.

I walk out of my room, feeling a shiver run up my back at how silent the house was. It was never like this if all the lights were on. Someone was always making some kind of noise.

I walk into the kitchen and pause as I see all of us at the table, all of us. There I sat next to Yeonjun, slapping his arm with a bright smile on my face.

I felt my heart warm for a moment before I reminded myself this wasn't a dream of my doing. I had no idea what this was.

Maybe it was a memory...? One from before I died for the second time?

I wasn't sure, it just didn't feel like a dream. Maybe being an immortal makes dreams feel different as well?

I walked into the kitchen trying to see what everyone was saying. But, there was no sound still. I could see all of our mouths moving, but nothing met my ears. No laughter that I knew was coming from Beomgyu and Huening Kai by the way their faces looked. No bickering from me. No sounds of Soobin trying to calm us all down. No smart remake of Yeonjun's met my ears. Not even a little jest from Taehyun.

"What's going on?" I ask as I try and touch Soobin's head as he is the closest to me. My hand went right through like I figured it would.

I gasp as Soobin turns to look at me. His eyes a bright crimson as he stands up and fully faces me.

My eyes darted to the others, the other me was gone now.

All their eyes were red as they all started to walk towards me slowly.

"Guys?" I ask as I start to back away. My heart racing as old memories of the torture I went through started to consume my mind, throwing me into a panic.

My breathing turned labored as I backed all the way into the living room. I bump into something, causing me to turn, and realize it was just the coffee table. I snap my head back around.

They were all gone.

My head turns from side to side as I try and find where they went.

I let out a scream as someone grabs me from behind, putting me in a head lock.

"Let go!" I yell as I try and throw my elbow into their gut.

I was met with air. Letting me know they could touch me, but I couldn't touch them.

"It's so great having you back, Evelyn." Taehyun whispered in my ear.

"Taehyun?" My voice cracked from the panic that was now choking me along with his arm.

Suddenly all the others were in front of me. Some of them had blood on their hands and faces.

My stomach turned as they all gave me the same sinister smile.

They all side step showing me, my own body on the floor. My eyes widen as I realize the blood on them was from the other me.

"Do you even know which one of you is the real one?" Yeonjun asked following the question with a hum.

"I-" I cut myself off wondering what he meant. He did make me question if I had somehow died again.

"Of course not. You're such an incompetent human, Evelyn." Soobin said as he took a few steps closer. "You will never be able to handle the new powers you have. We had to kill you because you would only drag us down. All you do is cause us trouble. You will never amount to anything more than a whiny little human."

"I'm so glad to finally be rid of you," Yeonjun said as he walked over to me.

I try and break free once more from Taehyun as Yeonjun stops right in front of me.

"Stop!" I plead as he reaches out and grabs my chin tightly.

"Always begging for mercy," He tsked as he pulled a knife out of nowhere, placing it on my collarbone. "I could never have mercy for someone like you."

I scream and close my eyes tightly as he suddenly shoves the knife into my neck.


"Evelyn, wake up!"

I scream as I throw my hands out, trying to hit whoever was touching me.

"Evelyn, it's me, Yeonjun!"

"Please, don't!"

"Don't what?" He asked as he again tried to grab me.

I push my body as far as I could away from him into the headboard. "Don't keep stabbing me." I let loose a sob not knowing I had already been crying.

"Evelyn, it was a dream.' He said in a soothing voice.

My eyes snap to my door as Taehyun comes storming in.

"Stay back!" I yell as he goes to rush over to me. "How do I know this isn't another mind game?" I questioned as my body jerked a little from the sobs that kept breaking through no matter how hard I tried to keep them down.

"Tell us about the dream, so we can show you this is all real," Yeonjun said.

I shake my head. "No, because then you'll know how to trick me into thinking this is real."

Taehyun came rushing over.

"No!" I scream as I hold my hands up and close my eyes.

I gasp as he pulls me into a hug, his own emotions washing over me. I felt his concern and guilt.

I didn't even try to hold back the cries now that I felt like I was finally back in the real world.

Taehyun pulls back and motions for Yeonjun to comfort me.

Yeonjun stepped over and pulled me tightly into his chest as he whispered words of comfort. His hand stroked my hair as he tried to calm me down.

"It was a dream, sweetheart."

"It didn't feel like a normal dream or nightmare." I whimper out as I push my face as close as I could into his chest. I take a few deep breaths through my nose, not even worrying about the sound that was coming from my stopped-up nose.

"It's over now. It was probably Andromalius trying to mess with you."

Yeonjun turned us so he could sit down on my bed, pulling me into his lap.

I curl into him, wanting to be as close as I could to him at the moment.

He lets go, causing me to reach out for his hands to replace them back on me.

"Calm down, I'm just getting your blanket. You're shaking like a leaf." He said with a chuckle out how desperately I had reached for his hands.

I calm down as I feel him wrap us both up in my blanket, tucking my face back into his chest.

"I got you, Evelyn. I'm not letting you go until you ask me to."

"Please, not any time soon," I whisper into his shirt which was damp from my tears.

"Of course, whatever you need." He replied just as quietly, even though I heard it clear as day.

I close my eyes as he starts to hum, causing me to calm down even more.


Man, I keep getting over 1,000 words on these chapters lol.

Chapter 40 already! What😂😅

Don't worry Taehyun left the room to give them space like the amazing friend he is! Ugh kinda proud of the lil moment between Yeonjun and Evelyn. Makes me want to cuddle with someone, but I got my cats lol.

Last update for today, I probably won't update tomorrow. I'll be busy with family stuff.

I will proof read this later bc my back is killing me rn and I want to lay down, so sorry for mistakes!

I hope you all have a great night/day!!

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