Chapter 49

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I nod to Yeonjun. I knew I had to listen, if I went in there, I would only be a crutch to them all.

He grabs both sides of my face and puts his lips to mine. I melted into the kiss until I remembered he just had demon ashes in his mouth.

I push him away and see the shock and hurt on his face.

"Im really sorry, but you just had demon ashes in your mouth!" I rush before turning away from him and spitting a little.

"Oh, sorry!" I knew he wanted to laugh, but we both knew now was not the time.

"Get going. If any of you get hurt, I will kick your asses."

"You too, ma'am."

He turned and was off running the same way Taehyun had went.

I felt my stomach sink. I really wasn't ready to be out here with them, yet here I was. I was being sent home like a kid that wasn't good enough to join the adults in something.

I take a deep breath and focus on being back home. I had never teleported this far before. I knew most the time, going home was the easiest long distance teleporting. I just haven't had to do it while freaking out on the inside about the only people I had in my life.

I open my eyes as I felt the familiar push and pull of being teleported.

"Fuck..." I say as I realize how bad I just fucked up.

I drop down just as a demon swiped at my head. Out of instinct I bring the sword up into its exposed stomach, right under its ribs.

It went still and then was nothing more then ashes a second later.

"Evelyn! What the fuck are you doing?" Beomgyu yelled as he was the first to see me.

I don't answer right away as another demon was coming at me on all fours.

For some reason the fact it was crawling scared me more then the demons that were way over a head taller then me.

I let out a yelp as I dodge its tongue that came flying out of its mouth towards my ankles. I quickly bring my foot down on its tongue as it was slowly retracting it. I then stab the sword into the back of its neck.

"Evelyn!" Yeonjun yelled as he could now see me as well.

"I don't know-" I stop as I block a demons hand with the sword. The blade cut into its hand, but it didn't seem fazed as it reaches up with its other hand, trying to go for my neck.

Before it could get to close, it seizes up. It's body now pulsing with Taehyun's blue magic.

"Why are in here?" He spit out. Even without the bond I would easily be able to pick up his anger just by the look on his face and his tone of voice.

"I was thinking about home, trying to get there. Then my mind drifted to you all and here I am!"

"God damnit!" Yeonjun yells right after he kills another demon. "Get her out of here."

Before Taehyun could make a move I shove him to the side, out of the way of the demon that had dove for him.

I let out a curse as it's claws met my side instead of Taehyun's back.

I turn on my heel and stab it in the back.

"I don't think we have time for that." I say as my eyes scan the room.

The demons were thinning at a decent pace, but more seem to flood in right after we get a good amount cut down.

"There must be a lot more under us." Taehyun said as he stepped behind me, his back brushing mine for a moment. 

I hiss as his hand brushes over the cuts from the demon. "Those may take a while to heal thanks to the demon having venom in its claws. You think you're good to keep going?"

"I'm good." I say as I fix my grip on the hilt of my sword.

"Since we're stuck here a little longer. I watch your back, you watch mine?"

"Sounds good." My eyes go to Yeonjun for a second before I focus on the demons that were not busy trying to kill our other team mates.

Another wave of demons come running in a door to the left of us. I tilt my body just a little to watch them, not wanting to lose full focus of the demons that were already here.

"Get ready." Taehyun whispered as a few of the demons lay eyes on us. "We may not be able to stick back to back, but watch yourself."

I knew there was no way for us to pull off the cool back to back move you see in the movies, this was real life. There were far to many demons in all areas. We needed to cut them down before they came at us, keep the element of surprise on them if we could.

"You take the small one, I take the big one?"

"Bet." I reply while lifting my sword back up. The hair on my arms raised as I felt Taehyun's magic flare up even more.



Way shorter then usual, but I think a good place to stop.

Hope you all have a great day/night!!

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