Chapter 41

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I take a deep breath as I open my eyes. A content smile tugged at my lips as I felt the weight of Yeonjun's arm around my waist.

At some point last night I passed out while he was holding me in his lap. He must have laid us on the bed properly.

I slip out of his arms without waking him, I desperately needed water after last night.

It was still early, so I was a little shocked to see Beomgyu in the kitchen making coffee.

"Good morning!" He said with a smile as he pressed the start button on the coffee maker.

"Good morning," I reply as I look in the cabinet for a glass.

"Would you like a cup too?" Beomgyu asked as he pulled the sugar and creamer out.

"Please." I had finished my glass of water already, so I turn and clean the glass. Placing it in the strainer, I grab up a mug.

"You seem to be getting a hand on things?"

"A little. If I don't pay attention to what I'm doing, I'll still end up running into something."

Beomgyu laughed a little as he pulled his full mug away and started adding sugar and cream to his taste. "I remember when I was first turned. Learning to control water is a little difficult, believe it or not."

"Oh, I can believe that." To think about Beomgyu being brought back and then learning he could control water. A smile pulls at my lips as I think about how excited he must have been every time he got the hang of something new.

I press the button to start my own cup of coffee. As I waited for it to brew, I turn and lean on the counter. "Has anyone said when I would start training?"

Beomgyu shook his head. "Not yet. Everyone just wants to make sure you're nice and healthy before we start training you again."

"I'm perfectly healthy now. Immortal now!" I say while raising my hands in the air.

"We know that Evelyn, but we all want to make sure you're not pushing you too soon."

"I understand." I ended it there, I didn't want to come off whiny or seem as if I was complaining. Not after everything they have done for me.

As I was adding the creamer to my coffee, Taehyun entered the kitchen.

"You look tired." I say as I watch him rub at his puffy eyes.

"Yeah," He relied, yawning right after. "I was up late looking through my mother's grammaire again. I never knew she had wrote so much in it."

I felt a ping of guilt, knowing he was doing this to try and figure this bond out.

"Don't feel bad, please. I'm doing this because I want to. No one is making me do this."

Beomgyu looks between us. "Oh, I forgot you two could feel one another's emotions. Does it feel weird?"

I let out a light laugh. "Not really. I have already learned to tell our feelings apart. At first I couldn't tell which ones were mine, and which ones were Taehyun's."

"Same here." Taehyun commented with a nod, heading for the coffee maker as well.

"I guess we all need a little caffeine." Beomgyu said as he finished his cup off.

"Yes, I'll want a cup." Soobin piped up as he walked in. Following the leader was a very messy haired Huening Kai.

I tilt the corner of my lip up as I realize Yeonjun was once again the last one awake. I hope it didn't mean something was wrong with him.

"What are you worrying over now?" Taehyun asked softly as he stepped next to me with his cup, ready to do it up to his taste.

"Does it seem Yeonjun has been sleeping later then usual?"

"Not really. I think he is just sleeping more now because he has nothing to worry about."

It made sense I guess. "When are you all heading back to work?"

"Soobin and Huening Kai actually have a small mission today." Beomgyu answered.

I hum as I finally take a sip of my coffee that was already starting to cool off.

After we all finish our coffee, I get to work helping Taehyun cook breakfast for us all.

My spirit was high as we both worked together well to get the food cooked in a good amount of time.

Just as we finished cooking Yeonjun joined us.

"Good morning." I say to him as I hand him a plate of food. "Would you like some coffee?" I ask seeing as it seemed to be the theme this morning.

He offers me a bright smile. "Please."

I nod as I set to getting his coffee brewing. My mood lifted more as I realized how I didn't feel any panic when he had came in. I think I was getting a hold of things, slowly.

"I was thinking maybe we can do a little training tomorrow." Yeonjun said to me halfway through breakfast.

I smile, but it dropped a little as Soobin informed him that they all had a mission to go on tomorrow.

"Is it really a good idea for us to leave her here all alone so soon?" Yeonjun questioned, sounding a little sour about the idea.

"I can handle fiddling around the house for a little bit." I reply to him with a small smile.

"I don't like it." He grumbled as he looked back down at his food, pouting.

"Are... are you pouting?" I ask while trying to hold a laugh back.

He looked up at me through his lashes, seeming to poke his bottom lip out even further.

"Oh gosh." I laugh a little as I shake my head at him. He's so cute...

I meet Taehyun's gaze and know he felt how happy I was feeling. I smile at him as I feel the same happy feeling radiating off of him.

There is no place like home.

That thought made me draw up a little short. I knew Taehyun felt the sudden change in my mood, so I look down at my plate.

I felt bad for thinking like that, but I had saw my family while I was gone... They were happy, so happy and whole without me. I didn't exist to them, but that didn't ease the sting that would sneak up on me sometimes, like now. 


Oh man I feel like this filler really gives that boring filler chapter vibe, but I was kind of stuck on what to write here so just breakfast for us lol. 

Hope you're all doing well!

Have a great day/night!

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