Chapter 75

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I hold in my laughter as Yeonjun turned back to face the rest of us, his bottom lip poked out in a profound pout.

"Do not laugh at me."

I shake my head and bring my hands up in surrender. "I'm not, I would never laugh at you."

"I would though." Beomgyu commented before bursting out laughing as Yeonjun's final score showed on the screen.

"Hey! You definitely cheated, Evelyn. How is it you have the best score?"

"My family used to go bowling at least once a month as a family night thing." I say with a smile, I didn't want to damper the mood, even though there was this deep ache in my soul.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Yeonjun asked softly as he came to take up the seat next to me.

"Because, you guys looked so hyped to come here... and I thought it was kinda funny that of all the places you all picked a bowling alley. I'm crazy, but for a moment I let myself think it was a sign from my family to have fun for a day." I grab Yeonjun's hand and look at all of them, meeting their eyes for a moment. "I just made great memories with my new family. Not to mention, I got to kick your ass. I can't wait to watch you clean the bathrooms."

"You little-" I let out a scream as Yeonjun stood up and picked me up tossing me over his shoulder.

I couldn't hold in the laughter that came bubbling up out of my mouth. My chest was warm with love and happiness. I really don't think I could have asked for a better first immortal birthday.


We were all chatting about the events of the night as we walked towards the dorm, everyone feeling relaxed for the first time in forever.

I shut my mouth as I was about to pipe in on Soobin's and Huening Kai's conversation. I turn and face Yeonjun as he had just pulled me to a stop.

"Everything okay?" I ask my smile fading a little.

"Of course, I have one more thing for you."

I raise a brow as I wonder what he could have for me. I let him pull me back towards the car, my mind wondering to last year. Things were so confusing and hard then. Yeonjun had been so cruel to me back then, but now I saw him for who he really was. The person I saw back then when he was alone with his team mates. Someone that cared deeply for their loved ones.

I knew deep inside Yeonjun had a lot of pain that he showed no one, not even his members. I knew that pain had played a big part in why he pushed me away so harshly. Yeonjun had been through so much in his time alive.

He had been human, an angel. He fell from heaven and spent no one really knows how long in hell. And now, he spends his day's fighting demons on the outside, and apparently on the inside according the that little snipe of his past that I got from that book.

"Close your eyes and we'll be there in just a moment." Yeonjun said as he stopped just outside the car.

"Why would you bring me to the car if we weren't going to use it?" I ask with a soft laugh.

"Can't let you know what I have planned."

I sigh and close my eyes tightly. I flinch a little when I feel a soft fabric brush down my forehead and over my brow and eyes.

"What are you doing?" I ask as I feel his hands move around the back of my head, more than likely tying the fabric in place.

"Just making sure you don't sneak a peek." He says as he rests his hands on my shoulders and turns my body around to face him. He plants a kiss on my forehead before pulling me into his chest.

I couldn't hold back my smile as my heart beat a little faster.

I never would have thought Yeonjun would be so romantic.

"What are you laughing about?" He asked as we made it to where ever it was he was taking me.

I knew right away it was the beach from the sounds of waves hitting the sand and the salt that was thick in the air. "Just thinking about a tough badass fallen angel being a hopeless romantic."

"I'll let it slide, because I have to agree with you." Yeonjun let out a chuckle as well. "The things you do to me."

I blink a few times as he finally pulled the blindfold off. My heart went to my throat as I saw the picnic he had set up for us in the middle of the beach. My eyes scan the sea as the sun was just dipping below it, casting the sky in deep oranges and reds.

I let him tug me along after him as I tried to think of something to say.

I meet his gaze as we sit on either side of a wicker basket. The smile on my face matched his bright one.

"You really did all of this for me?" I blink a few times to ward off any tears that wanted to come out.

He hums and nods his head, his smile never faltering. "You deserve it, all of it. You've been through so much, you've changed my life for the better. There is just so much I want to say and so much I want to do to show you how much you've u have come to mean to me."

I stand up and stepped around to the side of the blanket where he sat. His dark eyes following me.

I sit down and meet his gaze, letting myself get lost in it for a moment. The setting sun was hitting his eyes just right to show the lighter streaks of brown in them.

My focus shifted to his hand that grabbed mine.

"Same, Yeonjun. I know we had a rough start..."

"Sorry." He mumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"But, it's okay. I know back then you weren't ready to let someone so close to you and your way of making sure of that was to be an ass." I scoff and roll my eyes playfully. "I see you now though. I see who you really are under all the smartass remarks and the cocky smirks. You're caring, sweet, loving... still a smartass though."

He pushes my shoulder gently as we both laugh a little.

"And I couldn't ask for anyone better to be bonded with."

"Come here." He said as he held his arms open for me.

I turn my back to him and scoot into his hold, leaning my head back. I sigh softly as I feel him rest his head on top on mine.

We both sit there in comfortable silence as we watch the sun set over the ocean.


75 parts and over 90,000 words already???

Gosh it's been a long (almost 2 years) with these two books and I have loved writing them so much.

Soon enough it'll be time to say good bye to these two books and start a new one 😮‍💨

Idk where time has went guys😭

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