Chapter 79

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All fun and games from the night before were completely gone, everyone now sat around the table with straight grim faces.

Soobin and Jungwon sat side by side as they looked over a physical map of the city. The rest of us had maps pulled up on our phones with red dots scattered across them.

"You all probably know what the red dots are, they are the known locations of the nest we have found so far." Jungwon spoke as he jabbed a pen over the map in front of him. "We're hoping to wipe these all out in one day, that way word doesn't get out to any demons, giving them a chance to find a new place to hide."

We all nod or make sounds of agreement as we listen carefully to what he was saying.

It was a little strange looking to Jungwon as the leader, even though he was way older then me, he still looked years younger then me. He did give off the leader vibe very easily. I knew he had earned the spot as the leader and his members respect as well just by how they looked to him with such certainty in their eyes.

"We will of course be splitting into teams, and they will be picked at random." Soobin added for Jungwon as he pulled a bowl full of paper in front of him. "And no arguing about who you're paired with."

I hid my smile at the way most of the guys slumped or grumbled under their breath.

"There are six nest, there will be teams of two and one team of three." Jungwon said as he pulled the first piece of paper out. "Jake."

Soobin unfolded his piece of paper and read the name off. "Will be paired with Taehyun."

The next teams were Heeseung with Soobin.

Sunoo with Beomgyu.

Ni-ki with Yeonjun.

And then the two teams of threes.

Tiswan, Jay, and I.

I offer Tiswan a smile in hopes that Jay's sour face didn't discourage her.

And that left Sunghoon, Jungwon, and Huening Kai.

"Alright," Jungwon clapped his hands. "let's all gather our gear. We leave in an hour."

I take a deep breath in and stand to my feet. My eyes come up and meet Yeonjun's.

"You ready?" I ask him mentally as we fall into step with one another.

His slings his arm over my shoulder. "I was born ready." He leaned down and whispered into my ear.

I shake my head with a light laugh. "Cocky."

"You know it, sweetheart." He placed a kiss on my temple before pulling away as we enter what looked to be the weapons room.

My eyes scan the room, learning where everything was placed. Yeonjun went straight for the weapons while I went for the bags and supplies.

"Sorry if this is a bad question to ask but, you're half demon? Son of... Astaroth?"

Jay nods his head and hums.

"I was just wondering... when you touch the swords do they glow red for you as well?"

He turned to face me with a slight smile. "I forget no one on TxT are part demon besides you. Yes, they glow red for me and Jake. A dark red for Jake since his father's main power is fire." He points over his shoulder where most of the others stood testing out what weapons they wanted.

And Jay was right, the sword Jake was weighing in his hand was glowing a deep crimson, a few shades darker then what they glowed for me.

"It's cool how diverse these teams are." I say as I turn back and grab up one of the many black backpacks that hung on the wall.

"We don't get teamed by what we are, we get teamed by how well we work with one another."

I hum as I start to file through the bag that already had somethings in it. "I think that's great. I don't know what I would have done if I had to leave the guys, they have helped me through a lot."

"And that is why we are teamed with people we work well with. If you form friendships, then less likely for betrayal." I knew what he meant when his eyes cut side ways at Tiswan.

"She seems nice enough, maybe she just feels out of place is all." I reply lowly not wanting her to over hear.

"I don't know... Let's just hope we get this done the first time."

"Yeah." I agree, my eyes wondering to Tiswan. She didn't give off any odd feelings, she did just seem out of place. As I watched her, all that I could pick up from her was how stiffly she was moving. And I could understand her, the only reason I was comfortable here so quickly was thanks to my team.


I twist my head and look into the back seat to check on Tiswan as we get closer to the nest we were to handle.

"You okay?" I ask her. We had been driving west for 30 minutes now and she had not said a word.

Her eyes leave the window to meet mine, a smile that did not reach her eyes lifted the corner of her lips. "Yeah, thanks. It's been a long time since I have fought in the human realm. Just running over what I remember of this world."

I nod and offer her a real smile. "I understand, kinda." I trail off with an awkward laugh. I cringe as I sit back right in my seat.

"Let's go over the plan one more time." Jay said for the fifth time during our ride.

"We get into place, you take the underground entrance, Tiswan takes the back, and I take the front. Once we're in place I'll try and get a read on how many demons are in there, then I contact you both and we break loose." I end with a smirk as I feel Rerek stir in my mind.

"Don't look so blood thirsty, you look more demonic then me." Jay said with a chuckle.

"Sorry, Rerek likes these kinds of job's. The demon lord of chaos and all." I wave my hand in the air with a smile.

"No wonder Yeonjun likes you so much, you're both a little crazy."

We both laugh a little before sobering up as the old apartment building came into view.

"We're here, we'll check back in once we're done." I send out to the group chat. I put my phone on silent and remind the others to do the same.

We roll to a stop a few blocks away from the apartment building. I turn to look at Tiswan, giving her a nod before turning and giving one to Jay as well.

"Let's go kill some demon scum." Jay said as he held his fist up for me to for me to tap with my own.

"And celebrate later with beer and ice cream!" I say and raise my hand into the air.

"Beomgyu has rubbed off on you."


I stood at the main entrance of the apartment building, craning my neck back I scan the three floors above. We had a good amount of ground to cover with this mission and that was why one of the teams with three people got this nest.

"I'm in place." I call through my ear piece.

"Confirmed. I'm in place a well." Jay responded.

"In place." Was Tiswan's short reply.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath before I let smoke seep from my hands, sending it out through the first floor and then making it split and move to the underground car park and then the other three floors above.


How do I forget a whole ass member of txt? I forgot to put Huening Kai on a team and then had to rewrite some parts bc I forgot our og Angel😭

Hope you're all doing great!! I'll try and update again today💛

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