Chapter 29

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Angels powers~

Yeonjun snapped his head around to where Huening Kai was standing next to him, a flash of light had filled the cave and then a wave of power surged from the angel.

Huening Kai was in his natural form now, something Yeonjun hadn't seen since around when they first met.

His hair was pure white just like his wings. His eyes that were trained in on Andromalius were such a pure color of silver they looked white, swirling around in the white silver were bits of gold. Above his head was his halo, it was just a circle of golden light that hung in the air right above his white hair. The light the halo was casting made Huening Kai's features look shaper. His eyes narrowed as he glared at the demon that was across the cave from them. 

Yeonjun had to admit, Huening Kai looked deadly in that moment. Something the angel never looked.

Andromalius snapped his eyes open, his dark silver eyes locked with Huening Kai's.

"I see you've finally come to gather your friend's soul fragments that I have," Andromalius said with a smirk, a smirk that didn't last long as his body once again burned.

"Yes, we have." Huening Kai replied, his tone stone cold as he stepped close to the edge of the rock they stood on.

"Well," Andromalius opened his arms wide, "come and get them!"

Before Yeonjun could even open his mouth, Huening Kai was already gone.

He was nothing more than a flash of golden light as he went straight for Andromalius.

Yeonjun's mouth fell open a little as Huening Kai came in contact with Andromalius. He had hit him so hard that Andromalius was now a few feet back from where he originally sat. Huening Kai had caused him to make a crater in the stone wall behind where he was sitting.

Andromalius groaned as he fell forward out of the crater, coughing up a little bit of black blood.

"You're a lot stronger than I expected for such a young angel..." The demon said as he looked up, his eyes now mostly red as he stared up at Huening Kai. "But, you're still not as strong as me!"

Yeonjun took off as fast as Huening Kai had, catching the angel as he was thrown back towards the fire.

"You have to be careful, he is still pretty strong."

"I know," Huening Kai replied as he pulled away now that they were back in their original spot.

Huening Kai wiped at his mouth, smearing the silver-colored blood across his chin.

Before either one of them could move, Andromalius was in front of them. Sending a fist into both their guts, throwing Huening Kai down the tunnel, and Yeonjun into the wall next to the tunnel.

"How did it feel when Dumah gave your memories back to you? I bet you were pissed! I got word that you killed all my minions." Andromalius said as he stalked over to Yeonjun.

Yeonjun held back a groan as he got to his feet. "I did. I killed every last one of them, and I loved it. I loved watching the light leave their eyes. I may not have killed you, but I will make sure you never leave this place."

"And I'll do the same for you."

Yeonjun was ready this time when Andromalius came after him. Just as the demon reached out for him, he was already across the cave.

They went back and forth, changing places, Yeonjun just hardly staying out of Andromalius' reach.

"I guess being down here has slowed you a little." Yeonjun taunted as they were back on the same rock by the tunnel, Yeonjun was trying his best to try and check as to why Huening Kai wasn't back in here.

Andromalius took the small window as Yeonjun looked down the tunnel. "Not too much slower," Andromalius smirked as he lifted Yeonjun off the ground.

Just as Yeonjun was about to break the arm that had ahold of his throat, he let out a scream as pain shot through his body.

"I'm sure Dumah told you I wasn't completely powerless. You should really remember to listen to your boss's advice." Andromalius let out a laugh as he turned to face the fire.

Yeonjun was still writhing in pain as he was held over the fire. He needed to get away before Andromalius threw him into it. If he touched the fire, he would not leave this place. Huening Kai would be stuck in hell and Evelyn would never come back.

Yeonjun bit hard into his tongue as he brought his arm up to grip onto Andromalius' arm. Twisting it quickly, causing it to snap.

Andromalius dropped Yeonjun, luckily he was focused enough to not end up in the fire.

"You brat," Andromalius said as he snapped his arm back into place. "You will stay in here with me forever, you will not save your love."

"No one is staying here, but you." Huening Kai whispered next to Andromalius' face.

Yeonjun stood there shocked as he saw what was the shape of a sword blade, but it was made up of gold and silver fire sticking through Andromalius' chest.

Black liquid started to stream out of the hole and Andromalius' mouth as his mouth opened wide in shock. 

Huening Kai pulled the 'blade' out of his back, kicking the demon in the nack of his knee to send him down to the ground.

Andromalius landed on his face as Huening Kai seemed to make the blade of fire disappear.

Huening Kai walked up next to Andromalius' face and placed his hand on his right shoulder blade.

A flash of light and Andromalius let out a roar of pain. Huening Kai did the same thing to his other shoulder and then right above both of his hips.

Once Yeonjun made it over to them, he saw that whatever the sword was made out of, was now like bars holding Andormalius in place.

"I will not give the pieces of her soul up easily!" Andromalius yelled out.

"I think you will."

Yeonjun watched with slightly wide eyes as Huening Kai placed his hands on the middle of Andrmalius' back, casting the demon's whole body in the same silver-gold fire.

Andromalius thrashed around as he yelled in pain.

"I'm going to go in and get the fragments now." Huening Kai said to Yeonjun right before he closed his eyes.

Yeonjun was shocked by what his friend was really capable of. He had never seen Huening Kai this strong. He had never seen him fight like this. Yeonjun was an angel once, but he had long forgotten what even young angels could do when they were fighting for good and someone they cared about. They could be just as brutal as a demon. 

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