Chapter 43

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I almost spit my coffee out as I heard what Soobin had just said.

"Huening Kai is going to train me? With swords?"

"Yes? Is there a problem?" He asked as he looked up from his plate.

I shake my head. "No, I just don't know how good I'll be at using a sword..." I really didn't, I had been forced to use one before and I killed a girl only by luck.

"You'll do fine, Huening Kai is the best out of all of us when it comes to training new people with swords."

"Okay..." I think over what I had seen Huening Kai do in hell when they went after the last parts of my soul. It still gives me chills when the image of him in his natural form pops up in my mind. He was the perfect image of a vengeful angel.

I grab my head as I close my eyes, a pain had shot through my skull to the back of my eyes.

"You okay?" Beomgyu asked from his spot at the table.

"Yeah, just a little headache." I brushed it off, a headache was nothing.

"Immortals aren't meant to just get random headaches..." Beomgyu said as he stood up and walked over to me.

"It stopped already? I was just recalling a memory from when I was dead, maybe that was the reason?"

"Maybe we should hold off on the training for today," Soobin said with a sigh.

"No, I can do it." I snap out a little too fast. "I'm fine, I think it was just because the memory is all."

I was glad Yeonjun had left already with Taehyun, or they might try and step in and overreact.

"Huening Kai, how do you feel about it?" Soobin asked the angel.

Huening Kai looked from me to Soobin and back and forth with wide eyes.

"I-I think..."

I widen my eyes to try and get my point across that I was fine to train.

"I think she will be okay. Like she said, it maybe just because of a memory from when she was dead."

"I've never had pain from memories like that..." Soobin commented as he looked at me.

I fix my face quickly and shrug. "Your soul also didn't shatter like mine did."

"She's got a point."

"Thank you Beomgyu!"

"Fine," Soobin sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "You just better stop if you feel off, even a little bit. Yeonjun and Taehyun will kill me if I let you get hurt."

"You got it, captain." I say while I mock salute him.

"Smart ass."

"That I am." I send Soobin a bright smile.


My eyes scanned the wall that was covered in so many different weapons. I would definitely never learn the names to most of them. 

I have never been in this room on the third level of the dorm building. The door was usually locked, so on days when I used to wander around. I had never come in here before.

"This is crazy," I say to Huening Kai as I walk over to where he stood digging around under the table that was about hip high lining the wall under all the weapons.

"You've never been in here?" He questioned as he stood up, two wooden swords in his hands.

"Nope," I reply as I eye the wooden swords he was holding. They looked as if they had a few miles on them. The wood was chipped and dented all up and down the length of the fake blade.

"That is what's really crazy. I guess you having Rerek in you made the others not want to show you this room." Huening Kai said with a light laugh.

I tilt my head and hum, that was a good reason. Rerek was evil and wanted me dead at the start of our journey. Now, he helped me pretty often. He saved my life a few times as well.

"I'm just glad Rerek came to his senses and helps me out now."

Huening Kai stopped mid-step and turned to face me. "He helps you?"

"Yeah, he has saved my life a few times. He helped me with Andromalius right before he helped me wake up."

"I guess even old powerful demons can change. You have something about you, Evelyn."

"Something about me? I know I attract a lot of trouble." I let out a humorless laugh.

Huening Kai laughed a little as well. "Something else, somehow you helped Yeonjun change. You even got Rerek to change as well..."

"No," I shake my head and raise my hands. "Yeonjun first changed because of our old bond. Rerek only changed because he knows he is stuck with me now."

"I don't know."

"I do know." I hold my hand out, letting him know to pass me a sword.

He sets it in my hand and steps back as I swing it a little, trying to get a feel for it's weight.

"I'm probably about to suck," I say as I look up and meet Huening Kai's gaze.

"Everyone has to start somewhere."

I nod as I get into a stance that I figured may be right, but I knew right away it was wrong. Huening Kai bursting into laughter let me know I was doing something completely wrong.

"What?" I ask as I go back into a normal standing position.

"You looked as if you were getting ready to just throw the sword." He said before he burst out laughing again.

I roll my eyes despite the smile on my face. I couldn't get frustrated with him, his happy mood was just far to contagious.

"How about you show me then." I gesture for him to show me how to actually do it the right way.

I watch as he places his right foot forward and places his left one back just a little, bracing himself in place. He brought the arm with the sword up a few inches away from his face.

"It's best to be centered, but able to move easily anyway needed. You have to think of the sword as an extension of your arm."

I watched as he twirled it a bit before making a few vert fast arches in the air, adding a jab here and there.

"That looks so easy."

"It does?" He asked with a big smile as he stood up normally.

"I was being sarcastic." I deadpan causing his smile to drop. "That looks hard as fuck!"

"Language! Why do you cuss so much?"

"I feel like cuss words are just seasonings that help spice up my sentences." I offer him a goofy grin as he groaned and shook his head. 


I am not good with fighting/sword terminology lol. So I am so sorry if the next chapter sucks. i may try and just skip the training part bc I don't want it to be to bad😅

I hope you're all doing well. It's almost the weekend! (I act as if I'm excited lol I never have plans they sometimes happen last min if I do have some) 

I will try and update more tomorrow!!

Hope you all have a great night/day<3

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