Chapter 21

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Dumah stood in front of the demon that they had to bring back to their dorm.

They had it posted up in one of the extra studios upstairs.

The demon was cowered down seeing as it was in the presence of a very high-ranking angel.

"She really doesn't know what her master wants with you," Dumah said as she opened her eyes, done digging around in the demon's mind. She let out a sigh as she realized that meant they only had one other option. "We have to find a way to speak to Astaroth face-to-face to see what she wants with you."

"I'll have to go to hell and find her..." Yeonjun trailed off. How else was he going to speak to her face-to-face?

"Not a good idea to face a succubus in her own domain," Dumah said with a shake of her head.

"We have to do something soon, or she'll keep sending her slaves to possess humans."

"I know this Yeonjun," Dumah replied dryly.

"We can try and summon her?" Taehyun suggested.

"We can..." Dumah said thoughtfully, trying to go over all the ways something could go wrong. "We need to make sure we have everything perfect before we summon her, we can't risk a demon like her being free. I'll be here to help, but we still can't risk her fleeing from here."

Everyone nodded understanding that this was a big job they had on their hands, one that they had to be very cautious with.

"I'll go gather a few more angels to be on standby, just in case. Do you know what all you will need?" She asked them as she unfolded her wings a little, ready to leave.

"Yes, we've summoned a demon before," Beomgyu said, not thinking over what he was saying.

Dumah's eyes widened as she heard him. "You what?" She questioned, her voice going up a pitch. "What demon?"

"It was just a lesser demon..." Soobin tried to cover their tracks, knowing them summoning a demon was not something they did without informing their bosses.

Dumah raised her hand as Taehyun opened his mouth to try and help Soobin out. "I don't want to hear about it now, we have other pressing matters."

They didn't show it, but they all let out a sigh of relief.

"Just keep an eye on that demon and get everything else ready for Astaroth."

"Yes ma'am," Soobin said right away.

As soon as Dumah was gone, Beomgyu received a hit from all the members.

"Idiot!" Soobin hissed as he rubbed at his forehead. If he could get gray hairs and heart issues from all the stress he keeps getting pushed on him. He would definitely die at an early age with a head full of white hair.

"Let's just get this show on the road." He said after a few minutes of Yeonjun and Beomgyu bickering back and forth.


Dumah was inspecting all the things they had done while she was away. "I guess you do know very well how to summon a demon." She said as she gave all the members a bit of a sideways look. "We will either offer her back her servant, or a drop of my blood," Dumah added as she backed away from the magic-infused circle that would be used to hold Astaroth.

Dumah held back a small smile, it felt nice to be this involved with the human world again, just like when she had first become an angel. That was a very long time ago...

She cleared her throat to bring her mind back to the matter at hand, this was no time to enjoy being in the human realm. Things were about to be very risky for all of them. She could be reprimanded if she let Astaroth slip through their fingers.

"Let's begin." She said as she stepped back, letting them take over for the summoning.

Her golden eyes fell on Heuning Kai who backed away as well. She felt her heart warm as she thought over how far Huening Kai had come since he became an angel. He was always meant to be an angel since the day he was born into the human world. She knew it very well because she was there to watch over him from the day he was born.

Huening Kai was destined for great things, things that would eventually come around.

Dumah was brought back to the present as she felt the demon's power start to fill the room.

A bare naked woman was standing in the middle of the circle they had made.

Her blood-red lips were pulled into what must be usually taken as a seductive grin.

"I see you're staying in your human form?" Dumah asked the demon as she stepped forward, watching Astaroth's eyes flash quickly to their natural bright orange color.

"What are you doing here angel?" The demon spit out with so much hate, that a normal human would have backed away in fear.

No one in that room was scared of the demon that was stuck in the circle though, they all just wanted answers.

"I'm here to try and figure out why you're sending your slaves after one of my soul collectors?" Dumah felt her back straighten on it's own. Bringing her to her full height, showing the demon she was not here to play games.

"What do I get in return for coming here?"

Of course, demons would want to know what they got before saying or doing anything.

"Either your slave back or a drop of Dumah's blood," Yeonjun said as he stepped forward.

The demon's smile grew once more as she saw who she had been after.

"No, I want something from you." She said as she raised her hand and pointed a finger at him.

"Not part of the options," Yeonjun replied as he crossed his arms, already fed up with seeing naked demons.

"What if I told you I had a piece of your precious lover's soul...?" The demon drawled out as her smile turned mocking.


Gasp, she has what now? 👀

This stuff was not planned, but came to me lol so I had to add it. I felt it fit well and added some spice. Don't worry though, Yeonjun is not a whore 😂 he was once an angel after all. 

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