Chapter 76

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Mission Home~

I jump awake shaking and sweating. My eyes scan my room, making sure I was home and not stuck in the nightmare that has been haunting me in my sleep for weeks now.

"It's okay, sweetheart." Yeonjun mumbles from beside me, his arm coming up and wrapping around my waist, prompting me to lay back down with him.

I shallow thickly as my hearts pace starts to slow back down to its normal steady rhythm.

My eyes shift to Yeonjun's half asleep form. His black hair that had grown some, covered his left eye. His shoulder and back moving up and down with his deep breathing.

I reach out and brush his hair away from his face. He opens his one eye and his lips pull into a sloppy smile.

I smile back at him as I settle back down next to him. I let out a content sigh as he tucks me into his side.

My chest blossoms with warmth when he starts to hum while rubbing random shapes on my lower back. Soon enough my eye lids start to feel heavy once again.


The next time I wake Yeonjun was awake. He glanced over at me with the corner of his lips turned upwards. The emotions in his eyes seemed to make them a few shades lighter this morning.

"You sleep any better after waking up?" He asked quietly.

I hum a yes and rub at my face trying to wake up just a little more. "Thank you, for dealing with me every night." I felt bad that he had to wake up every night with me. I had tried staying in my own room these past few weeks, but Yeonjun had insisted that even though I woke him up every night, that he still slept better when I was in here with him then not.

"No, thank you. You're an amazing snuggler."

I let out a very unattractive snort and shake my head. "Let's go have coffee and breakfast."

After us stopping at the bathroom and brushing our teeth and trying to tame our bed head, we make our way to the kitchen where Taehyun and Soobin were already awake and talking about a few missions that were coming up.

"Good morning." Taehyun greets us with a bright smile. His eyes linger on mine a moment longer, letting me know that he knew about my nightmare.

I cringe internally. I had been working on blocking our bond at night, that way I wasn't waking him up as well with my nightly panic attacks. But, I guess last night I had let it slip through.

His smile turns soft before he turns away and starts gathering the things to make coffee.

After all of us including Huening Kai who had came in about half an hour ago had finished off our coffee and food, Soobin sighs. All eyes turn to him.

His eyes come up to glance at all of us and we knew right away that it wasn't going to be good news. "Would someone please go get Beomgyu? We have an urgent mission from Dumah."

I jump to my feet, already forming a plan on how to wake Beomgyu with a little flare.

"Don't put him in a bad mood." Soobin cut in just as I was walking out the door.

"Come on!" I turn and throw him a Yeonjun worthy pout.

"Evelyn, stop that." Our leader said with a roll of his eyes.

I roll mine in return. "Fine, we'll be back in a moment."

I pop up in Beomgyu's room and almost lose my cool at how the grown man was sleeping.

His head and arms were hanging off the bed, his mouth wide open.  A thin line of saliva was running towards his hair line.

I let a small tenderloin of smoke slip from my hand and float to his sleeping form. I tickle his nose with it before switching to tickling his ears.

It took a lot of self control to hold my laughter in as his arms start flailing before he completely falls off the bed with a loud 'thud'.

I finally snap and hunch over as laughter fills the room.

Beomgyu's wide confused eyes scan the room before landing on me.

My mouth snaps shut as I get smacked in the face with water. I spit and sputter as I rub at my eyes. "Rude." I say as I look from the empty cup on his bed side table to him as he finally got to his feet.

"Calling me rude." He grumbles as he rubs harshly at his eyes.

"Come on, Soobin has an urgent mission from Dumah."

He lets out a loud groan as he stretches his arms above his head. "Maybe it'll be something exciting." He said, his voice straining a little from his long stretch.

"Who knows." I say with a shrug before I step over to him and give him a small shove. "Come on."

"I am not a morning person." He says as he tries and fails to swat my hands away.

"Neither am I, but it's already 11am. You have to stop staying up so late playing games."

He lets out a breathy chuckle as he nods his head in agreement. "I need too."

We both knew he wouldn't.

Finally after another twenty minutes of waiting on Beomgyu, we were all sat at the table, waiting for the mission. 

"We have to go back home." Soobin said after a long minute of silence.

All of them lean back in their seats, a few sighs could be heard as well.

"Our team there needs aid with growing nests of nuubrodott's. It isn't to bad, but there is a number of them and they want to wipe them out as quickly as possible. So, Dumah has asked us to go aid them since we know the lay of the land as well as the team there."

"Well, it is about time we catch up with our old friends." Yeonjun said with a fond smile.

"Let's get packing then. Pack enough for a week or two. They will have enough weapons for all of us. Our flight leaves in three hours."

We all stand and make our ways to our rooms.

Beomgyu walks in front of me, cussing under his breath about not being able to sit down and enjoy his cold breakfast.

But, I didn't pay him much attention as my mind was racing as I think over how it was going to be like in their old hunting grounds, what their old friends were like, if the demons were any different there then they were here.

And then there was the fact I had never flown in a plane in my life.

"You're going to a different country to fight demons... and you're more scared of flying in a plane?" Rerek asked with a loud laugh that echoed through my mind.

"Shut the fuck up." I ground out through clenched teeth. That only seemed to make him laugh even harder.

I send a mental kick to his shin before putting a mental wall up to block his cursing.

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