Chapter 56

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I wipe the sweat from my face and focus back on the dummy in front of me. I wrap my smoke around it and lift it, tossing it to the other side of the room. I then quickly teleport right behind it. Sending a hard kick into its side before it could hit the ground. Then once again I was on the other side of the room, kicking it again.

"What are you playing? Some weird advanced game of kick ball?" Beomgyu asked as he came strolling in the room.

I laugh and stop the dummy from hitting him. I set it down on the ground and offer him a smile. "What are you doing up here?"

"Wondering why you've been up here half the day? You skipped breakfast and lunch."

"Just training, I need to get stronger a soon as possible." I reply as I turn an head to grab my rag so I could wipe my face down.

"Why are you so worried about becoming even stronger so suddenly?" He questioned as he followed after me.

"I want to be able to help you all out with the missions. I've noticed that the demons around here are getting bad again. It's my job now anyways." I avoid his gaze as I act as if wiping my hands was very important. It wasn't a full lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either.

"You don't have to train yourself to death though, we can handle it. Plus, you're already pretty strong. You took on a whole nest of succubus and only had a few scratches! I think that was pretty impressive."

I laugh lightly. "Thank you, but everyone else thinks I'm still to weak to really be out in the field full time yet."

"Please, ignore them. They just want to keep you wrapped up and safe. I know you can handle yourself, and it must be so boring be locked up here all the time."

"It really is." I agree with him, it did get very boring staying stuck here while the others went out all the time.

"Hey, how about you go get cleaned up and we sneak out for some BBQ?"

I turn to Beomgyu and smirk. "You paying?"

"Of course, you're broke." He said with a playful roll of his eyes.

I slap his arm as I pass by him. "I'll be out front in 20 minutes." I say over my shoulder.

I enter the dorm and avoid Taehyun's questioning gaze.

"Hey, are you hungry?" He asked after I kicked my shoes off.

Fuck, what do I say? "Thank you, but Beomgyu offered to go out and get some food. He said he was craving BBQ and he just wanted to use the excuse that it's because I asked for it."

"Of course." Taehyun rolled his eyes and smiled. "I'll text him my order, might as well get some too."

"Definitely." I reply with a light laugh.


"Uh oh." Beomgyu said with a mouthful of food. He's phone going off for the third time since we had started eating. The last two calls had been Taehyun, along with a handful of text asking what was taking him so long. But now, Soobin was calling Beomgyu.

"Yeah, 'uh oh'." I say and swallow my food quickly. My own phone was going off as well, Yeonjun's name was lighting up the screen. "Should we answer?"

"No, we'll get the rest of our food to go and order their food as well." Beomgyu said with a shrug.

I pull my brows down as someone clears their throat just as we started to pack our food away. I ignore it at first seeing as we were in a busy restaurant, no one in here should be trying to get our attention.

"I know you're not ignoring me."

Mine and Beomgyu's wide eyes meet.

"Fuck." I whisper.

"Shit." He replies.

I turn and my chair and offer Soobin and Yeonjun a grin. "Fancy seeing you two here."

"We were just getting the food." Beomgyu obviously lies.

"Sure." Soobin said as he walked around the table to Beomgyu, grabbing his ear and pulling him out of his seat. "Why did you two sneak out?"

"Because Evelyn can't just keep staying locked away in the dorm, did she not prove she can hold her own already?"

Soobin meets my gaze and I shrug with a raised brow. I figured a simple outing for food wouldn't be that big of a deal.

"Fine, but next time let someone know. I don't like the lying." He said the last part with a pointed look my way.

"Got it boss." I reply with a grin and fake salute.

"Let's get going." Yeonjun said as he grabbed my hand.

"Wait, the rest of the food isn't here yet." Beomgyu says as he pulls away from Soobin. Beomgyu caught my eye, trying to say something through the rise and fall of his brows and the widening of his eyes.

Yeonjun let my hand go as the food was brought to our table, his hands already digging through the bags to see what we had ordered.

Beomgyu slips beside me and lowers his head while he kept his eyes on Yeonjun and Soobin. "Let's ditch them with the bill."

I turn my head towards him. "Are you serious? Won't the restaurant owners ban us if they think we ditched?"

"Oh no, they know me well. I've done this a few times to the others." He replied with a quiet evil laugh.

"Let's go then before they notice."

Beomgyu grabs my wrist and starts weaving around the tables and people. As we made it to the door, he sends the owners a wave with a big shit eating grin.


As usual, sorry for mistakes!!

Sorry if this is a boring filler chapter, but I wanted Beomgyu and Evelyn to have some fun.

Sorry for the wait as well. Finally feeling physically better! Mentally, eh👀 I'm okay😅😂

How have y'all been? Did y'all eat some good food? I did and oml I was stuffed af.

Until the next part, I hope you all have a great day/night!! 💛💛

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