Chapter 48

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I wanted to turn and head right back out the building we had just entered, something was just so off feeling about the place.

"You feel it too?" Taehyun asked from my right side.

"Yeah, something isn't right." I replied in a low whisper, knowing they could hear me.

"There was a demon here, not to long ago." Yeonjun said out of nowhere from behind me, making the hair on my neck stand up as a shiver went down my spine. "No reason to be so tense, we're here with you."

I knew I had them both, but my past showed me, if there was trouble. It would come for me.

"My luck is not the best, we all know that."

Yeonjun let out a soft chuckle and stepped beside me, his eyes scanning the old abandoned place.

Conveyor belts took up a lot of the floor space, some even still having a few open boxes on them.

"Can you see fine?" Yeonjun turned to me and asked after a few moments of silence.

"I can see just fine." It was dark, but I could still see every detail. I could see the dust that was covering everything, I could even see the foot prints in the dust on the floor. "Do you think those are the demons?" I asked them while pointing at the trail that weaved around the conveyor belt in front of us.

"I didn't even notice them. Great work Evelyn." Yeonjun gave my head a pat before following the trail.

A small part of me wondered if he had noticed, but was waiting to see if I would find it.

"What's wrong?" Taehyun asked after I had let a sigh out.

"Did he just do what I think he did?" I ask and follow slowly after Yeonjun as he started to get farther away.

"What do you think he did?"

"Did he really not see those foot prints?"

"I know I didn't, I was busy scanning the walls and ceiling."  Taehyun admitted. I knew he wasn't lying either, thanks to the bond.

I push my lips out a second, thinking may be I wasn't as bad at this as I originally thought I would be.

I push that thought down, all I did was spot a set of tracks. Who knows if they even belong to the demon... but, something told me they did. I just felt like it really was from a demon.

"Am I right that they belong to a demon though?" I ask Taehyun as we stop where Yeonjun was crouched down, looking at the last foot print before the trail stopped in the middle of the floor.

"They are... how did you know?" Yeonjun responded as he stood up, eyes back to scanning the area.

"I just felt it." I say with a shrug.

"Can you pick up on how strong it may be?"

"I mean, it's presence seems fresh... but small. So, I'm guessing it's not that strong?"

"Seems about right, but never trust that feeling fully. Strong demons can sometimes cloak a lot of their power, making them seem weaker."

"The only reason I know this is the one we're after, is because I know it's scent." Taehyun added in.

"I know demons smell like death and hell fire, but they can have their own scent?" Huening Kai didn't mention that on our lil hunt so long ago.

"Yes, it's a small hint of who they used to be before they went to hell. Sometimes, you can even pick up on the scent of the soul they just consumed."

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