Chapter 58

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"I'm glad you decided to read with me instead of training... Every time I turn around you're in there, working your butt off." Taehyun said as he smiled softly at me.

"Yeah, I figured a day off wouldn't hurt me." I reply, smiling warmly.

Taehyun hums as he flips the page of the new grammaire he just got the day before.

"Anything interesting in there?" I ask as I look back down at the book I had. I was reading a random fantasy book that Yeonjun had picked up for me last week.

"Eh, not yet."

"Where do you even get those grammaire's from?" I question, he was always getting new ones and never said where he gets them from.

"I'm old, remember? I have many connections."

I let out a little laugh, I do forget they were very old. "It's so weird to think I'm friends with people that are old enough to be my great-great-great-gre-"

"Okay, that's enough greats." Taehyun laughed as he looked over the edge of his grammaire.

I grin at him and stick my tongue out. "You all look and act my age, so it's easy to forget."

"One thing us immortals have to do, stay up to date with all new trends. We can't be out here acting how we did when we were human, some people may get the wrong idea."

"Yeah, they'll probably think you're out of your mind."

"I've missed this." Taehyun says randomly as he marks his place and shuts his book. "Feeling and seeing you happy and relaxed... You've been so on edge."

I look down as I feel a little guilt from the fact that he could still feel all my emotions. He has felt my anxiety and grief so much recently.

"Don't feel bad, please. You lost so much. If you didn't feel those emotions, I would have been worried."

"I know...I just... I don't really know at the moment." I sigh heavily as I stare blankly at my book. The words on the pages did not register in my brain, they had no meaning as I slipped into my head a little.

"It's okay to not know what to do or feel after something that tragic has happened to you. You just have to take it day by day. I know training must really help you out with your grieving process, that's why I haven't pushed you to stop."

I look up and offer him a thin smile. "It does really help." I agree with a nod. "Yeonjun thinks I need to calm it down a bit though."

"I would feel a little better if you at least started eating normally again."

I run a hand through my hair and set my book down on my lap. "I need too, I know... I just don't really have much of an appetite since it all happened."

"Do you maybe want to see a professional about this?"

"Like therapy?" I ask, my tone filled with disbelief. "What, do you guy's just have a shrink on stand by? No, you all seem like you'd just tough it out." I give a sheepish laugh. "No, I know if I want to talk, I can come to any of you."

"You're right, you can . Any time you need any of us for anything, we're here for you."

"Let's get back to reading." I say with a warm smile, letting him know through my smile that I was grateful for them all.

We fall into a comfortable silence that was only broke when one of us flipped a page.

I snap my head up as I hear something behind me fall. "What was that?" I ask Taehyun who was looking at his closet behind me.

Fractured • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now