Chapter 45

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I knew I could calm my breathing, but I didn't even try to calm the fast-paced rise and fall of my chest. The panic in my gut did not let me think clearly.

Huening Kai was fine, he was healed and just resting in his room at the moment.

And me, I was in my room, pacing back and forth as I kept thinking over the fact my own hands had stabbed him in the back. Andromalius was the one who had caused it, but I did not stop him in time.

I pull at my hair as I beat myself up over and over again. If it wasn't for Rerek, would I have actually killed Huening Kai? Would I have let Andromalius use my body to kill one of my friends?

I pause as I hear someone rush in the front door.

"Fuck," I whisper as I hear Yeonjun call out my name.

I didn't want to face any of them right now, guilt and panic was eating away at me. Meaning I was not thinking clearly when I ended up outside the dorm in the pouring rain.

My eyes snap from left to right before I just take off across the road, missing a car by a few feet.

I didn't look back as I just ran, my feet taking me anywhere that was away from what I had done.

I had messed up big time and my emotions were just running wild, just like I physically was. My emotions felt as if they were robbing me of the little air I was getting into my lungs, leaving my head spinning.

After I can't even guess how long, I stop and hunch over. The rain was coming down harder than before, dripping off my nose as I stared at the ground.

I gather my thoughts as I push all the panic and guilt down. I was acting as I did before, running away from my problems.

I stand up and bite the tears back, I needed to grow up. This world did not have room for weak people like me.


I turn quickly, almost slipping on the wet concrete. "Yeonjun? How did you find me?"

"You did have your powers cloaked." He replied with a small smile. "Why are you out here?"

The tears I had bit back, started running once more, mixing with the rain. I open my mouth and close it once more.

"You know Kai is okay right?" He asked as he took small slow steps towards me. It was like he was approaching a small frantic animal.

I nod as I bite my bottom lip.

"Then why did you take off? You didn't do it on purpose... Unless he pissed you off, then I wouldn't blame you for it if that was the case."

I let out a pitiful laugh that was soon followed by a few soft sobs. "I ran because I couldn't get a hold of my emotions, just as I had let Andromalius slip through... I let him through and hurt Huening Kai."

"I understand your emotions are a bit to handle right now, it will get easier though. And what happened, at least you got control before he could be hurt too badly."

"That's the thing, I didn't gain control. Rerek did it!" I throw my hands up as I let out a humorless laugh. "I did nothing at all! At the end of the day, I'm still that useless human that can't do anything ri-"

"Shut your mouth." Yeonjun cut me off as he popped up right in front of me, pulling me into his chest. "You are not useless in any way at all. You're not weak. You're learning, and soon enough you will have full control and everything will be okay."

"How can you say that after what happened? Why is no one pissed at me?" I ask as I grip at his wet shirt.

"The only person that could ever be pissed at you, is you. We all understand what you're going through to an extent. We all went through becoming immortal as well. It's not a fun easy experience."

He steps back and leans down a bit, brushing the wet hair away from my face.

"Listen to me, Evelyn. Stop being so hard on yourself. The way to get around this is, we will just make sure you're with two of us while you train with weapons. That sound okay?"

I nod, I was not going to fight them on that, not if it kept anyone else from getting hurt because of me.

"Good," He leaned forward and placed a light kiss on my forehead. The heat from his lips made me close my eyes in contentment.

I let out a sigh as I opened my eyes again, offering him a soft smile.

Yeonjun takes a step back and holds his hand out to me. "Would you dance in the rain with me?" He asked with a big goofy grin.

"Yeah," I reply as I step forward and take his hand. I laugh as he spins me around and into his chest.

"You're so beautiful, Evelyn."

I let out a small laugh as I imagined how I must look, soaked to the bone from the rain we were now dancing in.

"You're so silly, Yeonjun." I say to him as I press my face into his chest, all the crazy emotions that were swirling around earlier, were all gone. There was nothing but warmth left in my chest as we both made a slow circle in the same spot, Yeonjun spinning me here and there.

"Yeonjun!" I sequel as he dipped me down a little too far for my liking.

He laughed as he pulled me back up.


Shorter than normal. I could be wrong, but this end part was so sweet😭

I just had to give them a moment to dance with one another and whats more cliché then in the rain? Lol, I liked it tho and hope you guys do too!

Have a great day/night!<3 

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