Chapter 16

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Taehyun sat on the ground just staring at the book in his hands, a book that he had seen a few times as a kid. A book that held such dark spells. It made his skin crawl, but maybe he would be able to convert some of the spells to use nature magic. He had done that to spells before, most were just not as intense as the ones in this grammaire.

"When are you leaving?" Alse asked, breaking Taehyun out of his daze.

He dragged his eyes away from the old book, taking note of the sad smile on Alse's face. "I wish I didn't have to leave." He admitted truthfully. He would love to stick around and just be home a little longer with his friend.

"You have something to do, you have to help bring her back. You have nothing holding you here, but me... I'm just a ghost. I can't offer you company like I used to."

"Just talking and seeing you is enough for me," Taehyun said as he set the grammaire down on the grass beside his leg.

Alse pointed to his right shoulder. "You have to bring her back, you have to do that for me."

Taehyun bowed his head, he knew he had to bring Evelyn back, but it hurt to think about leaving Alse after finally meeting her again.

"You're going to come back with her when she's back and healthy."

"I'll be leaving tomorrow then..." Taehyun let out a sigh and then smiled. They would be back to see her again, she would be here waiting for them. "How can I ever thank you for all you have done for me?"

"Just try and live a happy life. Don't forget about me, keep all your friends close to your heart, and make sure you always find time to enjoy nature." Alse's smile was once again bright. Even though she was a ghost, her smile still lit her face up, it showed just how happy she was.

"I'm still so sorry about what happened..." Taehyun bowed his head to try and hide the tears that built up in his eyes.

"Hey, let's not even think about that. We're both here now. If I had died a natural death, I would not be here to see you and help you with your friend's soul."


Taehyun stopped right outside the dorm's door, he turned his head to look at the fragment of Evelyn's soul.

He smiled slightly. His heart was heavy from leaving his old friend back in their village all alone, but at the same time, he felt light at the fact they had two pieces of Evelyn's soul.

"I know the others are going to be so excited to see that I have another part of your soul." He knew there was a big chance she wasn't able to hear him, since it was just a piece of her soul, but he still felt like he needed to talk to her. "I hope we find the other pieces soon..."

Taehyun pulled his key out and stuck it in the knob, turning the lock and stepping in.

He kept his head down as he kicked his shoes off, taking note to clean them later. They had a few dried layers of mud on them.


"It's me!" He replied to Beomgyu who came rushing out of the kitchen.

Beomgyu stopped in his tracks as his eyes landed on the blue light that was close to Taehyun's shoulder.

"Is that?" Beomgyu asked as he brought his hand up to point at it.

Taehyun smiled and nodded his head.

"How?" Beomgyu asked as he finally came back to his senses.

"I'll explain later when everyone is gathered together. Where are they now?"

"Yeonjun is gone to get food, the others are either in their rooms or cleaning up. We just got back from work."

Taehyun nodded and headed for Evelyn's room, ready to put the two pieces of her soul together, and yarning to see her face.

Beomgyu followed after him, but went to Soobin's room as Taehyun went into Evelyn's.

Taehyun stopped by the head of her bed, his eyes locked on the other piece of her soul.

Soon enough we'll be adding the last piece and you'll be back with us.

The others walked in just as Taehyun was adding the two fragments together. Once it was done he pulled back and pulled his brows down.

"Is something wrong?" Soobin asked as he took notice of his friend's expression.

"No, I just felt a weird shift... It may be just the fact that I have never done this before." Taehyun thought he felt a weird tug in his own chest as the pieces merged together, but he chalked it up to him being so happy to be getting somewhere with bringing Evelyn back.

They all turned their heads as they heard Yeonjun call out that he was back with food.

"Come to Evelyn's room!" Beomgyu shouted out.

Soobin reached over and popped him on the head.

"What was that for?" Beomgyu whined as he rubbed his head.

Soobin pointed at the door just as Yeonjun came rushing in, a look of concern on his face.

"Nothing is wrong, Taehyun just found another piece of her soul." Huening Kai said as he stepped over to Yeonjun and patted his shoulder.

Yeonjun let out a sigh as he walked over and noticed that the piece of her soul was a bit bigger and glowing brighter.

"When did this happen?" Yeonjun asked as he turned to face Taehyun.

"Let's talk about it over dinner, I'm starving," Taehyun replied with a small smile.

They all agreed and headed out to the kitchen.

Taehyun paused at the door as he was the last one to walk out. He looked from the blue light that was hovering right over Evelyn's chest, to her face.

The blue glow kind of made it look like she had color back in her cheeks.

He then turned and shut the door gently as he went to join the others. 

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