Chapter 59

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Evelyn stood there frozen in Soobin's hold. She really didn't know what to do. She cared deeply for them both. She couldn't pick who would have to fight the dark magic.

Taehyun's magic would die if the dark magic reached his heart.

She had no idea what would happen if it touched Yeonjun's heart... It was dark magic, so it couldn't be good.

Her heart started to beat faster as the panic gnawed at her insides. Her eyes widened as she saw the dark magic start to enter Yeonjun's body. Slowly the magic crawled up from his fingertips to his hands. Where the dark magic went in his arms, his veins turned black and bulged out.

Evelyn snapped her mouth closed and then tried to take off and snatch Yeonjun away from Taehyun.

"Let me go, I'll do it!" She yelled at Soobin as he pulled her back into his chest.

"No, Rerek told you no." Yeonjun snapped through gritted teeth.

"Please, don't. I can stand to watch either of you in pain." She bit her bottom lip as her eyes started to water.

Yeonjun was just smiling at her softly even though he was in so much pain. "Same for me. I can't watch you possibly get hurt as well. You play too often with death, one day he may win."

"I can't die!" She yells out at him.

"And neither can I." He replied calmly to her. "Soobin, take her out of here."

"No!" Evelyn fought harder as she saw how far the dark magic had reached. Yeonjun's arms were littered with dark veins all the way up to under his shirt.

She closed her eyes for a second and apologized to Soobin in her mind.

Soobin was suddenly surrounded by red smoke. His eyes widened as he knew what was going on. "Evelyn don't!"

She did not reply as she pried his arms off of her. Just as she took a few steps toward Yeonjun, she too was frozen in place.

"Stop being so difficult, you can't take on all the life-threatening shit alone," Yeonjun grumbled. It was hard to focus on keeping Evelyn away from him as the dark magic was covering most of his body now. "I'm sorry for this."

Evelyn went to open her mouth, but whatever she was going to say was cut off as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

Yeonjun looked away as he heard her body hit the floor. He was only doing this to protect her. She needed to learn that she wasn't the only one that would risk themselves for the others. She needed to know, she did not have to bear all the pain by herself.

"So stubborn," Yeonjun whispered to himself.

Soobin stood there, even though Evelyn's smoke was no longer holding him. He couldn't move. He didn't know what to do. What kind of leader didn't know what to do?

Soobin's chest hurt as he watched Yeonjun throw his head back in pain. The veins in his neck turning black.

Yeonjun closed his eyes as he felt the dark magic reach his chin. His body felt like it was freezing and burning at the same time. He wanted to claw at his skin, he wanted to get this poison out of him.

Soobin's heart fell at the same time Yeonjun did. He wanted to rush to his side and check on him, but he knew he couldn't touch him. He took a deep breath as he went to Taehyun's side. He knew Taehyun would be alright, but as his eyes went to Yeonjun. He wasn't sure.

"We're back!" Beomgyu yelled from the living room.

"In the hallway," Soobin called back. He let himself fall back on his butt. He felt drained, and tired. How could he fail his members so much?

Just as Beomgyu came into view with Dumah right behind him, Yeonjun jerked awake.

"Yeonjun?" Soobin got up slowly, trying to test the waters. He wanted to make sure Yeonjun was in his right mind before he got too close to him.

Yeonjun snapped his head around to Soobin and then around to Dumah.

Soobin froze as Yeonjun just disappeared.

"Where did he go?" Huening Kai asked in a panic.

"How would we know?" Beomgyu shot back at the angel.

Dumah sighed as she closed her eyes. "This is going to be harder than I thought." She said as she opened her eyes. "More than likely he went to somewhere that his dark side likes."

"His dark side?" Evelyn asked as she sat up holding her head. "What are you talking about?"

"Yeonjun has always had a dark side from when he fell from heaven, it happens to all angels that fall. Yeonjun was just able to control his. The dark magic would more than likely cling to that dark side of his, making it stronger. Harder to control."

Evelyn rubbed at her sore head as she took in this information. She needed to find him and bring him back so they could get that dark magic out of him. "Judecca?"

Soobin snapped his head around towards Evelyn. "Why do you say that?"

"That's where he went after he fell? That would be the birthplace of his dark side. Or, he may have gone there to try and go after Andromalius..."

"What do we do now?" Soobin turned to Dumah, he knew Evelyn had a good point.

"I'll have to try and find some demons that are willing to do the job of finding him."

"We don't have time for that." Evelyn snapped as she got to her feet. "We have to go now if he is going after Andromalius, he won't waste time. We can't either." She turned to face their angel boss. "You know as well, we can't trust demons."

"You can't just take off into hell alone."

All heads turned to Taehyun. His eyes were still closed tightly, his face was scrunched up in pain as well.

"Then what will we do? None of us can really go there without risking our lives."

"You may be the only one that can go without risking your soul being stuck there if you die," Dumah said as her golden eyes met Evelyn's. "You have Rerek in your soul. There is a chance since he has so much power there, your soul could move freely if this were to end badly."

"She is not going alone!" Taehyun snapped out, pushing himself to sit up. "Evelyn, you need to stop throwing yourself into everything. You need to stop doing this shit alone!"

Evelyn's eyes widened as she heard and felt Taehyun's anger.

She swallowed and stepped closer to Taehyun. "And we can't sit around and wait on a useless demon to bring him back. If he goes after Andromalius, he will break the promise he made to Dumah and die! I understand you're trying to protect me, but I mean nothing compared to any of you. You all are way more useful than me... and I can't lose any more family."

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