Chapter 37

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"How about we get you to the kitchen so you can eat?" Taehyun asked after we had discussed the bond we now had a little more.

To be honest, we didn't really know much about it yet. Taehyun said once he had free time he was going to try and look into it more.

"Yeah, some food sounds good." I nod as he stands up and heads for the door.

I raise my brow wondering if he forgot the fact that I couldn't really walk on my own. That confusion left as soon as he opened the door and showed Beomgyu standing there with a shocked face.

"I've known you been there the whole time, come help me get her into the kitchen," Taehyun said with a laugh at how shocked Beomgyu looked. "You act like you forgot I have heightened senses just like you?"

Beomgyu opened his mouth in an 'o' shape. "It may have slipped my mind for a second." He replied with a sheepish laugh.

I slap my forehead as they make it over to me. They both helped me stand, both stopping here and there to make sure I was comfortable or okay with where they needed to touch me.

"Guy's it's just my arms, calm down, and I'm not in pain. It's just numb." I say to them with a chuckle.

"Right," Beomgyu said as we finally started to make our way out of my room.

I was using them both as crutches- though my feet were hardly touching the ground thanks to the height deference.

I do try and move my feet as we walk though, wanting to get the muscles used to working once more.

We make it to the kitchen I haven't been in for so long. The smell of food smacks me in the face, causing my stomach to growl.

I feel my neck heat up as pretty much everyone heard it thanks to how loud it was.

"Don't laugh, I haven't ate in months!" I defend as Beomgyu and Taehyun place me down in a seat next to Huening Kai.

"Exactly why... you will be having some broth. Your stomach isn't ready for solids just yet." Taehyun said as he went to the stove where two pots set.

"But, I don't want just broth!" I whine with a roll of my eyes.

"Sorry, if you eat solid food, it may just come right back up. It's just for a few days. Soon enough you'll be able to do whatever you want."

"Well, not whatever, exactly." Soobin said as he came to the table with a plate full of real food.

My mouth waters as I eye his food. His eyes flick from his food to me and then back. He stabs his spoon into the rice and piles some meat and veggies on it before he shoves it all in his mouth, a bit of rice getting stuck on his lips.

"Ohhh, you're a total ass for that," I say to him as I narrow my eyes.

"I have to agree," Yeonjun said as he entered the kitchen.

Once panic flares up in me before I quickly snuff it out.

Taehyun meets my eyes as he sets my bowl of broth down. He offers me a comforting smile.

I give one in return once it clicks why he was smiling at me like that. He felt that small moment of panic.

"How are you feeling?" Yeonjun asks me as he sits down beside me with a bowl of broth too.

"I feel fine," I say with a smile as I look at him, then my eyes go to his bowl then back to his. "You know, you don't have to have that just to make me feel better. I'm okay. I'll be able to enjoy real food soon."

"I'll broth." He replied as he brought the bowl to his lips and took a big gulp, spilling a little down his chin.

I couldn't help but laugh when he pulled away coughing a little. I shake my head as I pick my spoon up, knowing my arms are definitely not strong enough to pick the whole bowl up just yet.

"It does taste good though," I comment before I put another spoonful in my mouth.

"It does." Yeonjun agreed. He had calmed down and was using a spoon as well.

I had to bite back tears as I looked around the table as we had all finished our food, we were just sitting here chatting now.

Taehyun looks over at me, a soft smile on his face. "You okay?"

I nod as the tears build up more from his words.

"What's wrong?" Yeonjun asked as he turned to face me.

I hold my finger up as I try and calm down enough to talk without bursting into tears.

"I'm just so happy right now." My voice cracked anyway as a few tears streamed down my face.

"Then why are you crying?" Beomgyu questioned as he looked as if he was holding a laugh back.

"Happy tears," I reply as I wipe at my cheeks.

"Leave her alone Beomgyu, she hasn't felt emotions in a few months. They are probably going to be a little intense sometimes." Taehyun told him as he stood up, taking his and Soobin's plates.

Yeonjun stands and takes my bowl along with his.

"I didn't mean it in a rude way, though!" Beomgyu said as he looked from Taehyun to me, I guess making sure I didn't take it the wrong way.

"I know, it's okay," I say as I give him a smile as my emotions calm down.

"Who wants ice cream?" Yeonjun asked as he went to the fridge.

"Can I have some?" I ask looking from Taehyun to Yeonjun. They both look at one another and nod. "Thank you!"

"Just eat it slow. I will not be dealing with throw-up." Soobin said as he pointed his finger at me.

"Yes sir," I say with a playful roll of my eyes.


Sorry I didn't post it yesterday, I struggle with fillers sometimes lol.

Hope you're all doing well!

Until next time, I hope you all have a great night/day!!<3

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