Chapter 53

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Take it all~

"Since when can you do that?" Taehyun asked me as I had stopped his fist with the same red smoke I had used on Andromalius.

"Something I discovered when fighting Andromalius in my mind the other day."

Taehyun nods his head as he takes a step back. "How strong is it?"

"I snapped Andromalius' neck in my mind..." I laugh sheepishly as his eyes widened. "But, that was in my mind, so I have more power then he does there. So, I don't think it's that strong in real life yet."

"We can get you there, though."

I nod, I didn't want to tell him what I planned once I got that strong. They would all try and stop me, but it had to be done for all of us to finally be done with Andromalius.

Without warning, Taehyun came at me again. I dodge his hit by a hair. I bring my right arm up and poke him in the ribs. He brings his hand down and pushes down on the back of my neck.

I fling my hands out and catch myself before I could face plant. I then roll quickly onto my back and bring my hands up the block the hit he sent at my face. I use the red smoke to knock him off me. I then get to my feet and wait for him to get up.

"Holy-" I duck as he sends magic at me.

"If you're using that weird smoke stuff, I'll use my magic." He said as he stood.

"That's fair."

After that, the room was filled with flashes of blue and dark red. Until I was starting to feel it draining me.

Taehyun managed to hit me in the gut with a burst of magic.

"Shit." He says as he rushes to where I lay spread out on the floor, panting. "I'm sorry, I thought you were going to block it."

"Taehyun, I'm fine." I reply with a light laugh.

He sticks his hand out and helps me to my feet. "I guess we found your limit for now."

"Yeah, it's better to find it now rather then out on a mission."

Taehyun nods as we gather our stuff, both of us ready for some food.

"Careful." Taehyun says followed with a laugh as I stumble a little.

"Don't laugh at me." I whine back a I take a moment and lean on the door frame.

"Here, lean on me. Once you get some food, you should feel better."

I wrap my arm around his shoulder and shake my head at the fact I had to stand on my tippy toes to try and meet his height.


"Feel better?" Taehyun asked as we both sit back and take a breath after finishing our food.

"Much better." I sigh as I close my eyes for a second. I was feeling way better after eating. I also felt a little proud out how quickly I picked up the new power I had discovered.

"What are you grinning about?" Taehyun asked, his tone laced with humor.

"Just happy that I'm actually getting stronger." I open my eyes and smile at him.

He nods his head. "I'm proud of you. You always surprise me with how strong you are."

My smile grows wider as I actually feel the pride he felt for me. "You have always been the one to believe in me no matter what. And I always appreciate it, Taehyun."


"Is this really happening right now?" Yeonjun asked out loud as his eyes scanned the house they were in.

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