Chapter 2

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Yeonjun had ended up in Andromalius' palace.

He kicked the doors open as his heart started to beat fast with uncontrollable anger. It clawed at his insides as his eyes took in the entranceway.

His nails were now claws. His wings were flared out behind him as he marched through the empty halls.

As he went down the hall, he would reach out and grab any tables that lined the walls. He would pick them up and throw them against the opposite wall, shattering whatever knick-knacks were on them. As he made it to the throne room, he gripped the iron door handle in his hand. He yanked it toward him so hard that the hinges emitted a sound of protest before they gave out.

Yeonjun was able to use his full strength here now. Andromalius was gone, taking his powers with him.

Yeonjun's eyes settle on Andromalius' throne.

Where the king himself sat planning this all along. Yeonjun's dark voice was awake in his fit of rage. It always roared to life when Yeonjun was being swallowed by his anger.

Yeonjun took the steps up to the throne two at a time. Once he was standing right in front of the over-exaggerated seat. He sent a kick to the front of it, sending it crashing back into the floor-to-ceiling windows behind it.

The windows shattered. The sound of the breaking glass filled the deathly silent palace.

Yeonjun then went back into the hall, anything that was in sight, he tore at, tossed, and broke.

He yelled at the top of his lungs after he had torn the place apart on the inside.

It didn't make him feel any better. He wanted to tear the walls down and reduce this place to nothing but dust.

Do it, avenge your mate. The voice provoked. It didn't want Yeonjun to stop now, not when things were just getting good.

Yeonjun opened his wings and squatted down a little. Pushing off the ground as hard as he could, leaving a crack in the marble floor.

As he looked down at the place where Evelyn's soul was torn apart, he did agree with the voice. He couldn't tear Andromalius apart, but he would tear his home apart.

Yeonjun spotted one of Andromalius' minions watching him from a few hundred yards away.

Kill it! The voice didn't even need to speak, Yeonjun was already heading for the demon.

The sickly-looking thing's eyes widened as it realized Yeonjun was coming for it.

It staggered back and turned, trying to limp away on all fours as quickly as it could. It was the same demon that had let them in before Evelyn's soul was torn to shreds.

Yeonjun drops to the ground right in front of it.

It let out a cry of surprise as it came to a stop, throwing its rail-thin arms up and closing its eyes tight.

"You knew what was waiting for us, you knew what was being planned." Yeonjun stepped closer causing the thing to stumble away from him. It tripped over its own feet.

"Sir, you know I am bound to Lord Andromalius." It cried out as Yeonjun reached out for it.

Yeonjun grasped it by its throat, lifting it to his eye level. "I know, that's why I'm going to tear you apart." Yeonjun's other voice was now slipping out of his mouth, he was going to black out soon if he kept going.

The chorikos demon pleaded for its life. It was far too late for it. It was once a human that had been so evil on earth, that once it died, its body became a physical representation of how mangled its soul became after all the sins it had committed as a human.

Yeonjun hated these the most, to think a human could be so evil that it ended up looking like the thing in front of him. All demons were scum, but chorikos were the worst.

Yeonjun doesn't waste any more time. He rests his left hand on the top of the demon's head. It begging the whole time as Yeonjun stares blankly at it.

Yeonjun digs his claws into the demon's scalp.

"Please! Don't do this!" The demon begged and reached for Yeonjun's hand on its head.

Yeonjun didn't try and hide the wicked smile that tugged up the corner of his lips.

With a quick twist of the hand that was gripping the demon's head, he snapped its neck.

Yeonjun let go and didn't bother to watch the body drop.

Ahh, that felt great, didn't it? Like old times, killing just to kill. Yeonjun ignored the voice as he went back to Andromalius' palace, it was time to turn it into ruins.


Yeonjun didn't even fight to breathe as he looked over what he had done. At some point, he did black out.

There were more chorikos bodies laying scattered in the dust of what used to be a great palace to a demon lord. Now, it was nothing but rubble.

Yeonjun doesn't recall killing more demons, but he didn't care. They were dead now, nothing would change that.

Just like nothing change the fact that Evelyn was gone.

Yeonjun sat down as his anger drained, replaced with a soul-crushing sadness. A kind he never knew he could feel.

He pulls his knees close to his chest, resting his forehead on them as black tears streamed down his face.

All he could see was the sadness that was in her eyes as she asked Andromalius to take his memories.

She did it to save him. In the end that worked. He didn't get the chance to go after Andromalius now that Dumah made him promise he wouldn't.

Her plan worked.

Such a troublesome person. He thought to himself.

That dark voice that liked to show up when his mental state was weak, didn't show back up. Its thirst for blood was fed, it would lay in its crevice in the back of his mind for a while now.

It was a voice he got when he was banished from heaven. It was his dark side, the one he gained when he fell. All fallen angels have them, but Yeonjun was the only one that had a hold on his. Until today.

His anger was too much and he didn't care to hold it back at the moment.

Yeonjun wipes at his face, his black tears mixing with the black of the demon blood that covered his hands.

He needed to gather himself and get started on finding Evelyn's soul.

He would bring her back, he had promised her that. 

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