Chapter 25

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Evelyn knew if she was in her body, she would be holding back tears. Wherever she was though, whatever she was right now... she wasn't able to shed tears, she wasn't able to feel her heartbeat, she wasn't able to feel air fill her lungs.

It all felt stale and still. She was trapped in time it felt like, but time was still moving. She saw the members move about, doing what they needed to do, sometimes taking time to come see her still body.

She yelled out to them, begging the world to let them hear her, that's all she needed.

She had one chance to talk with Yeonjun, but only for a short moment that did not even feel like a simple second.

She watched as Yeonjun tried touching her soul once more, reaching out to her, but there was something holding her back from reaching back out to him. She had no idea what it was, but it felt like there was a chain holding her feet in place, not letting her take that small step in order to contact Yeonjun.

Even though she knew it would hurt like hell, she wanted to feel her heart sink as Yeonjun pulled away with a heavy sigh. She yearned to feel the stink in the back of her throat as she fought back tears.

"I miss you all so much." She said as she watched Yeonjun lay his head down on the edge of her bed, next to her cold still hand.

How she wanted to hug them all and feel their warmth.

She wanted to sit with them and eat some amazing food Taehyun had made with love. She missed all the small moments with them.

"What's going on?" She whispered as her room started to fade from her vision. "Yeonjun!" She yelled out as the sight of him faded away rapidly.

Evelyn felt the weight from her legs leave, allowing her to spin around. Her eyes were met with nothing but darkness.

If she had her heart, it would probably be beating out of her chest as she tried to think over what was happening.

Suddenly she was blinded by a bright light. She brought her hands up as she squeezed her eyes shut. 

"What do we have here?"

Evelyn brought her hands down and knew if she had lungs, her breath would have caught in her throat.

She was back in the same place Andromalius had been calling her to, just to play with her mind.

Evelyn then took notice of another demon, one that looked like a female with coal black skin and bright red hair... and was bare naked.

Her bright orange eyes racked over Evelyn as her blood-red lips curled into a big smile, showing off her sharp teeth.

"You can call her to you as long as you have part of her soul," Andromalius said to the female demon as he handed her a small blue ball of light.

Evelyn didn't feel bad at all at the state Andromalius was in. His whole body seemed to burn even though there was no fire near him, there was fire below the rock we all stood on, but none touching him. Then, it would heal for a few seconds, before the cycle started again.

The female demon laughed as she placed her free hand on the part of Evelyn's soul she held.

The female demon looked at Evelyn, something flashing in her orange eyes.

The demon used her pointer finger and thumb to pick a piece of Evelyn's soul out of the main part.

Evelyn felt something inside her squeeze as the female demon placed the small piece of Evelyn's soul on her long tongue, giggling as she brought her tongue back into her mouth and closed her lips.

The demon's eyes rolled in the back of her head as she hummed as if that small piece of Evelyn's soul was the best thing she had ever tasted.

"Mmh, I can taste just a hint of Apep's powers." The demon sighed as she turned over the other part of Evelyn's soul.

"Don't eat it all you fool, or you will lose your leverage on Yeonjun."

Evelyn straightened her back as she heard Andromalius say Yeonjun's name.

"Don't you dare mess with him!" Evelyn yelled out, wishing she could grab the demon lord by the throat, but she was unable to move at all.

The female demon laughed as she stalked over to Evelyn, her face changing as she got closer.

"Soon enough... you'll be nothing to him, not even a memory." The female demon said in a voice that sounded just like Yeonjun's. She had changed her whole body to look just like Yeonjun.

Evelyn closed her eyes as the demon got close to her face. "Stop this, now." She bit out glad for one moment she didn't have to keep her body still and not show how paniced she was at the moment.

"This is just the beginning." The demon said still using Yeonjun's voice.

Evelyn opened her eyes as she felt a strong shove to her chest.

She was shocked to find she was back in her room, her eyes scanning the area trying to find anything that was out of place.

She spun towards the door as Yeonjun walked in.

He walked over to her bed and looked down at her body, suddenly his face twisting in disgust.

Evelyn stumbled back as he raised a knife above his head, the kind they used against demons.

"Yeonjun!" She yelled out as she came to her senses.

His head whipped around to where she stood in the corner of the room.

"Evelyn?" He questioned as he lowered the knife and walked towards her.

"What were you about to do to my body?" She asked, her voice actually sounding shaky as she backed into the corner.

"I came to my senses and realized you were nothing but a burden and a weakness to be used against me." He said lowly as he pinned her in the corner. "I can't have that. I will not go through the pain I did when you died. I will not allow myself to feel that way over someone again."

Evelyn's eyes widened as he brought the knife to her neck. She was shocked by the fact she could actually feel the coldness of the blade.

Yeonjun leaned his head down so they were face-to-face. "Now that the bond is broken, I really see... I never loved you..."

Evelyn felt tears weld up in her eyes as she heard his words, them turning over in her head, again and again. Mocking her as they danced around mixing with all the memories they had together.

"I'm actually crying?" She asked out loud under her breath as she brought a hand up to her cheek. "How am I crying?" She looked up to meet Yeonjun's dark eyes.

But, he said nothing as he dragged the knife across her neck, cutting deep into her flesh.

Evelyn's eyes widened as her hands went to her neck, trying to stop the steady stream of blood that was running out of the cut. There was no stopping it though, it was as if a dam had been broken, the water was too strong to stop, the hole too big to fill.

Her mouth moved in silent cries as her legs gave out on her. Her one hand reaching out to grab onto the leg of Yeonjun's pants.

His expression changed to one that showed so much disgust that Evelyn felt like her heart was breaking.

"Let go." he spat out as he snatched his leg away from her, letting her fall completely to the ground.

And that really was just the beginning of Evelyn's torture in the hands of the female demon, on top of the mind games Andromalius was playing with her.

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