Chapter 70

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I tried calling through my bond with Yeonjun. Only to be hit with a mental wall that was not mine our his.

"Nice try, but you're to slow."

I could fell their power seeping through me at a fast steady pace.

"I don't know who you think I am, but I'm just here to bet on a few fighters." I say as I pull power forward to stop whatever he was trying to do to me.

The person holding me leaned down and spoke lowly in my ear. "I know who you are, Evelyn. I know who you all are."

"Then what do you want? We'll leave if it's causing an issue."

"No, I've been wanting to meet the person who now controls part of Apepi's powers. You have gained a name in hell, dear."

I jerk away as they pull my shoulder towards them. Dull red smoke burst to life around us as I dive for him, knife already in hand.

I don't land a hit with my knife, but I do manage to grab him with my other. As soon as I had a grip on him, I pull us away from the fighting ring.

Once we appear in the warehouse that had been prepared before hand by us, I take a few big steps away from him.

I slowly bring my eyes up to meet gold and red swirling ones. The mans hair was pitch black. His skin a deep caramel brown.

"Nice to finally meet you, I'm Mammon." He said with a lazy smile.

I grab my phone from my pocket and toss it away, knowing that it hitting the ground would trigger it to text and call my emergency contacts.

Then I pull out another knife and send smoke down both the blades.

I just needed to wait until the others came so we could trap him here and get a bit more information out of him before sending back to the depths of hell.


Taehyun turned with a grin on his face as his hand was lifted up, marking him the winner of the last fight of the night.

His smile dropped right away when he didn't see Evelyn in her spot.

"Where are you, Evelyn?" Taehyun felt panic spike in his chest as he was met with a block. A block that did not feel familiar. "Is she with any of you?" He called out to all the others as he climbed out of the ring.

It took all of his will power to hold his composure as they all let him know they have not seen her.

Yeonjun left his post as soon as Taehyun was done speaking to him mentally. His gut twisting. "I knew this was a bad idea." He yelled to his members.

"Calm down, she isn't a weak human anymore. You know just as well as the rest of us, she can handle a lot." Soobin snapped back at Yeonjun.

Yeonjun bit the inside of his cheek as he scanned the crowd. Trying over and over again to sense where she was through their bond.

All of them all step into the crowd that was slowly filing out, eyes snapping back and forth trying to spot her.

"Found her!" Beomgyu said as he pulled his phone out his pocket.

"We know idiot." Yeonjun snapped.


I grit my teeth as I use all my strength to keep the demons claws from sinking into my neck.

"It's crazy how easy it really is to end you. How did Andromalius and Valefar fail?" Mammon spoke to himself with a laugh.

"It's not really that easy." I reply as I send a spike of smoke through the demons torso. "It's crazy how demons get so cocky so easily."

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