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I opened my eyes and knew right away that I was finally better.

Everything just felt so much more intense as soon as my brain woke all the way up.

The air that I sucked in through my nose had so many different things dancing around in it. My ceiling had way more details than I ever noticed before, and I have stared metaphorical holes in it. The blanket that covered me felt different, it was like I could feel every fiber that was touching my skin.

I throw my blanket off of me with a smile that fades quickly as I accidentally throw my blanket into the far wall.

"What the heck?" I only tossed it like I do every morning.

My focus changes as I hear Taehyun tell Beomgyu to come wake me up for breakfast.

I smile as I stand up finally on my own. I head for the door- far too fast.

"Ouch," I said as I rubbed my nose. It really didn't hurt, it was just a reaction to the fact I face-planted into the door. "I was definitely not even running!"

"Evelyn?" Beomgyu's voice carried through the wood of my door, the confusion clear in his voice.

I grab the knob, trying to make sure I was being easy. Don't want to break my door.

"Oh, you're walking now?" Beomgyu asked a little confused.

"Yeah, I feel all better now. Though, I think I need time to adjust... I face-planted into the door just trying to walk over here...?"

Beomgyu grabbed his stomach as he laughed loudly at what I told him.

"What's so funny?" Huening Kai asked as he came out of his room.

Beomgyu explains between his fits of laughter to the angel what had happened.

"Oh," Huening Kai covered his mouth to try and hide his smile.

"Go ahead, laugh." I say with a roll of my eyes as I throw my hands up in the air. "I'm going to eat."

I turn away from them and I end up running so fast I hit the back of the couch and flip over it, kicking Soobin in the head as I let a yelp of shock out.

"What the hell!" I yell from my spot on the floor.

"Yeah, 'what the hell'?" Soobin yelled as well as he rubbed the back of his head.

"I'm all better and I guess I don't know how to handle all this immortal stuff," I say as I push my hair out of my face.

"Oh my gosh." Huening Kai said before he was bent over holding his stomach as he laughed.

I raised a brow as his laugh almost reminded me of a villain laughing at their evil plan.

"Stop laughing at me!" I gripe as I get to my feet.

"Just take things as slow and softly as you can." Soobin said as he ran a hand down his face with a groan. "It's been so long since I've dealt with a baby immortal." He sighed as he got to his feet at Taehyun's request for us to come eat.

"Who was the last one you dealt with?" I ask as I watch my feet, willing them to go slowly.

"A kid named Heeseung that I trained before we left our old home."

"Watch it!" Beomgyu said as he stopped me from walking into the door frame.

"Thanks," I mumble as I look up and try and walk slowly without looking at my feet.

"So, what was all the ruckus?" Taehyun asked with a smirk as we all lined up to grab our own plates.

"Like you don't know, I could hear you all in here. So, you had to have heard me." My face pales as I realize something. "Wait... I heard you all the way in here... does that mean everyone here has been able to hear me every time I've been in my room...?"

"Not really, we have learned to turn the 'super' hearing off," Soobin said as he sat down with a plate full of eggs and pancakes.

"Oh, I mean that makes it a little better I guess." Unless they chose to eavesdrop on me...

My cheeks heat up at that thought. Knowing they have all probably heard my past breakdowns was a little ashaming. It would explain a lot of times when Yeonjun would pop up on me while I was in the middle of something.

My ears perk up a little as I hear something shuffling around down the hall. Footfall comes after letting me know it was Yeonjun finally waking up.

I try and block the sound out of him moving around, wanting to see if I can get a handle on all these new things that immortally comes with on my own.

I bring a piece of pancake up and shove it in my mouth as I try and focus my hearing just on what is going on in the room.

My eyes widen as I look up at Taehyun who sits across from me.

"Taste amazing, don't they?" He asked as he held back a chuckle at my expression.

I shallow as I nod my head. "Oh my gosh, yes! What did you do to them? Infuse them with magic or something?"

"No, it's because of how heightened your senses are right now, they will feel as if they dialed down as you get used to them though."

"I'm not so mad about these new things if food is always this good," I say before digging in. This was the first real meal I could wolf down without worrying about getting sick.

"Gosh, someone is starving?" I didn't even hear him coming because of how focused I was on eating the best pancakes I ever had in my 'life'..?

"Her body and soul are done mending, so she's feeling the full effect of it all," Taehyun said as I got up for seconds.

"Ah! How is it?" Yeonjun turned to me asking.

"A little odd," I reply as I pile some more bacon on my plate as well, so happy Taehyun made so much this morning. He must have known this was going to happen.

"She ran face first into the door." Beomgyu piped up before falling into a fit of laughter.

"Then, she flipped over the couch as well," Soobin added with a laugh, probably glaring at the back of my head. 

"I admit, I have a few things to work on," I say as I turn to the table and stick my tongue at the two that pointed out my two fails this morning.

"That must have been all the noise that woke me up," Yeonjun said with a smirk as he sat next to Taehyun.

I stick my tongue out at him too before I dig into my second plate of food. 


For some reason I find this chapter really cute 😭😅

I'll probably work on the next Chapter before bed because I'll be busy all day tomorrow. 

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