Chapter 52

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Room for one~

I duck just as Andromalius sends another blast of black smoke my way.

"Where did he get all this energy from?" I ask Rerek.

"That succubus, she took your physical energy and gave it to him."

"So, they are still working for him."

Talking with Rerek was a mistake, because Andromalius took that as a chance to get his black smoke around my throat.

My body gets pulled towards him, until his hand was wrapped around my neck.

"You're a fucking pest." He hissed out as his grip got tighter.

I open my mouth trying to force air into my lungs, but nothing was making it's way past his hand.

"This is your mind, control what's happening."

He was right, this was my mind, I needed to stop letting Andromalius take control.

Andromalius stumbles back, his hand still in the air as he took a few sharps breaths in.

I rush at him and send a punch to his jaw, sending him back a few more steps.

He rubs at his jaw and turns to glare at me, his red eyes glowing brighter. I drop to the ground as he sends more black smoke at my face.

I throw my hand out and a stream of dull red smoke shots towards him. It hits him square in his gut.

"I'm the one that took your energy." He said as he stood straight and rolled his shoulders.

I bring my hand up and stop the black smoke right before it could meet my throat once more.

"You're in my mind, though. You forget, I'm not that helpless human anymore." I push harder against the black smoke and then throw my hand to the side. I bring my other hand up and wrap the dull red smoke around his neck. "I've gained my own powers as well."

I close my hand, causing the smoke to tighten around his neck.

"Yes." Rerek hissed from somewhere. I could feel how he was enjoying seeing Andromalius being put back in his place.

I close my hand a bit more, making Andromalius open his mouth now. Strangling sounds came from his mouth as he fought to breath.

I step closer and look him dead in the eye. "You need to leave, before I just crush you like a bug." I bring my other hand up and the smoke covers his torso. I squeeze as hard as I could.

I take a few sharp breaths in as I watch his eyes grow wide.

I then quickly snap my wrist to the right. The sound of the demons neck snapping echoed.

I take a few small steps back as my hands fall to my side. I was a little stunned by what I was just able to do.

"Is he done?"I ask as I stare as Andromalius' body starts to fade away.

"I don't think just yet, you may have just served him a big blow. He will recover and be back... Unless you dig deep and find where he is hiding in here."

I nod my head and think over where I should start looking. I wanted this mess with him to end.

"Even if I get him out of my mind... He will still use those succubus to come after us. How do we stop him completely?"

"You will have to send him even deeper in hell. You will have to kill him, that way he is sent to the depths of hell for a few hundred years."

I have to kill him... 

"I doubt I'm ready to really face him." I let out a sigh as I thought over what I could do in real life. I was nowhere near as strong as Yeonjun, and Yeonjun couldn't even take Andromalius down alone. Huening Kai did a number on him, but he did not kill him.

"Work harder then."

"Duh, I thought I was just going to sit on my ass!"

Rerek laughed as he appeared in front of me. I pull my brows down as I realize this is the first time I had ever seen him any other way then a dark form of smoke.

"Don't drool." His bright green snake like eyes scrunched a little.

"You really don't have to worry about that." I reply with a roll of my eyes. Just like Andromalius, he was tall as hell. "Are all higher demons tall as fuck?"

Rerek laughed a little, the dark skin on his face wrinkled as his lips pulled into a smile. "Usually."

"And why do you have to be shirtless?" I turn my head away, my eyes looking deep into nothing.

"I've been locked in hell, you're just lucky I was able to appear with pants on."

I almost gag at the thought of seeing him without pants. "Yeah, let's never do that."

"This is the first time anyone has seen my human form in thousands of years, women use to fall at my feet."

"Not me bud." I turn and look him dead in the eye, showing I was not affect by him in the wrong way.

"Yes, because that fallen angel holds your heart." He replies with a grin. "It still makes me sick to see you two... but I envy it as well."

I pull my brows down as I watch him run a hand through his dark green hair. "You envy us...?"

"The way you two would do anything for the other. You, you're willing to throw your life away for all of them. I envy strong emotions like that. All I can feel strongly is anger and lust. That's all demons. We lust for more power, we're always seeking ways to release our anger and cause others pain."

I was shocked to hear all this coming from the "cold" demon that was locked in the depths of hell.

"Don't get emotional on me now."  Rerek said after he saw my expression. "Just wake your ass up so you can get to work on getting rid of Andromalius. There is only room for one demon in your head."

Fractured • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now