Chapter 80

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I could pick up on about ten demons resting on the main floor. In the car park there seemed to only be a handful of them. That helped ease my nerves, until I started scanning the upper floors.

I snap my eyes open and take a breath in before focusing once more.

"Guy's this is about to be hell..."

The upper floors were packed to the brim with lesser demons. "I can't get an exact count, but it's packed. Jay you have about five for you. Tiswan, we have ten on the main floor."

"Okay, you two get the main floor cleared and keep any exits covered, I'll get these down here and meet you up there after." Jay responded through the ear piece.

"Ready Tiswan?"

"Let's get this over with."

I pull my smoke back and send it to cover any doors or windows that the demons could use to escape.


I hear the back door being kicked in. I jump into action, throwing the front door open before covering it with a wall of thick smoke.

My eyes burned as they shifted, my hands gripping for the throwing knives strapped to my thighs as demons jumped to attention. "Two down."

"Make that four, five."

Tiswan and I clear the bottom floor fairly quickly as Jay does the same to the car park.

I gather my knives that lay among the ashes that were once demons. Once I had all my weapons back in place and ready for the next round, I turn and nod to Jay as he joins us.

"This was the easy part, once we make it up to the next floor, we're going to have to split. Evelyn, can you keep the stairs and windows blocked?" Jay asked as he brushed his dark hair back off his forehead.

I tighten the ponytail my hair was in and nod. "Yeah, I'll hold it as long as I need too. I've never tested time limit on how long I can do it but, it's about time I learn."

"Alert us when you feel like it's starting to affect you. If we have to chase a few down that's fine, don't put yourself at risk of getting hurt. I don't need to be on Yeonjun's bad side."

I shake my head with a small smile. "I'll let you know."

As we turn to the stairs I catch Tiswan's eye and give her a nod. She had done well so far.

I roll my shoulders back before letting the smoke that blocked the stairs down.

All of us had our weapons up in a blink of an eye as demons started to pour down the stairs.


I let out a cuss as I stumble back after killing another demon. It felt like a never ending stream of them, as if they were crawling out of every crack and corner of the building.

I had made it to the top floor, Jay was on the second floor and Tiswan was on the floor between us.

I knew I needed to let the smoke barriers down, but there was still so many of them. I could feel my self growing tired, my arms and legs heavier with every swing I took. But, I couldn't stop, I had to keep swinging, keep cutting demons down and keep them trapped. I needed to do this, I needed to see how far I could push myself before I faced Andromalius.

I cough as I kill another demon, the ash that used to be a solid body blinded me for a moment giving the next demon a chance to knock me down.

I use the force it hit me with as leverage to roll backwards, sending it flying over my head and into the wall behind me.

I get to my feet and brush the hair away from my sweat covered face. My chest was heaving as I leap for the demon as it got to it's feet.

Just as it burst into ash, I hear a scream from the floor below.

"Tiswan? You okay?" I call down the ear piece, not having time to focus on what she said back as I was turned back to the room I was in.

It was suddenly empty, all the demons were fleeing for the stairs.

"Jay, they're headed down the stairs." I inform him as I race out the room, stopping I the hall to block anymore that were trying to get to the floors below.

"These down here are trying to come up..."

"Fuck." I breath out, "I think something is wrong with Tiswan. You hold up down there, I'm going to seal your floor off and get to her."

I don't wait for him to agree as I pop up in the main hall of the third floor. My head swam a little as I turned in a circle trying to spot Tiswan's bright red hair.

I take off towards the east side of the building as I hear her scream again.

I slam my shoulder into the door that was labeled as a storage room. My heart racing as I see Tiswan on the floor, a demon was latched onto her neck with it's teeth.

I rush over and send my sword deep into it's back. As it turned to ash I drop to the floor.

"Tiswan, talk to me." I whisper to her as I push her hair away from her face. "Tiswan, look at me."

I put my hand to the gashes on her neck, trying to slow the flow of black blood that was pouring out. I didn't know much about her healing powers, but it seemed as if they were not working.

"Jay, I got her, but she's badly hurt."

"Can you get her out of here?"

I could get her out, but if I did that then I knew I would no longer be able to hold my barriers up, leaving Jay to face the flood of demons that were still on the other floors.

"I'll bring her to you and two get out. I can't hold the demons back much longer." I couldn't leave either one of them to face the demons alone just because I was still to weak.

"Evelyn, do as I said and get her out. I can handle this."

I shook my head even though he wasn't here to see it. "No, there are still too many."

"I'm going to pick you up and get you out of here." I say to Tiswan as she opened her mouth. "Don't try and talk, I got you. I won't let you die here."

I freeze as I get to my feet, slow clapping echoed off the walls around me.

"He was right, you have such a hero complex."

I turn on my heels and do a double take behind me. Tiswan stood in the door way looking fine, not a hair out of place. But yet, she still laid at my feet bleeding out.

"Oh that?" She asked as she looked at herself on the floor. "Just a little trick of mine. No one really seemed to care to figure out what all I could do." She added with a smirk.

Her body that lay on the floor slowly melted away leaving nothing but a puddle of dark blood.

I reach for my sword ready to snatch it out. "What do you want? Why were those demons coming here?"

"For you, of course."

The breath gets knocked out of me as I get tackled to the floor.

"Remember to keep her alive." Tiswan called out to the demons that rushed past her. "I need to go get the other one."

"Jay, get out of here! It's a trap!" I manage to get out before my ear piece gets ripped out as I jerk my head to the side to avoid the demons mouth.

I slip my hand down my torso to my leg where I had one knife left. I rip it out and quickly stab it into the demons side.

It screeched as it jerked back. I bring my feet up and kick it off of me. I roll towards my sword, grabbing it and getting to my feet. I bring it around in a semi-circle, severing the demons head.

Fractured • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now