Chapter 30

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Angels vengeance~

Huening Kai searched deep into Andromlius' tainted soul.

He was used to digging around in demon's souls, but he had never seen a soul so dark and twisted.

Huening Kai had to keep regrouping his thoughts as he dug around. Seeing all the things Andromalius had done over his long life as a demon made Huening Kai sick.

"You will not find what you're looking for." Andromalius' voice drifted into Huening Kai's thoughts.

Huening Kai knew better than to play into the demon's games. He shut out his taunting voice as he saw something shift in the dark mess that Andromalius' soul.

The angel pulled up short as he saw Evelyn in her room, coward down in the corner as Yeonjun taunted her and then... killed her.

Huening Kai felt his heart squeeze as he saw scenes just like that over and over again.

"Stop!" Huening Kai yelled, releasing a surge of power through Andromalius' mind causing the demon to yell and pull away in pain. "You bastard."

Huening Kai's anger doubled as he realized what had been happening to Evelyn the whole time her soul had been trapped with him and Astaroth.

Huening Kai doubled his efforts in finding the pieces as quickly as he could while Andromalius was licking his new wound.


Yeonjun bit his lower lip as his eyes stayed locked on the back of his friend. He had felt a surge of power a few seconds ago, making him wonder what was going on.

He started pacing as his nerves started to eat at him. Yeonjun just wanted to dive in and make sure everything was going smoothly, but he wasn't allowed to lay a hand on Andromalius.

Fucking blood bond. He thought as he stopped by Huening Kai once more, holding his breath.

Just as he was about to step away, Huening Kai pulled away.

Yeonjun spun around and felt his stress leave as he saw Huening Kai was smiling and holding three different pieces of Evelyn's soul.

"Let's go," Yeonjun said quickly as he grabbed a hold of Huening Kai and pulled him towards the tunnel. Yeonjun was able to teleport to hell, and back home, but not inside the cave.

Huening Kai stopped as soon as he heard Andromalius let out a shout of anger.

The demon lord got to his feet and locked his eyes on Huening Kai's.

Yeonjun tried jumping in front of Huening Kai as Andromalius came barreling towards them, but Huening Kai stopped him.

The angel raised his free hand and waited until Andromalius was an inch away before he was right behind the demon.

"This is for Evelyn." He said as he grabbed the back of the demon's head, engulfing Andromalius in his fire.

Huening Kia felt no guilt as he watched the demon wraith around on the stone floor. He rolled his shoulders and turned towards Yeonjun. "Come on."


Soobin was once again pacing, stress eating away at his insides.

"Soobin," Beomgyu said as his eyes followed the brunette.

Soobin hummed as he passed by Beomgyu for the unknown time.

"If you don't stop pacing, I will trip you the next time you pass me."

Soobin sent Beomgyu a glare. "I'm worried!" He said in his defense.

"We're all worried." Taehyun cut in with a sigh.

Soobin rolled his eyes and grumbled under his breath as he forced himself to take a seat on the couch. "They've been gone all day tho-"

Everyone froze as they heard a bang come from down the hall.

They rushed to their feet and headed for Evelyn's room, their hearts beating fast as they thought the worst. 

Soobin threw Evelyn's door open and froze. "You're back!" He exclaimed as it clicked the moving pile of clothes on the floor were his members.

"Yeah," Yeonjun groaned as he pushed Huening Kai off of him.

"Going to hell is a little tiring." Huening Kai said as he just lay on the floor.

Now that all the adrenaline had worn off, Huening Kai realized he had used up a lot of energy.

"Let me help you," Beomgyu said as he rushed over to help Huening Kai stand up.

"Are you okay to place the parts of Evelyn's soul together?" Taehyun asked as he walked over to the angel.

"Ye-" Huening Kai paused as he brought his hand up to his mouth. He shook his head no as he felt his stomach churn dangerously.

"Get him to the bathroom!" Soobin yelled as he stepped away from Huening Kai as quickly as he could.

Taehyun rushed to grab the parts of Evelyn's soul before Beomgyu took Huening Kai out of the room, yelling the whole way to the bathroom.

"Ew!" They all heard Beomgyu yell as he went running past the open door to the other bathroom.

"Oh my god," Soobin whispered as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I swear I will not be cleaning any barf up!" He added the last part in a shout.

Yeonjun ignored the mess that was going on as he looked over the new parts of Evelyn's soul.

They too looked dimer the the first pieces they had found. As he stepped closer to where Taehyun was holding them, he saw each one had a small bit of red mixed in with them.

"That must be the last fragments of Rerek's powers left in her soul," Yeonjun said as he leaned in closer.

Taehyun nodded then took a deep breath in as he moved over to Evelyn's bed, ready to go ahead and add the new pieces they had. He then held his breath, waiting for the pain that came right after.

He kept his face straight as he finished. Taehyun didn't want any of them to worry about him at the moment, and the fact that Yeonjun was watching him closely didn't make it easier on him.

"Done." He said as he stepped back, taking a few quick breaths once he was out of everyone's line of sight.

"How many more pieces do we need?" Soobin asked as he stepped next to Yeonjun.

Yeonjun went to open his mouth, only to shut it as Evelyn's soul suddenly started to glow brighter. 


Huening Kai being a badass angel😎😅 

You may all get mad at me in the next few parts, but it's for the plot!!😭💛 (tbh I'm still debating on what I'm thinking lol) 

Until next part, hope you're all doing well. Tomorrow is the weekend! not that I have anything planned but maybe some more writing 😂😭 Have a great day/night!

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