Chapter 46

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I stare at the bathroom door as I debate on going to my room, or going to eat with the others. I was a little nervous to face Huening Kai, even though he had been sweet before. The guilt of what I had done was still very strong.

I jump a little as a knock on the door comes from nowhere.

"Are you going to sit in there and wallow in guilt, or come out and see that Huening Kai has no hard feelings towards you at all? You know for a fact it would take a lot for Huening Kai to stay mad at anyone."

I knew Taehyun words were true, but the irrational part of my brain didn't want to listen to any logic.

"Come on Evelyn."

I roll my eyes at how I was acting. I flip the lock and turn the knob. Once the door was open I give Taehyun a small smile in response to his warm one.

We say nothing as we turn and head for the kitchen, all he did was give me a soft pat on my head right as we turned the corner into the living room.

I keep my eyes on the floor for a second, already knowing where Huening Kai sat.

I take a small breath in and look up and meet Huening Kai's warm gaze. His smile was as big and bright as ever, making my tensed shoulders ease a little.

"You look as if you were ready to be executed." Huening Kai said with a laugh.

I let out a few small laughs and make my way to the table to take the seat across from him. "Just overthinking how you may be upset with me, is all" I admit as I look down at the table for a moment.

"It wasn't your fault." He replied, reaching over the table he grabs my hand and gives it a small squeeze.

"You really are such an angel." I say before biting my bottom lip as I felt my throat burn a little.

Huening Kai looks down at himself and then back to me. "Yeah, I am." He smirked a little as I let out a laugh, the guilt was easing away the more we talked.

After a little bit more talking, we had all settled into talking here and there as we ate. I learned that they would take shifts of staying home with me as the others worked for a few days. They didn't think I was really a threat to myself, but they wanted to keep and eye on me after that big of a 'flare' up as Yeonjun called it. I had gave him a light glare when he said that.

I of course offer to help clean the mess from dinner up. I was a little shocked when Yeonjun also offered to help.

I do the scrubbing, while Yeonjun was rinising. We fall into a rythme that makes me zone out. There wasn't really anything I was thinking about, I was just zoned out on the dishes I was scrubbing. It was like I fell into autopolit.

I was snapped out of it when Yeonjun bumped his shoulder with mine.

"Yeah?" I ask as I turn and look over at him.

"You okay?" he asked with a small smile, one that showed his concern.

I nod my head as I turn back to scrubbing. "Yeah, I was just- I'm not really sure." I reply with a breathy laugh that came from my nose.

He doesn't say anything as he takes the plate from me and washes it off, placing it with the rest to dry after.

I pull the plug now that all the dishes were clean, letting the soapy water go down the drain. I grab up a rag to dry my hands and then a different one the clean the little but of water and soap that was on the counter.

"Want to watch a movie before we go to bed?" Yeonjun asked as he dried his hands.

"Sure," I reply as I finish making sure everything was put where it went and the counters were wiped down.

"Come on then, everything is spotless." He said as he stepped over and grabbed the rag from my hand, tossing it on the 'spotless' counter.

"Now it's not!" I say with a laugh as he pulled me after him towards the livingroom.

"Stay," He said as he gently pushes me down on the couch.

I shake my head as my eyes follow him down the hall. A moment later he came back with his arms full of pillows blankets. I let out a laugh as he drops them on the ground with a huff.

"Heavy?" I asked as I stood up to help get things set up.

"Very, I thought I was going to give out half way down the hall."

"You think you maybe being a bit dramatic?" I look up at him as he picked up the coffee table by himself and moved it out of the way.

"I'm never dramatic, that's Beomgyu's thing." I tilt my head to the side in agreement.

We lay the blankets out in front of the couch and then lean the pillows on the couch a bit.


"We just had dinner?" I reply to him with a little disbelife.

"Please, you know movies are better with food." He grabs my hand again and heads for the kitchen. "Come pick something."

"I'm not really hungry though." I say to him as he heads for the freezer.

"Ice cream then?"

"Fine," I give in, no one could really turn down ice cream and a movie.

He let out a sigh as he dug through the freezer. "Scartch that, looks like we're out."

"Ah, it'll be alright."

"But, I really wanted some ice cream." He whined a little.

"Did... did you just whine, like a child?" I ask him as I stare at him a little shocked.

"It's ice cream, anyone would whine." He tried defending how he had acted.

"No, you never whine."

"Oh hush." He then started digging through the cabinets. "Did Beomgyu eat all the food in a day or something? I could have sworn we had a stock of sweets just yesterday."

"I'm not sure, but its Beomgyu we're talking about."

"Let's go to the store." He said after he slammed the cabinet door shut. "I can't watch a whole movie without some sweets."

"You sound very childish this evening."

All he did was shrug as he grabbed my hand for the third time that night.


Sorry for any mistakes. My hotspot that I use for writing isn't working so here we are on my phone typing away again lol.

Hope everyone is doing good. This cold weather here is feeling great. Just got me some hot coco (it's not really that cold just getting into the 40's sometimes at night and the 70's during the day, but I live in Fl and I get cold easily so it feels pretty cold to me 😂)

Loving it. The holidays are getting so close. Can't wait for thanksgiving!

Hope you're all having a great day/night💛

Ps. Don't forget to listen to Freefall!! I'm in love with the album. My top 3 so far are
1. Blue spring
2. Growing Pains
3. Happily Ever After
But I do love the whole album tho!!

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